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 DHCPv2 Module

The DHCPv2 system is built upon the Resource API, so actions relating to DHCP tasks are largely expressed in terms of Resource actions.  

This section describes common DHCP tasks and how they are accomplished via the DHCPv2 system.


get all DHCP-enabled resources

DescriptionFinds all resources from section 'dhcp_module,' which indicates that their parents are DHCP-enabled. Adding in other Resource-Get API parameters can filter this list further.


SUCCESSFUL:{"success":1,"message":"Search successful","data":[{"id":"1432", "name":"1392 DHCP Module" ,"slug":"1392-dhcp-module", "type":"dhcp_module", "parent_id":"1392", "category_id":null, "attr":{"_dhcp_attributes":"{\"type\":\"ISC\", \"notes\":\"\", \"username\":\"\", \"port\":\"\", \"config_test\":\"\/etc\/init.d\/dhcpd configtest\", \"server_stop\":\"\/etc\/init.d\/dhcpd stop\", \"server_start\":\"\/etc\/init.d\/dhcpd start\", \"config_path\":\"\", \"option_routers\":\"\", \"option_domain_name_servers\":\"\", \"option_domain_name\":\"\", \"authoritative\":\"1\", \"default_lease_time\":\"600\", \"max_lease_time\":\"7200\", \"local_port\":\"67\", \"log_facility\":\"local7\", \"password\":\"\", \"server_ip\":\"\", \"freeLines\":0}", "_dhcp_config_id":"33"}}], "result_count":1, "found_count":1}
ERROR:{"success":0, "message":"error message"}

Data Return Detail:

idINTEGERID of the dhcp_module resource
nameSTRINGThe name of the dhcp_module
slugSTRINGThe unique reference string for this resource
typeSTRINGAlways 'dhcp_module
parent_idINTEGERThe resource to which the dhcp_module is attached
category_idINTEGERThe category to which this dhcp_module is associated
result_countINTEGERHow many dhcp_modules are returned in this search.
found_countINTEGERHow many dhcp_modules were found in this query, without pagination.


_dhcp_attributesJSONA JSON-encoded string containing all the specific configuration parameters which govern this DHCP server. An expansion of the JSON object is given below in the Data Attributes section.

create a new DHCP-enabled resource

DescriptionA resource becomes a DHCP-enabled by adding a special "dhcp_module" resource as a child. This action is identical to a normal Resource Create command.
URL/api/v1/api.php?target=resource&action=add&meta[type]=dhcp_module&meta[name]=2163 DHCP Module&meta[parent_id]=2163


SUCCESSFUL:{"success":1,"message":"Resource added","data":{"id": 2165,"name" :"2163 DHCP Module","slug": "2163-dhcp-module-2","type" :"dhcp_module","parent_id": 2163,"category_id": null,"attr":[]}}
ERROR:{"success":0, "message":"error message"}

Return Detail:

idINTEGERID of the newly created dhcp_module
nameSTRINGThe name of the dhcp_module
slugSTRINGThe unique reference string for this resource
typeSTRINGAlways 'dhcp_module'
parent_idINTEGERThe resource to which the dhcp_module is attached
category_idINTEGERThe category to which this dhcp_module is associated

update a DHCP-enabled resource with new configuration info

DescriptionModifying an existing dhcp_module uses the identical commands as all other Resource-Update actions. An example of configuring a DHCP server is given below.
URL/api/v1/api.php?target=resource&action=update&meta[id]=2178 &meta[type]=dhcp_module&fields[_dhcp_attributes][]={"type":"ISC","notes":"notes go here","username":"username","port":"port","config_test":"/etc/init.d/dhcpd configtest","server_stop":"/etc/init.d/dhcpd stop","server_start":"/etc/init.d/dhcpd start","config_path":"/tmp/dhcpd.conf","option_routers":"","option_domain_name_servers":"","option_domain_name":"","authoritative":"1","default_lease_time":"600","max_lease_time":"7200","local_port":"67","log_facility":"local7","password":"password","server_ip":"","freeLines":3,"freeLine1":"free line 1","freeLine2":"free line 2","freeLine3":"free line 3"}


