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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from this space and version 8.0.0

DHCP Management Version 2

ProVision's APIv1 system has been replaced by APIv2, and is now considered deprecated. 

Table of Contents


DHCP Management Version 2 integrates DHCP management with ProVision's resource and permissions hierarchy, as well as the IP Management system.  Individual DHCP servers can be assigned via Resource Permissions  to different internal user groups, to be managed by only the appropriate parties.

Under DHCPv2 there is no distinct “DHCP Server” type or section – instead there is a “DHCP Module” which, when attached as a child to an existing resource, transforms it into a DHCP-enabled device.  The most common use is to take the generic “Server” Section and turn it into a DHCP Server by attaching the DHCP Module as a child.  This configuration allows users to add functionality to a basic resource and provides a cleaner management interface.

API Updates

The DHCPv1 API operated via calls to the DHCPServer and the DHCPEntry endpoint families.  However, now that DHCPv2 is contained entirely within the resource system, most of the API calls to manipulate DHCP data do so using the Resource family of API endpoints to modify specific Resource attributes reserved for DHCP functionality.


Relate with Resources

The DHCPv2 system builds upon the ProVision Resource APIWith the exception of a few configuration commands all DHCPv2 API commands use the Resource family of API endpoints.

titleHow to attach the DHCP Module as a child

As described above, DHCPv2 functionality is enabled on a particular resource by attaching a DHCP Module as a child.  A command to do this is as follows:

Code Block
            [ProVision root]/api/v1/api.php?target=resource&action=add
meta[type]: dhcp_module
meta[name]: [parent resource id] DHCP Module
meta[parent_id]: [parent resource id]

The special resource type “dhcp_module” indicates to ProVision that the DHCP system is enabled for the parent object.  The attributes associated with the “dhcp_module” resource govern the DHCP system's behavior. 

Updating the attributes of a DHCP Server uses a Resource Update command:

Code Block
[ProVision root]/api/v1/api.php?target=resource&action=update&meta[id]=2178 &meta[type]=dhcp_module&fields[_dhcp_attributes][]={"type":"ISC","notes":"notes go here","username":"username","port":"port","config_test":"/etc/init.d/dhcpd configtest","server_stop":"/etc/init.d/dhcpd stop","server_start":"/etc/init.d/dhcpd start","config_path":"/tmp/dhcpd.conf","option_routers":"","option_domain_name_servers":"","option_domain_name":"","authoritative":"1","default_lease_time":"600","max_lease_time":"7200","local_port":"67","log_facility":"local7","password":"password","server_ip":"","freeLines":3,"freeLine1":"free line 1","freeLine2":"free line 2","freeLine3":"free line 3"}

This command appears rather complicated, but can be broken apart into reasonable pieces.  The first section:

Code Block

is familiar from other parts of ProVision.  We are updating a resource of type “dhcp_module” whose resource id is 2178.  The second section of the command details the update values, starting with


Code Block

which contains a JSON-encoded string of all the fields specific to a DHCP server's function.  When expanded into its full object form it is substantially easier to digest:

Code Block
            "notes":"notes go here",
            "config_test":"/etc/init.d/dhcpd configtest",
            "server_stop":"/etc/init.d/dhcpd stop",
            "server_start":"/etc/init.d/dhcpd start",
            "freeLine1":"free line 1",
            "freeLine2":"free line 2",
            "freeLine3":"free line 3"

This object describes all the most common DHCP server configuration options.  For a full explanation of each of the fields, see the Detailed API Specification later in this document. 

Please note that the object above must be passed to the DHCP system as a JSON-encoded string.  It must be passed into the special “_dhcp_attributes” attribute for it to be functional, as in the example URL.

Create DHCP IP Aggregates

For details on how to manage IP aggregates using ProVision's IPAM API, see API Module - IPAM.

Of particular interest to DHCP management is the addition of DHCP aggregates, which are sections of IP space marked as available for use by the DHCPv2 system. 

titleHow to add a DHCP Aggregate

An example command to add a DHCP Aggregate is: 

Code Block
[ProVision root]/api/v1/api.php?target=ipam&action=add&block= 1918&vlan=&tags=&region=&resourceId=1282&allowSubAssignments=true


The important part to note is that the IP block is being assigned to resourceId 1282, which corresponds to the DHCP Available resource.  The DHCP Available resource is a system-level resource which is used to hold all unassigned DHCP IP addresses.  Every instance has its own DHCP Available resource, whose id can be found with the following command:

Code Block
[ProVision root]/api/v1/api.php?target=resource&action=get&slug=dhcp-available

New DHCP subnets and hosts draw their IPs from this pool.  If there are no IPs in the DHCP Available pool new subnets and hosts will not be able to be created.

