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DescriptionGet a resource or resources
SUCCESSFUL: {"success":1,"message":"Search successful","data":[{"id":"57","name":"2nd Email","slug":"6c-contact-email2","type":"field","parent_id":"1","category_id":null,"attr":[]}]}
ERROR: {"success":0,"message":"Search failed"}
Optional Parameters
nameSTRINGName of the resource. Example: 6Connect, Inc.
slugSTRINGThe unique URL friendly name of the resource. Example: 6connect-inc
typeSTRINGType of resource (eg. entry, field, category)


At most, one of the following:

idINTEGERGet the resource which has this ID
resource__inARRAYGet any resource which has any of these IDs
resource__not_inARRAYGet all the resources which do not have any of these IDs


At most, one of the following:

parent_idINTEGERGet the resources whose parent has this ID
parent__inARRAYGet any resource whose parents have any of these IDs
parent__not_inARRAYGet all resources whose parents do not have any of these IDs


At most, one of the following:

category_idINTEGERGet the resources of the category that has this ID
category__inARRAYGet the resources of the categories that have any of these IDs
category__not_inARRAYGet the resources of all the categories that do not have any of these IDs

You can set the order of the results by setting the STRING value of the parameter orderby to one of the following :

  • none
  • id
  • name (default)
  • slug
  • type
  • parent_id
  • date
  • resource__in (preserve order given in the resource__in array)


You can set the direction of the ordering of the results by setting the STRING value of the parameter order to one of the following :

  • ASC  (default)
  • DESC


You can further limit the results based on attributes the resources may have:

attr_keySTRINGThe name of the attribute. Example: network-fqdn
attr_valueSTRINGThe value of any attribute, or if attr_key is specified, the value of the attribute defined in attr_key.

If both attr_key and attr_value are given, the results are by default compared based on the value given as attr_value being equal to the value stored in the database. You can optionally change this by setting the STRING value of attr_compare to one of the following:

  • =  (default)
  • !=
  • ﹥=
  • ﹤=
  • LIKE
  • IN
  • NOT IN


You can restrict the range of the resources returned.

resources_per_pageINTEGERHow many resources to return.
offsetINTEGERHow many resources to offset (the initial resource is 0, not 1).
pagedINTEGERThe page to return (starts at 1, not 0). This parameter is provided for convenience and is used to calculate the offset where: offset=(paged-1)*resources_per_page
Example URL/api/v1/api.php?target=resource&action=get&id=7
