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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from this space and version 7.1.0


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The IPAM tab contains three sub-tabs: IPAM, VLAN, and Logging.  

The IPAM tab provides a listing of top-level aggregate blocks and , tools to add, merge, and manage aggregates, as well as multiple data visualizations.

The VLAN tab (Admin only) shows an overview of Domains and VLANs on the left sidebar, and IPAM Utilization data organized by each Domain / VLAN pair. From here, Admins may enabled VLANs for domains, edit VLANs, add/remove VLAN associations with blocks, and Browse VLAN Manage (similar to IPAM Manage). See VLAN Administration and Working with the VLAN Manager for details. 

Logging (Admin only) provides a quick link to ProVision's logging system, where you can filter to view IPAM-only logs.

Table of Contents

IPAM Tab Overview


Advanced Button

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Opens the IPAM Manage screen for all blocks under all aggregates. See Working with IP Blocks for more information on working in IPAM Manage. 

Add Aggregate


Opens a menu to add an aggregate block with options for RIR, VLAN, Tags, Region, Resource, and enabling Sub-Assignments / DHCP Aggregate. 


Map View:


When done, click "Add Aggregate". The Aggregate will be listed under the Host Utilization and Aggregate Blocks list of the IPAM Tab, and individual blocks under that aggregate may be managed from IPAM Manage. 

Map View

Map View Overview


Map View will show shows aggregate locations / recent assignments in geographical format, based on regions the region assigned to those aggregates. Clicking on a location icon will bring up a current utilization graph and a link to that aggregate's IPAM Manage page if in Aggregates view, or recent assignment details if in Recent Assignments view.  Image Removed

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titleGoogle Geocode API Key Requirement for Map View

Due to changes in Google's licensing and Geocoding API, the geolocation method used for Map View in ProVision versions pre-v7.1.0 is no longer supported.

A Google Geocoding API Key is now required for geolocation data to be accessible by ProVision, and for IPAM Maps to properly determine a Region's location. As a result, IPAM Map View in versions older than 7.1.0 may not accurately display or update location information.

6connect is exploring adding additional map integration options for ProVision. Any customers who require an alternative geocode option supported apart from Google Geocode API key, please contact us at

Enabling Map View

The IPAM aggregate map view may be enabled / disabled from the IPAM Configuration page. Once enabled, a map module will be able to be expanded in the IPAM Tab.

The following criteria must be met for Map view to correctly show data:

  • Map View enabled on the IPAM Configuration page

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  • A Google Geocoding API Key provided in the Edit Regions page. See Edit Regions for additional detail.

    titleHow to Get and Apply a Google Geocoding API Key

    Step 1: Obtain a Google Geocoding API Key

    To get a Google Geocoding API Key, follow the instructions listed here:

    How to get a Google Geocoding API Key

    Note: In order to obtain a Google Geocoding API Key, a company must have a subscription enabled to Google Cloud Platform Console. 

    Step 2: Assign the API Key to IPAM Regions

    Once assigned a Google Geocoding API Key, paste the API key into the IPAM regions page under "Apply google geocode api key" and click the "Assign" button. 

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  • Regions created with a valid "Address" (location) field. See Edit Regions for additional detail.

    titleMore Information on valid Addresses...

    The "Address" field may be a street address, city, airport code, or geo-coordinates. 

    Valid addresses (according to Google's API) will show a green check mark next to the address field, invalid addresses (unable to be mapped) will show a yellow exclamation mark. 

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    titleMiscellaneous Terms as Addresses

    Being that the validity of the "Address" field is determined by Google's API, unexpected location mapping may occur if a company name or other non-location specific term is used in the Address field.

    Google treats the item as a search term and returns the most likely location result back - but it might not be what you were expecting! When in doubt, check the address term by pasting it into Google Search, and verify that the top result returns your desired location.

  • Regions enabled in IPAM Columns and assigned to aggregates / blocks for the IPAM Map view to populate data. See Edit IP Block Attributes for additional detail.

Working in Map View

The map view may be set by either selecting a predefined map area from the "Maps Settings" → "Positioning" dropdown (US, US & Europe, South America, All), or chose a custom area set by zooming / navigating to the desired map area. 

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To save the currently viewable area as the Default view, click the pin icon to "Save current position as Default".

