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Working with the VLAN Manager (Standard Flow)

Table of Contents

Step 1) Add Domain

Users will already have a non-editable Default Domain created, which may house VLANs entered under the previous VLAN text field, however, you may choose to create new domains. To create a new VLAN domain, navigate to the VLAN Admin Tab, in the Admin area of ProVision, and click on "Add Domain".

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Enter the domain name, and select whether it is standard or extended - Standard has a range of VLAN IDs from 1-1005;  Extended from 1006-4094. 

NOTE: The ProVision UI and API has restricted usage of VLANs 1 and 1002-1005 in tagging and selecting or searching VLANs. 

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Click "Add", and your new domain will be added to the Domain list below.

Viewing the Domain List

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If a domain already has VLANs enabled for it, clicking on the "+" sign in front of the domain name will expand the domain list to show enabled VLANs.

The numbers in parentheses under the domain name (21/1000) indicate the quantity of enabled VLANs over the available pool of VLANs to select from. There are 5 VLANs (1, 1002-1005) which are reserved, and not included in the count. 

Edit a Domain

The Default Domain is not editable, however users may edit the name of user-created domains. Once a domain has been created, users may not edit the range (standard / extended) of a domain - if a domain is created with a mistaken range, it must be deleted and re-created. 

To edit a domain, click on the "Manage" button next to the domain name.

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Then, edit the name as desired and hit "Save". 

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Remove a Domain

To edit a domain, click on the "Manage" button next to the domain name.

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Then, edit the name as desired and hit "Save". 

Step 2) Add VLANs to a Domain (Enable)

After creating domains, VLANs need to be added (enabled) for that domain out of the pool of available VLANs. 


Go to the IPAM Tab, and then either select VLAN from the IPAM dropdown menu, or click "VLAN" from the radio buttons that appear on the IPAM page. 

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This takes you to the IPAM - VLAN page, which shows an overview of Domains and VLANs on the left sidebar (click the + next to the domain names to see the enabled VLANs under each domain), and similar to the IPAM page, shows IPAM Utilization data for each Domain / VLAN pair. Clicking on the wrench will open "VLAN Manage", which has the same type of functionality for IP blocks as IPAM Manage, but organized under the scope of that VLAN. 

Add VLANs to a Domain (Enable)

In the IPAM - VLAN page VLAN sidebar, click "Add". 

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This changes the sidebar into a VLAN search module. Select the desired domain, range of VLANs to view, and click "Search". 

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Note: If VLAN Tags have already been applied to a range of VLANs, you may also include VLAN tag criteria in your search. If tags have not been created or applied to a range of VLANs, searching by tags will not return results.

Below the search criteria, the results list will show VLANs meeting your criteria. 

Select the desired VLANs to enable for the domain - you may either select all VLANs in your results list, or check VLANs individually.

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When done selecting the VLANs, click "Enable Selected VLANs". The selected VLANs will now be enabled for the domain, show in Domain / VLAN lists, and be available to edit or add blocks to. To add more VLANs to another domain, click "Reset" and repeat the process. If done, hit the "Cancel" button at the top of the Add VLAN module, and you will return to the main IPAM - VLAN page view. 

Edit a VLAN

You can edit a VLAN by clicking on the VLAN in the VLAN List sidebar, then selecting "Edit". 

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You cannot change the Domain of the VLAN, but you can add a descriptive text name, or apply a VLAN tag (if using the tag system).

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After making your changes, click the "Save" button. The named VLAN will now show both VLAN number and name when viewing Domain / VLAN lists or when working with blocks. 

Step 3) Add Blocks to VLANs

After VLANs have been enabled for domains, you can associate those VLANs with IP blocks. 

Add / Update Blocks to VLAN from VLAN - Manage IPs:

While in the IPAM Tab -> VLAN Page, expand the desired domain and click on a VLAN. Then select "Manage IPs". 

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This opens up a window where IP Blocks may be associated to the VLAN. From here, you can "Direct Assign" a block to the VLAN, "Browse Assign" blocks, or Search for a block to add to the VLAN. 

Direct Add Block to VLAN:

Directly add a known, available IP Block by typing in the CIDR, then hitting "Add IP Block". 

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When complete, the block will be added to the "Assigned IP Blocks" list on the right of the window, with the option to remove if desired. 

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Browse IP Blocks to add to VLAN:

Browse blocks available to add to the VLAN by clicking on the "List available blocks" link above the IP block input box. 

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This opens a window similar to the "Smart Browse" used in assigning IPs to a resource - just select IPv4, IPv6 blocks, or Resources to browse from the radio buttons at the top of the list. 

