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The Encrypted Data gadget allows users to store encrypted notes. 

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Enable gadget by adding to section from "Manage Gadgets" dropdown. Once added click "Edit" to change title and input data.

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Click "Save" to save your changes.

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Once data is entered click "Decode" to view or edit.


The IP Aggregate widget illustrates the percentage of assigned,  unassigned, allocated, and holding tank hosts for a specific netblock.

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IM - 3958, IM - 3959: Improvements to IP Charts widget


New Numbering Authority options "Meta Multi-range" and "Meta IPv6" provide expanded options for not only generating a number from a multi-range / IPv6 set, but also determining the selection ordering mode for the range to generate in forward/backwards/even/odd order (Meta Multi-range) or forward/backwards (Meta IPv6).

Meta Multi-range

The Meta Multi-range numbering type is similar to Multi-range, but includes additional options to specify the ordering sequence.


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    titleCreate a Meta Multi-range Numbering Authority...

    Creating a new Meta Multi-range Numbering Authority:

    Go to Admin → IPAM Admin - Numbering Authority. 

    Under "Create New", enter the following:

      • Name: Name to give the new numbering authority range
      • Type: Select "Meta Multi-range"
      • Domain
        • Ranges: Enter the numbers / number ranges to include
        • Exclude Ranges (optional): Enter any numbers / number ranges to exclude
      • Selection Types:
        • Selection Name: Enter a nickname for each desired selection order to add
        • Selection algorithm: Choose the number ordering method to use for each selection type added. Options are: Forwards, Backwards, Even first, or Odds First. 

    When done, click "Create". The Meta-Multi-range type will be added to the Numbering Authority List.

    To Get Values, Click "Get Next Value" under "Actions", then choose the selection name to use for the number generation.

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    Click "Confirm". The next number, according to the chosen selection order, will be displayed.

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    For Additional information on using Numbering Authority, see IPAM Lists Management - Numbering Authority


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    titleCreate a Meta IPv6 Numbering Authority...

    Creating a new Meta IPv6 Numbering Authority:

    Go to Admin → IPAM Admin - Numbering Authority. 

    Under "Create New", enter the following:

      • Name: Name to give the new numbering authority range
      • Type: Select "Meta Meta IPv6"
      • Domain
        • IP Block: Enter the parent IP Block from which to generate the IPv6 addresses
        • IP Mask: Enter the mask of the parent IP Block
      • Selection Types:
        • Selection Name: Enter a nickname for each desired selection type to add
        • Mask: Enter the desired mask of the child blocks to generate
        • Selection algorithm: Choose the number ordering method to use for each selection type added. Options are: Forwards, Backwards.
        • Create Numbering Domain: If other Meta IPv6 Numbering Authority Domains exist, you may opt to create a new numbering domain from an existing domain each time a number is generated. The automatically generated sub-domain may then have numbers generated independently. This may be useful in cases of complicated hierarchical IPv6 relationships, or which multiple levels of exclusions exists.

    When done, click "Create". The Meta-Multi-range type will be added to the Numbering Authority List.

    To Get Values, Click "Get Next Value" under "Actions", then choose the selection name to use for the number generation.

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    Click "Confirm". The next number, according to the chosen selection order, will be displayed.

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    Meta Domain Creation

    If "Create numbering domain" was set to create a new domain from an existing Meta IPv6 setup, then each time a number is generated a new Meta-IPv6 sub-domain item will be created using the settings from the referenced domain.

    Here, we've created a new Meta IPv6 Numbering Authority "Meta IPv6 Example with Domain", where the selection creates a new domain based off "Meta IPv6 Example". 

    Then, after clicking "Get Next Value" on "Meta IPv6 Example with Domain", not only is the next number provided, but an entirely new numbering domain is created - ("Meta IPv6) Automatic domain for abcd:ef01:2345:1::/64" using the settings referenced from "Meta IPv6" example.

    Once an Automatic domain has been created, it can have values generated and be managed independently from the original parent domain.

    This allows for more complicated hierarchy assignment systems to have numbers generated at each tier separately, using different masks and/or selection ordering.

    For Additional information on using Numbering Authority, see IPAM Lists Management - Numbering Authority


Multiple minor improvements have been made to the Scheduler UI for ease of access and product consistency.

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Related Scheduler improvements include:
