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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space DOC and version 6.1.1
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titleHow can take a manual backup of ProVision?

From the command line in your ProVision instance, you can get a manual SQL backup using the following way:


Code Block
mysqldump -uUSER -pPASSWORD DATABASE > bkup.sql

You can get the values for USER, PASSWORD, and DATABASE by reading them from the following file:

Code Block
[ProVision Root]/data/globals.php

An example of a completed command:

Code Block
mysqldump -uroot -p6connect_DBPSWD qa_5_1_5 > bkup.sql

You can then use this .sql file to restore the old version should you need to revert the installation.


titleMy DNS zone views aren't working as they should!

In some legacy instances we have seen zone record-view linkages come out of alignment and result in unexpected behavior.


Please note that the following mysql commands modify your database! Please take a backup copy of your database before performance any database modifications.

First, verify the error with the following mysql commands:

Code Block
SELECT count(*) FROM `zone_server_linkage` as t1
INNER JOIN `records` as t2 ON t1.`zoneid` = t2.`zone_id`
INNER JOIN `dns_views` as t3 ON t1.`serverid` = t3.`server_id` AND 
`name` = '_6connectDefault'
LEFT JOIN `dns_view_record_linkage` as t4 ON t2.`id` = t4.`record_id` 
AND t3.`id` = t4.`view_id`
WHERE t4.`id` IS NULL;

If the reply comes back non-zero, then your database is most likely exhibiting unexpected behavior.

The following mysql commands will re-align all the record-view linkages:

Code Block
INSERT INTO `dns_view_record_linkage` SELECT '', t2.`id` as `record_id`, 
t3.`id` as `view_id` FROM `zone_server_linkage` as t1
INNER JOIN `records` as t2 ON t1.`zoneid` = t2.`zone_id`
INNER JOIN `dns_views` as t3 ON t1.`serverid` = t3.`server_id` AND 
`name` = '_6connectDefault'
LEFT JOIN `dns_view_record_linkage` as t4 ON t2.`id` = t4.`record_id` 
AND t3.`id` = t4.`view_id`
WHERE t4.`id` IS NULL;

Contact support( if you have any additional questions or this does not resolve the issue. 

titleHow can I 'reserve' IP space?

To create a reserved pool of IP space, you can create a Section called "Reserved", add the IPAM gadget to it, then create an Entry with that Section to be the address group. From there, use the IPAM gadget and the IPAM Manage page to assign and unassign IP space from that pool.

The workflow for this would be:

  1. Assign IP space to the "Reserved" Section.
  2. When you are ready to pull space from "Reserved", unassign the desired block. This moves it to the holding tank.
  3. Override the holding tank to make the space "available". This can be done in the IPAM manager via the "Override Holding" wrench option, or a manual 'pull out of holding' API call.
  4. Assign the block to the desired Resource.
