Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Updated UI for all VLAN pages - featuring a cleaner look, collapsible sections, and easy access to management actions
  • Supports custom domain ranges and exclusions, using ProVision's Numbering Authority
  • Create Domains and add VLANs directly from the VLAN Home page
  • Associate Domains with Routers
  • VLAN Manage updated to reflect IPAM's interface
  • Customizable VLAN Metadata Columns (IPAM Admin → VLAN Columns) in lieu of VLAN tags
  • Action shortcut panels in VLAN Utilization - Quickview, Assign IP, and Edit VLAN
  • New "VLAN Advanced" page provides a global list view of all Domains, VLANs, and their associated metadata
  • Improved VLAN workflow by removing the VLAN Admin page, and integrating functions directly into the VLAN Tab.

For more information, see detailed breakdowns of the features, below, or see documentation at IPAM Tab -> VLAN.

VLAN Updates by Page / Feature:


Reporting v2 replaces ProVision's previous Reporting Tab with a new interface, new reports, and exciting new features. Reports existing from v1 (IPAM Utilization, Customer List, User Activity) have been updated and included as default report options. New report types and default reports have been provided under the categories of IPAM, Peering, DNS, Users and Resources. Note: Reporting v2 is only accessible to admin level users, non-admin users will instead be directed to Reporting v1.

To access Reporting v2, select the Reporting Tab. To view the available report modules (IPAM, Peering, DNS, Users, and Resources), click on the applicable sub-tab button at the top of the page, or select it from the Reporting Tab dropdown menu.



IPAM Reports

IPAM Utilization reports display IPv4/IPv4 utilization charts organized by RIR and SWIP status, and provide a listing of ProVision blocks meeting the applied filter criteria. The report view includes the block data for all applied IPAM Columns, in the order set under IPAM AdminIPAM Columns. IPAM Reports may be exported to .csv (limit: 100,000 records; no chart provided) or PDF (limit: 1000 records; chart included). Default reports include:

  • Default Utilization: IPAM utilization report for all aggregates
  • Default Utilization - 30 days: IPAM utilization report for all aggregates assigned in the past 30 days

Peering Reports

Two new peering report types are available - Peering Health and Peering Status. Peering Health reports display the sessions existing in ProVision, with the associated fields of Router Name, Peer Name, IP, Session Type, Session State, Peer Group, and session Created Date. Peering Status reports are set per-exchange, and display pie charts for Peer Status/Qualification Status, as well as a data table of the Peer Name, Request Status, Peer Status, Qualification Status, Message Count, and Last Message Time. 

All Peering Reports may be exported to .csv (limit: 100,000 records; no chart provided). Default reports include:

  • Default Peering Health Report: Displays the peering session state for all currently existing sessions in ProVision
  • Default Peering Status: Displays Peer, Request, and Qualified status for the default (first available) exchange in ProVision

DNS Reports

DNS Zone reports provide a list of zones existing in ProVision, along with the fields of Zone ID, Name, Last Modified Date, Forward/Reverse Type, and Record Count information. DNS Zone Reports may be exported to .csv (limit: 100,000 records). Default reports include:

  • Default DNS Zones: All DNS zones in ProVision
  • Default DNS Zones - 30 days: All DNS zones in ProVision modified within the past 30 days

User Reports

Users reports provide a listing of ProVision log events associated with user actions. Provided fields include the Timestamp, User, IP, Log Level, and the Action, and the report may be filtered to include one or more users / user groups, as well as basic data filters. User Reports may be exported to .csv (limit: 100,000 records). Default reports include:

  • Default User Activity - 30 days: All ProVision user activity within the past 30 days
  • Default User Activity - Year to date: All ProVision user activity for the current calendar year ( ISO Standard/Gregorian calendar)

Resource Reports

Resource reports provide a list of all (non-DNS) ProVision resources, and field data from the Contact, Billing, Tech Info, and Resource Field Gadget(s) associated with the resource. The report may be filtered to include one or more Sections or Categories, as well filtered by resource name. Resource Reports may be exported to .csv (limit: 100,000 records). Default reports include:

  • Customer List Report: ProVision resources which are of the "Resource Holder" Section and "Customer" Category; matching the reporting v1 Customer List report.
  • Default Resource Report: All ProVision resource entries - matching resources listed in the Resource Tab -> Entries page list, and all applicable resource fields
    • TIP: Due to the large scope of the ProVision resource system and its fields, we strongly recommend using the Default Resource Report as starting template from which to further define more specific resource reports. Simply "Copy" the Default Resource Report, apply your desired Section/Category filter combination(s), and click the Gear Icon → Save to create a more manageable data set.

For additional information, see Reporting and  and Working with Reports.

Reporting IPAM Stats Widget


titleEditing Templates and Syntax...

Edit a Template

From the Template Details view, edit the template by clicking inside the template body and typing the desired changes - if you need a reminder as to syntax or variables, click the help icon (Question Mark button) at top right to open the template editing guide.  

Click "Update" when done. 


Templates use the Mustache format  Mustache Format

titleClick here for syntax examples...

titleTemplate Syntax

Basic Variables

Values on the session object are inserted when referenced by double curly braces {{ }}

The router name is {{router_name}}

When given a session object with {router_name:'TheName'} the line becomes

The router name is TheName

If / If-Not statements

To only include a block (or part of a line) if a variable exists, enclose that part of the template starting with {{#variable}} and ending with {{/variable}}

{{#color}}The color is {{color}}.{{/color}}
The city is {{city}}.

When given {color:'blue'} the output will be

The color is blue.

To only include a block if a variable does not exist, start with {{^variable}} and end with {{/variable}}

Common Variables

  • source_asn
  • vrf
  • type_ipv6
  • peer_ipaddr
  • peer_asn
  • peer_group
  • peer_name
  • ttl
  • prfx_max
  • prfx_alert_threshold


titleUsing File Connectors...

Using Router File Connectors

Step 1

Generate a router response data text file (it should be named “cisco_router_data.txt”, “juniper_router_data.txt” or “arista_router_data.txt”) and place it in ProVision's /data directory. 

To generate the router response, run the following commands:

terminal length 0
show bgp ipv4 unicast sum
show bgp ipv4 unicast neighbor
show bgp ipv6 unicast neighbor
show bgp neighbor | display xml | no-more
show bgp group | display xml | no-more
terminal length 0
show ip bgp summary
show ip bgp neighbors
Step 2

Create a new 'Router' in ProVision, selecting the appropriate file connector as the Router Make type - CiscoFile, JuniperFile, or AristaFile.

Note: These connector types are only used for this direct data import process - do not select these for standard ProVision router/session creation, as management functions (config pushes, session states, etc) do not obtain a router connection while using File Connectors.

Step 3

Navigate to Admin → Data Import → Peering BGP Import.

Select the appropriate exchange, then the File Connector Router that you created.

Click "Load Sessions", and the sessions contained within the router data file will be available to review, select, and/or import into ProVision.

Via APIv2

The same import process may also be performed via APIv2, using the following information:

1) "router id" contained within the URL for an already-created File Connector Router

2) "ix_id" (the ID of the exchange) in the body

3) "router_response" (the output from the router) in the body

The APIv2 details can be view from ProVision swagger documentation at  ['instance']/dev/swagger/spec.php?family=peering#/default/single_parse_bgp_info

That command will parse the router output and return an array of detected sessions and groups. The sessions and groups then need to be individually added using POST /peering/sessions and POST /peering/peergroups.
