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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space DOC and version 8.0.0
<div id="google_translate_element"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
function googleTranslateElementInit() {
  new google.translate.TranslateElement({pageLanguage: 'en'}, 'google_translate_element');
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>

Developer Tools

6connect ProVision can integrate with your existing tools and workflow through use of the API and CLI.  The 6connect The API allows you to access the data and functions of the 6connect web tools to to run advanced commands in ProVision, and supports a wide variety of update and deletion conditions not available in the UI.


Table of Contents

Theming Customization

In addition to the standard Light / Dark Mode themes available in ProVision, several methods are available to customize the entire product, allowing for additional company branding and fine control over what areas of the product are visible and what are not.



Note: Theming customization requires read/write access on the instance's "assets" directory, and experience using vi or another text editor of your choice to edit options.

Creating a custom theme requires strong CSS knowledge, as well as access and write permissions to your instance's "assets" directory

API Overview

The 6Connect API is a RESTful API to access your data in the 6Connect ProVision tools. ReST relies on stateless, client-server communication, and APIv2 is implemented using the HTTP protocol (the 6Connect APIv2 uses HTTPS)HTTPS protocol. It is a simple and lightweight alternative to Web Services and can implemented in nearly any language. The 6Connect API operates similarly to other popular ReST APIs you may have worked with, such as Facebook or Twitter. 


  • The API only comes with the full 6Connect IPAM full IPAM product. If you would like to upgrade to the full version, contact
  • All transactions are over HTTPS (SSL - port 443) only. Any transaction not using SSL will be rejected, and you will have potentially exposed sensitive data.
  • All API results are formatted in JSON. XML support is coming soon.
  • APIv2 requests use standard HTTP methods such as GET, PUT, POST, PATCH, and DELETE.  We suggest using POST if the length of data in the request is over 8KB.
  • You can use any language you would like to query the API. 

API v2

titleAPIv2 Quick LinksSections

Public APIv2 documentation is located at

APIv2 documentation includes:

Includes actions for LIRs, IP aggregate and block management, VLAN, IP Rules, and SWIP.

Includes actions for managing the ProVision Resource System
The resource API provides CRUD endpoints for resources, resource attributes, resource attachments and resource backups.

Provides CRUD endpoints for resource views.

ProVision The DNS API allows you to manage DNS Zones, Records, Servers, Groups and ACLS.

Allows you to manage routers and BGP sessions.

Allows you to manage contacts.

Includes actions for ProVision Usersusers, permissions and actions.

Includes actions for ProVision Groupsgroups, permissions and actions

The API Allows you to easily schedule tasks.

API Composer Platform (ACP) is an additional module in ProVision to help automate frequently used combinations of calls.

Includes actions for SSH credentials and SHH Routes. 


  1. Use a browser extension REST client, such as Postman
  2. Access ProVision's APIv2 Swagger documentation from your ProVision instance your instance instance/dev/swagger), which provides the ability to test inputs and responses using your ProVision instance your instance data.
    1. Continue to the section: "APIv2 - Using Swagger" at APIv2 for more details.
  3. Use CURL in the command line to authenticate and execute APIv2 endpoints. See cURL documentation at
    1. Continue to the section: "APIv2 - Using cURL" at APIv2 for more details.

APIv2 Swagger Documentation

Public APIv2 documentation is located at

Existing customers may also access APIv2 Documentation from your ProVision instance your instance (user must have Admin permissions):

  1. Log into your ProVision instance.
  2. Go to the Admin area of ProVision and click on the API Tab.
  3. Under the API dropdown menu, click the Swagger link provided. You may also click on the "APIv2 Swagger Documentation" link provided under the APIv2 section of the page.


API v1 (Deprecated)

ProVision's APIv1 system has been replaced by APIv2, and is now considered deprecated.

It is highly recommended that any customer utilizing ProVision's APIv1 for custom scripting refer to APIv2 documentation instead, and consider upgrading existing APIv1 scripts to use APIv2.

However, APIv1 documentation will remain accessible in order to support legacy uses.

Portable Gadgets

ProVision's Portable Gadgets are drop-in code snippets that use the ProVision API to bring in data to other systems or web pages. Portable Gadgets allow for quick data access and increased integration.

Currently, four Gadgets are available: Global Search, IPAM Search, DHCP Search, and Log. Each Gadget comes in various default option types for display style, number of records return, or behavior. Additional client-side style customizations may be made to further integrate the gadget with company styles.


6connect provides customers with additional Additional CLI modules are available for ProVision power users in the /tools directory.


Command line interface offering basic IPAM commands, such as Add, Update, Direct Assign, Smart Assign, and Unassign.

Resource Concepts

A developer-oriented overview of ProVision's Resource the Resource System.

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