DHCP IP aggregates are fetched, updated, split, and deleted using the standard IPAM management API endpoints.  Please see the IPAM API Documentation. for details.

Subnets and Hosts

Every DHCP configuration file consists primarily of Subnet and Host declarations, mapping out what IP addresses are available for what purpose.  In DHCPv2, DHCP Pools are reusable components that can be attached to several DHCP Servers in order to build flexible, responsive DHCP configurations.

In ProVision DHCPv2 all DHCP Pools regardless of whether they span Subnets or individual Hosts require that a “dhcp_pool” resource be created to govern them.  

titleHow to create DHCP Pools

 Similar to how the “dhcp_module” resource was created above, the command to create a DHCP Pool is as follows: 

Code Block
[ProVision root]/api/v1/api.php?target=resource&action=add&meta[type]=dhcp_pool &meta[name]=New Subnet&fields[_dhcp_type][]=subnet&fields[_dhcp_pool_attributes][]={"mac":"","rangeStart":"","rangeEnd":"","freeLines":3,"freeLine1":"Free Line 1","freeLine2":"Free Line 2","freeLine3":"Free Line 3"}

The first half of this command is relatively straightforward:

Code Block
target=resource&action=add&meta[type]=dhcp_pool&meta[name]=New Subnet

This section informs the API that we wish to create a new, empty “dhcp_pool” resource whose name is “New Subnet.”


Code Block
fields[_dhcp_type][]=subnet&fields[_dhcp_pool_attributes][]={"mac":"","rangeStart":"", "rangeEnd":"","freeLines":3,"freeLine1":"Free Line 1","freeLine2":"Free Line 2","freeLine3":"Free Line 3"}

The second half of the command behaves in a similar manner to the “dhcp_module.”  The “_dhcp_pool_attributes” field holds a JSON-encoded string which describes the dhcp_pool resource.  When expanded, the JSON string becomes the following object:

Code Block
            "freeLine1":"Free Line 1",
            "freeLine2":"Free Line 2",
            "freeLine3":"Free Line 3"

For a full explanation of each of the fields, see the Detailed API Specification

Please note that the object above must be passed to the DHCP system as a JSON-encoded string.  It must be passed into the “_dhcp_pool_attributes” attribute for it to be functional, as in the example URL.


Once a dhcp_pool resource is in the system it can be updated with IP data obtained from the IP Management system.  Under DHCPv2, the DHCP system uses all the standard IPAM API endpoints and can make use of both the smartAssign and the directAssign methods.  Please see the IPAM API documentation for details.

titleHow to smart-assign a DHCP IP range from the DHCP Available resource to a dhcp_pool resource

An example command for smart-assigning a DHCP IP range from the DHCP Available resource to a newly-created dhcp_pool resource is as follows:

Code Block
[ProVision root]/api/v1/api.php?target=ipam&action=smartAssign&resourceId=2180& type=ipv4&mask=31&rir=1918&assignedResourceId=1282

In this example we are using the IPAM API endpoint to smart-assign an IPv4 /31 from the DHCP Available resource (resource id 1282) to the newly-created dhcp_pool object (resource id 2180).  This action removes this IP range from the available pool and prevents it from being used by other parts of ProVision.

Once an IP block is assigned to a dhcp_pool it should be updated with the proper range start and range end.  A Resource Update command is used for this.

Code Block
[ProVision root]

Table of Contents

DHCP Server Control



SUCCESSFUL: {"success":1,"message":"Search Successful.","data":[{"DHCPId":"1","DHCPServer": "","DHCPPort":"22","DHCPUsername":"benner","DHCPPassword": "h}kc))jwqhgd","DHCPType":"ISC","DHCPConfigPath":"\/usr\/local\/dhcp\/etc \/dhcpd.conf","DHCPServerStop":"sudo kill -9 `cat \/var\/run\/`", "DHCPServerStart":"sudo \/usr\/local\/dhcp\/sbin\/dhcpd -p 75","DHCPDefaultLease" :null,"DHCPMaxLease":null,"DHCPAuthoritative":"1","DHCPLogFacility":"local7", "DHCPDomainName":null,"DHCPNameServers":null,"DHCPUseText":"0","DHCPConfigText":null}]}
ERROR:{"success":0, "message":"error message"}


DHCPIdINTThe ID of the DHCP Server entry.
DHCPServerSTRINGThe address of the DHCP Server
DHCPPortINTThe port the DHCP Server can be reached on.
DHCPUsernameSTRINGThe user name required to access the DHCP Server
DHCPPasswordSTRINGThe password required to access the DHCP Server
DHCPTypeSTRINGThe type of DHCP Server
DHCPConfigPathSTRINGPath to DHCP Configuration file
DHCPServerStopSTRINGCommandto stop the DHCP Server
DHCPServerStartSTRINGCommand to start the DHCP Server
DHCPDefaultLeaseSTRINGDefault lease time for this server
DHCPMaxLeaseSTRINGMaximum lease time for this server
DHCPAuthoritativeBOOLWhether or not this server is authoritative
DHCPLogFacilitySTRINGLogging facility for this server
DHCPDomainNameSTRINGDomain names servers used by this server
DHCPNameServersSTRINGName servers used by this server
DHCPUseTextBOOLWhether or not to use the entry builder or a config text file
DHCPConfigTextSTRINGThe text of the config text file


likeFlagBOOL1When 1, string searches are done via LIKE with wildcards at both ends. When 0, strict comparison is used.
generalFlagBOOL1When 1, searches over the provided parameters using OR. If 0 or omitted, uses AND.
DHCPIdINT123The DHCP Server ID to search for.
DHCPServerSTRINGIP/domainThe Server Name to search for.
DHCPPortSTRING43The Port to search for.
DHCPUsernameSTRINGkjenningsThe Username to search for.
DHCPTypeSTRINGMSDHCPThe DHCP Server Type to search for.
DHCPConfigPathSTRING/where/is/it/The Config Path to search for.
DHCPServerStopSTRING/path/to/server/stopSearch by server stop command.
DHCPServerStartSTRING/path/to/server/startSearch by server start command.
DHCPDefaultLeaseINT64000Search by default lease.
DHCPMaxLeaseINT128000Search by max lease.
DHCPAuthoritativeBOOL1Search by whether the server is authoritative.
DHCPLogFacilitySTRINGlocal7Search by logging facility. by domain name servers.
DHCPNameServersSTRINGns.domain.comSearch by name servers.
DHCPUseTextBOOL1Search by using text configs or not.
DHCPConfigTextSTRINGText FileSearch by text file contents.
DescriptionFirst performs a search based on the submitted DHCP Server criteria, then performs an Update across those entries based on new values.


SUCCESSFUL:{"success":1,"message":"Update Successful."}
ERROR:{"success":0, "message":"error message"}
Optional Parameters
likeFlagBOOL1When 1, string searches are done via LIKE with wildcards at both ends. When 0, strict comparison is used.
SearchIdINT123The DHCP Server ID to search for.
SearchServerSTRINGIP/domainThe Server Name to search for.
SearchPortSTRING43The Port to search for.
SearchUsernameSTRINGkjenningsThe Username to search for.
SearchTypeSTRINGMSDHCPThe DHCP Server Type to search for.
SearchConfigPathSTRING/where/is/it/The Config Path to search for.
SearchServerStopSTRING/path/to/server/stopSearch by server stop command.
SearchServerStartSTRING/path/to/server/startSearch by server start command.
SearchDefaultLeaseINT64000Search by default lease.
SearchMaxLeaseINT128000Search by max lease.
SearchAuthoritativeBOOL1Search by whether the server is authoritative.
SearchLogFacilitySTRINGlocal7Search by logging facility. by domain name servers.
SearchNameServersSTRINGns.domain.comSearch by name servers.
SearchUseTextBOOL1Search by using text configs or not.
SearchConfigTextSTRINGText FileSearch by text file contents.
UpdateServerSTRINGIP/domainThe new server address.
UpdatePortSTRING43The new port.
UpdateUsernameSTRINGkjenningsThe new username.
UpdatePasswordSTRING********The new password.
UpdateTypeSTRINGISCThe new server type.
UpdateConfigPathSTRING/where/is/it/The new config path.
UpdateServerStopSTRING/path/to/server/stopThe new server stop command.
UpdateServerStartSTRING/path/to/server/startThe new server start command.
UpdateDefaultLeaseINT64000The new default lease.
UpdateMaxLeaseINT128000The new max lease.
UpdateAuthoritativeBOOL1The new Authoritative status.
UpdateLogFacilitySTRINGlocal7The new logging facility. new domain name servers.
UpdateNameServersSTRINGns.domain.comThe new name servers.
UpdateUseTextBOOL1The new use text file setting.
UpdateConfigTextSTRINGText FileThe new use text file content.