SUCCESSFUL:{"success": 1,"message": "Resource Updated","data": {"id":"2166" ,"name":"2163 DHCP Module", "slug":"2163-dhcp-module-3" ,"type":"dhcp_module", "parent_id":"2163", "category_id":null ,"attr":{"_dhcp_attributes": "{\"type\":\"ISC\", \"notes\":\"notes go here\", \"username\":\"username\", \"port\":\"port\", \"config_test\":\"\\\/etc\\\/init.d\\\/dhcpd configtest\" ,\"server_stop\":\"\\\/etc\\\/init.d\\\/dhcpd stop\" ,\"server_start\":\"\\\/etc\\\/init.d\\\/dhcpd start\",\"config_path\":\"\\\/tmp\\\/dhcpd.conf\", \"option_routers\":\"\", \"option_domain_name_servers\":\"\", \"option_domain_name\":\"\", \"authoritative\":\"1\", \"default_lease_time\":\"600\", \"max_lease_time\":\"7200\", \"local_port\":\"67\", \"log_facility\":\"local7\" ,\"password\":\"**********\", \"server_ip\":\"\", \"freeLines\":3, \"freeLine1\":\"free line 1\", \"freeLine2\":\"free line 2\", \"freeLine3\":\"free line 3\"}"}}}
ERROR:{"success":0, "message":"error message"}

Return Detail:

idINTEGERID of the newly created dhcp_module
nameSTRINGThe name of the dhcp_module
slugSTRINGThe unique reference string for this resource
typeSTRINGAlways 'dhcp_module'
parent_idINTEGERThe resource to which the dhcp_module is attached
category_idINTEGERThe category to which this dhcp_module is associated


_dhcp_attributesJSONA JSON-encoded string containing all the specific configuration parameters which govern this DHCP server. An expansion of the JSON object is given below in the Data Attributes section.


Data Attributes



DescriptionThe _dhcp_attributes data attribute holds the specific settings used to generate a DHCP configuration file, place it on a server via SCP, and restart that server via a SSH session.
Example:{"type":"ISC", "notes":"notes here", "username":"username", "port":"22", "config_test":"/etc/init.d/dhcpd configtest", "server_stop":"/etc/init.d/dhcpd stop", "server_start":"/etc/init.d/dhcpd start", "config_path":"/tmp/dhcpd.conf", "option_routers":"", "option_domain_name_servers":"", "option_domain_name":"", "authoritative":"1", "default_lease_time":"600", "max_lease_time":"7200", "local_port":"67", "log_facility":"local7", "password":"", "server_ip":"", "freeLines":0}

Data Description

typeSTRINGThe type of DHCP server being administered. Currently only 'ISC' is supported.
notesSTRINGNotes associated with this DHCP server
server_ipSTRINGThe IP address of the DHCP server

The SSH username employed when transferring the DHCP configuration file to the server.

passwordSTRINGThe SSH password employed when transferring the DHCP configuration file to the server.
portINTEGERThe SSH port employed when transferring the DHCP configuration file to the server.
config_testSTRINGThe command to test if a configuration file parses correctly. ex: /etc/init.d/dhcpd configtest
server_stopSTRINGThe command to stop the DHCP server. ex: /etc/init.d/dhcpd stop
server_startSTRINGThe command to start the DHCP server. ex: /etc/init.d/dhcpd start
config_pathSTRINGWhere to place the configuration file on the server.
authoritativeBOOLWhether or not this DHCP server is authoritative.
default_lease_timeINTEGERThe default lease time for IPs distributed by this DHCP server.
max_lease_timeINTEGERThe max lease time for IPs distributed by this DHCP server.
local_portINTEGERThe port on which this DHCP server listens
option_routersSTRINGThe information which populates the "routers" option in the DHCP configuration


STRINGThe information which populates the "domain_name_servers" option in the DHCP configuration
option_domain_nameSTRINGThe information which populates the "domain_name" option in the DHCP configuration
log_facilitySTRINGThe log facility to which this DHCP Server sends its logging information
freeLinesINTEGERAs this system cannot hope to support all the thousands of different DHCP configurations, ProVision's DHCPv2 system includes a mechanism for adding "free lines" to the end of certain DHCP config sections so that administrators can customize their DHCP config file to their needs. The "freeLines" field indicates how many of these lines exist to be inserted after the general server definition section but before the subnets and hosts are enumerated.
freeLine#STRINGFree line data to be inserted after the general server definition section but before the subnets and hosts are enumerated. There can be multiple instances of this attribute, numbered appropriately. ex: "freeLine1", "freeLine2", "freeLine3", etc. The number of freeLine# entries must match the number in the "freeLines" attribute.
_dhcp_config_idINTEGERA reference to the DHCP Config file written within the system. This field is maintained by the DHCPv2 system itself and should not be set externally.




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