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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from this space and version 6.0.0


The initial setup of the Secure64 Authoritive Authoritative server is as follows:

Step 1: Create an nsd.conf file under the root directory / of your S64 Auth server


Step 3: Setup and Configure 6connect ProVision for your Secure64 DNS Server

Go to the 6connect Admin area and click on the DNS Admin Tab. Click on the "New Server" button.
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To create a new server, start from the DNS Tab, select the DNS Servers sub menu. Then, click the "Add Server" button next to "DNS Server List".

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This will open the "Server Settings" page.

Server Settings 

1) Set Server Common Settings

In the "Common Settings" section of Server Settings, enter the new server's Display Name (the name that will appear on the ProVision interface), the FQDN / IP, server type, DNS service type, and desired parent Resource (may be left at the default Top Level Resource). For Secure64 servers, ensure that DNS Service is set to "Secure64 Authority", "Secure64 x86 Authority", "Secure64 KNOT Authority", or "Secure64 Cache".

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2) Set Server Specific Settings

The next section is entering server service-type specific settings. The options visible in this section will depend on the "DNS Service" type chosen under "Common Settings". 

Here, we see the fields for Secure64 server settings.

Enter the server Username, Password, Port, Remote Directory, Named Conf. Path, and whether to enabled SNMP. 

For SSH Public Key Authentication and Dynamic Option updates, click on the ON / OFF toggle to select "ON" or "OFF" for each as needed. 

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After entering the server-specific settings in this section, you can click the "Test Server" button at the top of the section to test the server connection and authentication. 

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A window will pop up showing a success or failure response.

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3) Set DNS Group Settings for Server

In the last section, select whether to enable support for exporting DNS Groups as Views (click to toggle ON / OFF), and select a default Group, if desired, to be associated with the server. Zones assigned to the selected Group will automatically be attached to the server. 

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4) Save Changes

Save your changes when done! Just click the "Save Changes" button at the bottom right of the page. 

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Step 4: Associate

Step 4: Test the Secure64 DNS Server configuration

Press the Test Config button for the DNS Server you setup.
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A success or error message will show.


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zones to your Secure64 DNS Server(s)

Select the "Bulk DNS Change Tools" link under the DNS Defaults and Tools section of the page. It is also available under the DNS Admin dropdown menu.

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If a default Group was selected while setting up the S64 server, then any zones in that Group will automatically be associated with the server. 

Zones may be manually added, moved, or imported into the Group - see Working with DNS Zones - Common Tasks and Working with DNS Groups for details on associating zones with Groups. 

If zones are to be imported, a DNS Group may be selected during the import process to associate with the zones.

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Select the group specified as the default S64 server Group, then import the zones as described in the  Import DNS Zones documentation.

Step 5

titleSearch Tip

No character in the search area indicates a search for all zones

Select the Secure64 server under Assign To, choose whether as a Master / Slave, and hit "Assign" to assign the above zones to this server.
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: Push Zones to Secure64 Server(s)

Under DNS Zone Transfers, verify the server and the zones to transfer. To view the zone names, click on the # Zones link next to the server.


Navigate back to the DNS tab, and select the "DNS Servers" tab.  

 Locate the Secure64 server in the DNS Servers list, and then click the "Push" button under "Actions" at the end of the row.

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Step 6


: Verify DNS Zone push on Secure64 Server(s)

The result of the Push can be checked/verified by checking the Secure64 server as follows:



[authdnsadmin@Secure64DNS]# cd 6connectGeneric

[authdnsadmin@Secure64DNS]# cd test12

changed to test12
[authdnsadmin@Secure64DNS]# ls
﹤DIR﹥ 1024 2013-08-16 19:43:21 6connectGeneric
[authdnsadmin@Secure64DNS]# cd 6connectGeneric
changed to 6connectGeneric
[authdnsadmin@Secure64DNS]# ls
﹤DIR﹥ 1024 2013-08-16 17:30:13 e
﹤DIR﹥ 1024 2013-08-16 17:30:16 m
﹤DIR﹥ 1024 2013-08-16 18:49:21 d
﹤DIR﹥ 1024 2013-08-16 19:43:23 s
[authdnsadmin@Secure64DNS]# cd m
changed to m
[authdnsadmin@Secure64DNS]# ls
[]# ls
5192 2013-08-21 15:35:01
6758 2013-08-21 15:35:02




7: Validate Zone data in Your Infrastructure

Finally, do a dig of the zones to verify the DNS configuration has been successfully deployed.
