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LDAP Authentication


We currently have an LDAP server running on  Like Radius, the purpose of the LDAP server is central authentication. You supply the server with a username and a password and, if everything checks out, the server spits back a list of all groups the user belongs to.





To query the LDAP server, punch this line into any server which has openLDAP enabled, which is almost all of them.


 ldapsearch -h [IPADDRESS] -D [DOMAIN] -w [PASSWORD] [USER]




The "-h" flag is straightforward, indicating the IP of the server. Don't even try getting this to accept IPv6 addresses -- every site mentions a different format; none of them work.




The "-w" flag indicates the password.




The "-D" flag marks the descent into crazypants wackytown.  This is the "domain" of the LDAP search, which I don't understand one bit, but is apparently super-important.  I guess its analogous to the database selector when querying off a MySQL server?  I dunno.  You should not need to modify this field.




And at the end you add in the User (or users, or groups, or whatever) you want to query the LDAP server on, again in that fun fun LDAP format.




Here is a practical example of an LDAP query:




ldapsearch -h -D "cn=Mayor,ou=people,dc=6connect,dc=com" -w testpass "cn=MajorMiner"




When configuring the ProVision tool, you don't have to worry about much of that.  Use the following settings on admin.php:




    LDAP Enable:  check


    LDAP Server Address:


    LDAP Port:  389 (SSL/TLS port is 636, but is not enabled on


    LDAP Security:  None


    LDAP Auth DN:  cn=%LOGIN%,ou=people,dc=6connect,dc=com


    LDAP Fetch DN:  cn=%LOGIN%




Right now the only configured user is:




    Login:  MajorMiner


    Password:  testpass




This user is part of the Global Admins group, as well as a few nonexistant groups.




Adding new users to LDAP is an incredible pain.  You have to SSH into and create an 'ldif' file.  Example:




    dn: cn=MajorMiner,ou=people,dc=6connect,dc=com


    cn: MajorMiner


    sn: MajorMiner


    objectclass: top


    objectclass: person


    objectclass: sixConnectPermissionsV2


    sixConnGroup: "Global Admins"


    sixConnGroup: "bonk"


    sixConnGroup: "poof"


    sixConnGroup: "grood"


    userPassword: testpass




To create a new user, make a new ldif file and change all instances of "MajorMiner" to whatever username you wish to create.  Do not remove any of the objectclass definitions.  Change the userPassword to whatever the password is going to be.  Yes, in plaintext.  I KNOW.  Add as many "sixConnGroup" declarations as groups the user is in.




After the file is created, run the following command to add the new user to LDAP server:




ldapadd -h [SERVER] -x -f [LDIF FILE] -D [ROOTDN] -w [ROOT PW] -v








ldapadd -h localhost -x -f 6connect.ldif -D "cn=Manager,dc=6connect,dc=com" -w secret -v




I'm just going to say straight-up that I don't know what the -x and -v flags do, but they sure do do it.




[SERVER] and [LDIF FILE] are self, explanitory, but "-D [ROOTDN]" is another spate of LDAP-speak tourettes.  Just don't change it.




After that command is run, the new user should be active.  You don't have to restart the server.  But honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if you had to on MS implementations.