SUCCESSFUL:{"success":1,"message":"Add Successful.","data":123}
ERROR:{"success":0, "message":"error message"}


dataINTThe ID of the new DHCP Server.


DHCPServerSTRINGIP/domainThe new server address.
DHCPPortSTRING43The new port.
DHCPUsernameSTRINGkjenningsThe new username.
DHCPPasswordSTRING********The new password.
DHCPTypeSTRINGISCThe new server type.


DHCPConfigPathSTRING/where/is/it/The new config path.
DHCPServerStopSTRING/path/to/server/stopThe new server stop command.
DHCPServerStartSTRING/path/to/server/startThe new server start command.
DHCPDefaultLeaseINT64000The new default lease.
DHCPMaxLeaseINT128000The new max lease.
DHCPAuthoritativeBOOL1The new Authoritative status.
DHCPLogFacilitySTRINGlocal7The new logging facility. new domain name servers.
DHCPNameServersSTRINGns.domain.comThe new name servers.
DHCPUseTextBOOL1The new use text file setting.
DHCPConfigTextSTRINGText FileThe new use text file content.
DescriptionPerforms a search over the DHCP Servers dataset and deletes all found matches.


SUCCESSFUL:{"success":1,"message":"DHCPServer(s) Deleted."}
ERROR:{"success":0, "message":"error message"}
Optional Parameters
likeFlagBOOL1When 1, string searches are done via LIKE with wildcards at both ends. When 0, strict comparison is used.
generalFlagBOOL1When 1, searches over the provided paramenters using OR. If 0 or omitted, uses AND.
DHCPIdINT123The DHCP Server ID to search for.
DHCPServerSTRINGIP/domainThe Server Name to search for.
DHCPPortSTRING43The Port to search for.
DHCPUsernameSTRINGkjenningsThe Username to search for.
DHCPTypeSTRINGMSDHCPThe DHCP Server Type to search for.
DHCPConfigPathSTRING/where/is/it/The Config Path to search for.
DHCPServerStopSTRING/path/to/server/stopSearch by server stop command.
DHCPServerStartSTRING/path/to/server/startSearch by server start command.
DHCPDefaultLeaseINT64000Search by default lease.
DHCPMaxLeaseINT128000Search by max lease.
DHCPAuthoritativeBOOL1Search by whether the server is authoritative.
DHCPLogFacilitySTRINGlocal7Search by logging facility. by domain name servers.
DHCPNameServersSTRINGns.domain.comSearch by name servers.
DHCPUseTextBOOL1Search by using text configs or not.
DHCPConfigTextSTRINGText FileSearch by text file contents.
DescriptionPerforms a search over the DHCP Servers dataset and tests the login/password combo for each one returned. Returns a status array with three elements: a 1 or 0 for success/failure, the server in question, and the failure/success message.


SUCCESSFUL: {"success":1,"message":"Pushes Attempted.","data":[[1,"", "Successfully authenticated on DHCP Server ''."],[0," .com","Could not authenticate on server ''. Connection refused."] ,[0,"","Could not connect to server ''. Connection refused."]]}
ERROR:{"success":0, "message":"error message"}
Optional Parameters
likeFlagBOOL1When 1, string searches are done via LIKE with wildcards at both ends. When 0, strict comparison is used.
generalFlagBOOL1When 1, searches over the provided paramenters using OR. If 0 or omitted, uses AND.
DHCPIdINT123The DHCP Server ID to search for.
DHCPServerSTRINGIP/domainThe Server Name to search for.
DHCPPortSTRING43The Port to search for.
DHCPUsernameSTRINGkjenningsThe Username to search for.
DHCPTypeSTRINGMSDHCPThe DHCP Server Type to search for.
DHCPConfigPathSTRING/where/is/it/The Config Path to search for.
DHCPServerStopSTRING/path/to/server/stopSearch by server stop command.
DHCPServerStartSTRING/path/to/server/startSearch by server start command.
DHCPDefaultLeaseINT64000Search by default lease.
DHCPMaxLeaseINT128000Search by max lease.
DHCPAuthoritativeBOOL1Search by whether the server is authoritative.
DHCPLogFacilitySTRINGlocal7Search by logging facility. by domain name servers.
DHCPNameServersSTRINGns.domain.comSearch by name servers.
DHCPUseTextBOOL1Search by using text configs or not.
DHCPConfigTextSTRINGText FileSearch by text file contents.
DescriptionPerforms a search over the DHCP Servers dataset and pushes the current config file before restarting the servers. Returns a status array with three elements: a 1 or 0 for success/failure, the server in question, and the failure/success message. A response code of '2' indicates that the push went smoothly, but the configuration file itself contains errors. In this case the error return will be the actual error output from the DHCP server.