Map View Settings:

VisualiationVisualization: Select "Aggregates" to view all available aggregates with region data, or "Recent Assignments"  made to view block assignments made within the past 30 days.

Positioning Dropdown: Select a predefined area for the map view range: US, US & Europe, South America, or All. 

Save current Position as Default: Click the pin icon to save the current map view range as the default view.

Aggregate Detail Box: 

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Provides utilization data and a shortcut link to the IPAM Manage screen for that aggregate if in "Aggregates" view, or assignment details if in "Recent Assignments" view. 


Aggregate Blocks List


Provides a searchable / filterable listing of all aggregate blocks in the left sidebar. Selecting "All / IPv4 / IPv6 / DHCP" will filter the visible aggregates in the center of the page, links IPAM Manage for the aggregates, and Merge Aggregate functionality. 

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titleWorking with the Aggregate List ...

Search / Filter Aggregates

Search for and filter IPAM Aggregates from the Aggregate Blocks List:

  • Select "All", "IPv4", IPv6", or "DHCP" to sort the list by type (You may also access the type filters by right clicking anywhere in the Aggregate Blocks box)
  • User the filter / search box to search by CIDR, Region, or RIR
  • Search by Region by clicking the "more filters" link
  • A shortcut to IPAM Manage for an aggregate is provided by clicking the "open" link that appears when hovering over an aggregate block in the list.

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To reset the list, right click anywhere in the Aggregates Blocks list and select "Reset View". 

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Merge Aggregates

Top Level Aggregates may be merged from the Aggregate Blocks List by right clicking on the list, and selecting "Select Aggregates" from the menu.

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Then, click the check boxes for the two aggregates you wish to merge, and then right click and select "Merge Selection".

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ProVision will pre-test the merge, and if valid, give you the option to proceed. To Exit out of the selection prior to merging, select "Unselect All". 

Top Level Aggregate Host Utilization Box:

Provides detailed information on that aggregate, including percentage breakdowns, the top five Resources assigned under that aggregate, recent assignments, and additional charts.

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Top Level Aggregate Action Menu (Gear icon):


Top-Level Aggregate / Host Utilization Box Overview

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The Top-Level Aggregate Host Utilization box provides detailed information on that aggregate, including:

  • CIDR: Links to IPAM Manage for the aggregate
  • RIR information: displays the aggregate's RIR, as set at creation (1918, ARIN, RIPE, LACNIC, AfriNIC, APNIC)
  • Aggregate Chart Views: Four Aggregate chart views are available, - PieBarTree, and Grid view. Switch between each chart by clicking on the respective icons in the Aggregate header (marked above). 
  • Aggregate Actions (Gear Icon):


    •  for information on working in IPAM Manage.


    •  Clicking on the Block CIDR in the header also opens the IPAM Manage page.
    • Delete: Deletes the Aggregate (provides a warning).

Aggregate Charts: Four Aggregate chart views are available - Pie, Bar, Tree, and Grid view. Switch between each chart by clicking on the respective icons in the Aggregate header. 

  • Region(s): Displays the primary region(s) associated with the aggregate, either at aggregate creation or from regions associated with blocks under that aggregate. Clicking on the region link for an aggregate will open IPAM Manage for the aggregate, filtered to view blocks associated with that region.
  • Utilization: Utilization displayed as both a pie chart and detailed percentages. Utilization statuses include:
    • Available: A status of "Available" indicates the block is free and able to immediately be assigned or allocated to a resource.
    • Allocated: Allocated blocks have been assigned to an overarching resource, but have subassignments enabled and may have smaller blocks assigned out of them to other Resources, such as customers or DHCP Pools. 
    • Assigned: A status of "Assigned" indicates that the block has been assigned to a Resource, with no subassignment capability, and is unavailable.
    • Holding: Blocks in "Holding" have recently been unassigned, and are held for a set duration in the IPAM Holding Tank, unless otherwise overridden, reassigned, or reclaimed from Holding.
  • Resources: The top five Resources assigned under that aggregate with the most assigned block space.
  • Recent Assignments: The five most recent block assignments under that aggregate, with the CIDR, assigned resource link, and assignment date.

Working with IPAM Aggregates


For additional information on performing IPAM tasks and working with blocks, see the following sections:aggregates and blocks, continue on to Working with IP Aggregates and Working with IP Blocks.

Additional Information

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