When you have selected the block to add, click "add to VLAN". 

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The selected block will automatically fill in the block input box - just hit "Add to IP Block" below the input to finalize the addition. 

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When complete, the block will be added to the "Assigned IP Blocks" list on the right of the window, with the option to remove if desired. 

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Search IP Blocks to add to VLAN:

Select search criteria of IPv4 / IPv6, size, RIR, Region, or Associated Tags / Tag selection mode to create a filtered list of IP blocks meeting that criteria. Then, click "Search".

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This opens a window with filtered results matching your criteria. 

When you have selected the block to add, click "add to VLAN". 

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The selected block will automatically fill in the block input box - just hit "Add to IP Block" below the input to finalize the addition. 

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When complete, the block will be added to the "Assigned IP Blocks" list on the right of the window, with the option to remove if desired. 

Add / Update VLAN to Blocks from IP Manage or VLAN Manage:

When editing a block in either IP Manage (IPAM Tab -> Action Menu (wrench) -> Manage), or VLAN Manage (IPAM Tab - VLAN -> Action Menu (wrench)) , you can select an existing domain and VLAN to associate to the block. 

From either of the Manage screens, click on the Action Menu (wrench icon) for the desired block, the select "Edit". 

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In the Edit Attributes page for the block, change the Domain to the desired item, then select the VLAN. Hit save when done. Image Added

titleVLANs and Child Blocks

NOTE: Child blocks whose Parent blocks already have an assigned Domain / VLAN, may not have domains and VLANs changed to be different than the Parent Block's values. If you attempt to save domain / VLAN changes to a child block under this situation, an error will occur.

i.e., Parent and Child IP Blocks must have matching Domain / VLAN values.

Add / Update VLAN to Blocks from IPAM Gadget:

You may also add / edit Domain /VLAN information when editing a block in the IPAM Gadget. From the IP block's Action Menu (wrench icon), select "Edit". 

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Then, in the Edit Attributes menu that pops up, select the desired Domain / VLAN information, and click "save". 

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Working with VLAN Tags - OPTIONAL

VLAN tags provide further organizational / search criteria when searching for VLANs to enable.

Creating VLAN Tags

Create VLAN Tags from the VLAN Admin Tab, in the Admin area of ProVision, and select "Edit Tags" from the dropdown.

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To add a new VLAN tag, click on "Add Item" at the top of the Edit List: VLAN Tags page. 

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Then, type in the desired name value for the new tag, and hit "Add Item". The new tag will be added to the list below. 

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To edit a tag, simply type your changes in to the text box with the tag name. Tags with unsaved changes will be highlighted until saved. 

To delete a tag, click on the red "delete" symbol to the right of the tag name. 

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When complete, be sure to click on the "Save" button to save your changes. 

Once VLAN tags have been created, they will be available to add to VLAN ranges and use in the "Add VLAN" search function. 

Add VLAN Tags to VLANs

VLAN tags may be added to VLANs in two ways: Editing an already-enabled VLAN (VLAN Edit), or by assigning the tag to a range of VLANs from the Domain VLAN pool (un-enabled VLANs, which are then available to search by VLAN tag to enable).

Add Tag to an Enabled VLAN

Edit an existing, already enabled VLAN by clicking on the VLAN in the VLAN List sidebar, then selecting "Edit". 

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Apply a VLAN tag from clicking in the "VLAN Tags" box, and selecting one or more VLAN Tags. 

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After making your changes, click the "Save" button. Tagged VLANs will be viewable in the VLAN Chart a single tag points under VLAN Admin - Domain Manage. 

Add Tag to a Range of  the VLAN Pool

You can also tag a range of the (un-enabled) VLANs in a domain's VLAN pool. Then, when moving on to enable a set of VLANs for a Domain, you can select those VLANs by tag. 

Go to the VLAN Admin Tab in the Admin area of ProVision. Then, next to the desired domain, click "Manage".

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This brings up the page to edit the domain or view a chart of VLAN tags (y axis) to VLANs in the available pool (x axis). 

Bulk assign tags to ranges by:

    1. Select tag to assign in dropdown below chart
    2. Type desired VLAN start and end for range
    3. Click "Add Tag Range" to set and save. 
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    4. Hovering over the range in the chart will bring up a menu to allow for untagging individual VLAN points or the full range
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    5. Untagging a single point will split the tag range into two separate ranges that behave independly.
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    6. After making desired changes, hit the save button to save and exit. 

Once assigned, the tags show as a property of the VLAN block in the VLAN edit menu and may be used for VLAN Searches / Assignments.