SUCCESSFUL: {"success":1,"message":"Pushes Attempted.","data":[[1,"", "Successfully pushed DHCP Config to server ''. Server Restarted."] ,[0,"","Could not authenticate on server ''. Connection refused. "],[0,"","Could not connect to server ''. Connection refused."]]}
ERROR:{"success":0, "message":"error message"}
Optional Parameters
likeFlagBOOL1When 1, string searches are done via LIKE with wildcards at both ends. When 0, strict comparison is used.
generalFlagBOOL1When 1, searches over the provided paramenters using OR. If 0 or omitted, uses AND.
DHCPIdINT123The DHCP Server ID to search for.
DHCPServerSTRINGIP/domainThe Server Name to search for.
DHCPPortSTRING43The Port to search for.
DHCPUsernameSTRINGkjenningsThe Username to search for.
DHCPTypeSTRINGMSDHCPThe DHCP Server Type to search for.
DHCPConfigPathSTRING/where/is/it/The Config Path to search for.
DHCPServerStopSTRING/path/to/server/stopSearch by server stop command.
DHCPServerStartSTRING/path/to/server/startSearch by server start command.
DHCPDefaultLeaseINT64000Search by default lease.
DHCPMaxLeaseINT128000Search by max lease.
DHCPAuthoritativeBOOL1Search by whether the server is authoritative.
DHCPLogFacilitySTRINGlocal7Search by logging facility. by domain name servers.
DHCPNameServersSTRINGns.domain.comSearch by name servers.
DHCPUseTextBOOL1Search by using text configs or not.
DHCPConfigTextSTRINGText FileSearch by text file contents.


DHCP Entry Control



SUCCESSFUL: {"EntryId":"27","EntryParent":null,"EntryServerId":"1","EntryName":"mike","EntryType": "host","EntryNetmask":"","EntryIPCount":"1","EntryPercent":"1","Options": [{"OptionId":"46","OptionSubnetId":"27","OptionKey":"hardware ethernet","OptionValue": "11:23:45:67:89:ab"},{"OptionId":"47","OptionSubnetId":"27","OptionKey":"fixed-address", "OptionValue":""}]}]}
ERROR:{"success":0, "message":"error message"}


EntryIdINTThe ID of the DHCP Entry.
EntryParentINTThe parent Entry of this one
EntryServerIdINTThe DHCP Server to which this entry belongs.
EntryTypeSTRINGThe Entry type. Either 'host' or 'subnet'.
EntryNameSTRINGThe name of this entry. In the case of a Host, it is the hostname. In the case of a subnet, it is the subnet address.
EntryNetmaskSTRINGThe subnet mask. Empty on type 'host'
EntryIPCountINTThe number of IPs in this Entry.
EntryPercentINTPercentage of this Entry currently assigned.
OptionsSTRINGIf present, this array contains objects enumerating each option and its type.
OptionIdSTRINGThe ID of this Option
OptionSubnetIdINTThe ID of the parent. Identical to EntryId.
OptionKeySTRINGThe key portion of the option key-value pairing.
OptionValueSTRINGThe value portion of the option key-value pairing.


likeFlagBOOL1When 1, string searches are done via LIKE with wildcards at both ends. When 0, strict comparison is used.
generalFlagBOOL1When 1, searches over the provided parameters using OR. If 0 or omitted, uses AND.
EntryIdINT123The ID of the DHCP Entry to search for.
EntryParentINT123The parent Entry to search for.
EntryServerIdINT123The DHCP Server to search for.
EntryTypeSTRINGsubnetThe Entry type to search for.
EntryNameSTRING30.20.10.1The name to search for.
EntryNetmaskSTRING255.255.255.0The subnet mask to search for.
OptionIdSTRING123The Option ID to search for.
OptionKeySTRINGrangeThe key portion of the option key-value pairing to search for.
OptionValueSTRING30.20.10.10 value portion of the option key-value pairing to search for.
DescriptionFirst performs a search based on the submitted DHCP Entry criteria, then performs an Update across those entries and all found Options based on new values.


SUCCESSFUL:{"success":1,"message":"Update Successful."}
ERROR:{"success":0, "message":"error message"}
Optional Parameters
likeFlagBOOL1When 1, string searches are done via LIKE with wildcards at both ends. When 0, strict comparison is used.
SearchIdINT123The ID of the DHCP Entry to search for.
SearchParentINT123The parent Entry to search for.
SearchServerIdINT123The DHCP Server to search for.
SearchTypeSTRINGsubnetThe Entry type to search for.
SearchNameSTRING30.20.10.1The name to search for.
SearchNetmaskSTRING255.255.255.0The subnet mask to search for.
SearchIdSTRING123The Option ID to search for.
SearchKeySTRINGrangeThe key portion of the option key-value pairing to search for.
SearchValueSTRING30.20.10.10 value portion of the option key-value pairing to search for.
UpdateParentINT123The new parent data.
UpdateServerIdINT123The new DHCP Server ID.
UpdateTypeSTRINGsubnetThe new Entry type.
UpdateNameSTRING30.20.10.1The new name.
UpdateNetmaskSTRING255.255.255.0The new subnet mask.
UpdateKeySTRINGrangeThe new key portion of the option key-value pairing.
UpdateValueSTRING30.20.10.10 new value portion of the option key-value pairing.
DescriptionFirst performs a search based on the submitted DHCP Entry criteria, then performs an Update across all found Options, without altering found Entries.


SUCCESSFUL:{"success":1,"message":"Update Successful."}
ERROR:{"success":0, "message":"error message"}
Optional Parameters
likeFlagBOOL1When 1, string searches are done via LIKE with wildcards at both ends. When 0, strict comparison is used.
SearchIdINT123The ID of the DHCP Entry to search for.
SearchParentINT123The parent Entry to search for.
SearchServerIdINT123The DHCP Server to search for.
SearchTypeSTRINGsubnetThe Entry type to search for.
SearchNameSTRING30.20.10.1The name to search for.
SearchNetmaskSTRING255.255.255.0The subnet mask to search for.
SearchIdSTRING123The Option ID to search for.
SearchKeySTRINGrangeThe key portion of the option key-value pairing to search for.
SearchValueSTRING30.20.10.10 value portion of the option key-value pairing to search for.
UpdateKeySTRINGrangeThe new key portion of the option key-value pairing.
UpdateValueSTRING30.20.10.10 new value portion of the option key-value pairing.



SUCCESSFUL:{"success":1,"message":"Add Successful.","data":123}
ERROR:{"success":0, "message":"error message"}


dataINTThe ID of the new DHCP Entry.


EntryServerIdINT123The DHCP Server this new Entry belongs to.
EntryTypeSTRINGsubnetThe Entry type of this new Entry.
EntryNameSTRING30.20.10.1The name of this new Entry.


EntryParentINT123The parent Entry to search for.
EntryNetmaskSTRING255.255.255.0The subnet mask of this new Entry.





SUCCESSFUL:{"success":1,"message":"Add Successful.","data":123}
ERROR:{"success":0, "message":"error message"}


dataINTThe ID of the new DHCP Option.


OptionSubnetIdINT123The DHCP Entry this Option belongs to.
OptionKeySTRINGrangeThe key portion of the option key-value pairing to search for.
OptionValueSTRING30.20.10.10 value portion of the option key-value pairing to search for.
DescriptionPerforms a search over the DHCP Entry dataset and deletes all found matches, along with their associated Options.


SUCCESSFUL:{"success":1,"message":"DHCPEntries(s) Deleted."}
ERROR:{"success":0, "message":"error message"}
Optional Parameters
likeFlagBOOL1When 1, string searches are done via LIKE with wildcards at both ends. When 0, strict comparison is used.
EntryIdINT123The ID of the DHCP Entry to search for.
EntryParentINT123The parent Entry to search for.
EntryServerIdINT123The DHCP Server to search for.
EntryTypeSTRINGsubnetThe Entry type to search for.
EntryNameSTRING30.20.10.1The name to search for.
EntryNetmaskSTRING255.255.255.0The subnet mask to search for.
OptionIdSTRING123The Option ID to search for.
OptionKeySTRINGrangeThe key portion of the option key-value pairing to search for.
OptionValueSTRING30.20.10.10 value portion of the option key-value pairing to search for.


resource&action=update&meta[type]=dhcp_pool& meta[name]=Another Test&fields[_dhcp_type][]=subnet&fields[_dhcp_pool_attributes][]={"mac":"","rangeStart":"","rangeEnd":"","freeLines":3,"freeLine1":"example1","freeLine2":"example2","freeLine3":"example3"}&fields[_dhcp_ip_id][]=92430&meta[id]=2180

The key information here is that the “rangeStart” and the “rangeEnd” fields in the JSON-encoded '_dhcp_pool_attributes' attribute have been populated with the beginning and end of the IP range assigned by smart-assign.  Also note that a new field is being populated as '_dhcp_ip_id', which contains the IPAM id of the newly-assigned IP block. 

When assigning dhcp_pools covering a single host the steps are much the same, but the 'mac' field in the '_dhcp_pool_attributes' object must be populated with the MAC address of the host in question.

Linking Subnets and Hosts with DHCP Servers

DHCP Pools exist as re-usable components which can be individually assigned to any number of DHCP Servers in order to assemble flexible DHCP Configurations.  Once created, a DHCP Pool is not attached to any DHCP Server in the system.  DHCP Pools must be linked to a server for the pool to be included in DHCP configuration pushes. 

titleHow to link a dhcp_pool and a DHCP Server

An example of building a link between a dhcp_pool and a DHCP Server is:

Code Block
[ProVision root]/api/v1/api.php?target=resource&action=addLink&resource_id1=2178& resource_id2=1452&relation=dhcpPoolLink

The Resource Linkage system controls which DHCP Pools are associated with a given DHCP Server.  In the case of linking a DHCP Pool to a DHCP Server, the relation used is “dhcpPoolLink”.  This is a directional link, so it is important that resource_id1 and resource_id2 do not get confused.

Code Block
relation:  "dhcpPoolLink"
resource_id1:  the id of the dhcp_module this pool is being linked to
resource_id2:  the id of the dhcp_pool being linked


It is very important that resource_id1 not be confused with resource_id2.  The link will not function with the values reversed.

To undo the above and break a DHCP Pool link, use the same command but substitute “deleteLink” for the action “addLink”.

Code Block
[ProVision root]/api/v1/api.php?target=resource&action=deleteLink&resource_id1=2178& resource_id2=2179&relation=dhcpPoolLink

Pushing Configurations

Pushing configuration files and restarting a DHCP server is a fairly straightforward process. 

titleHow to push configuration files

Once the server has been configured according to the previous sections, hitting the following API endpoint will trigger a DHCP push:

Code Block
[ProVision root]









The “id” in the above string is the id of the dhcp_module resource attached to the server you whose configuration is to be pushed.  The API return payload will contain success or failure codes, as well as a description of any errors which might have occurred.

When a DHCP configuration file is pushed an SSH connection is opened to the configured server using the user, password, and port supplied to the '_dhcp_attributes' attribute on the dhcp_module resource. If the system successfully connects, it will assemble a DHCP configuration from the information given to the dhcp_module's '_dhcp_attribute' attribute and then parse and add in all linked dhcp_pool resources. 

After the assembled file has been transferred to the DHCP server it will be placed in the location given by 'config_path' on the dhcp_module, and then the command described in 'config_test' will be run to determine whether or not this new file parses correctly.  If 'config_test' is blank or omitted, this step is skipped. 

If the file parses correctly the DHCP will be stopped and restarted according to the 'server_stop' and 'server_start' commands on the DHCP module. If there are errors at any point the system backs out, replaces old config files, and reports the errors via the 'message' return field of the API call.

Detailed API Specification

A detailed listing of API endpoints related to DHCP Servers, Pools, and Links can be found here:

Children Display



SUCCESSFUL:{"success":1,"message":"DHCP Option(s) Deleted."}
ERROR:{"success":0, "message":"error message"}


likeFlagBOOL1When 1, string searches are done via LIKE with wildcards at both ends. When 0, strict comparison is used.
