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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space DOC and version 7.1.0
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Workflow Concepts

Table of Contents


Working with IP Blocks

IPAM Administration 

IP Management

IP Management is comprised of four basic functions: adding aggregates into ProVision, managing those aggregate blocks, assigning them to a resource, and deleting the aggregates.


Importing Your Data

Import Aggregate Blocks 


ProVision versions 7.0.0 and later:


Peering Sessions

Import Peering Sessions


VLAN Manager

The VLAN Manager allows Admin users to add domains and VLANs to their ProVision instance, and associate them with IP Blocks. Optionally, VLAN tags may be associate with ranges or individual VLANs under a domain, to help limit VLAN search results when enabling VLANs. 



The DHCP Workflow in ProVision begins with denoting the DHCP IP Aggregate(s) from the IPAM Tab -> "Add Aggregate".  When creating DHCP aggregates, ensure that the block is designated as 1918 space, and has the check boxes next to "DHCP Aggregate" and "Allow Sub-assignment" selected. This will ensure the block is automatically added to the DHCP Available Resource, and is usable when defining DHCP Pools.

Separately, ensure that the DHCP server is added into ProVision. New DHCP servers may be added from the DHCP Tab "Add DHCP Server" button. Type the server name, then choose the resource to which the DHCP server belongs. This creates a hierarchical relationship, with the server as a child resource under the selected parent. 

Once the server has been created in ProVision, click on the server name in the DHCP server list to go to the server's Entry Page. If the server was created through the DHCP Tab, the DHCP Management Gadget will already be enabled for the DHCP server. If created elsewhere, the DHCP Gadget may need to be enabled by simply selecting the "On" radio toggle next to "DHCP Services", and clicking the "Update" button. Next, add in the connection configuration and server details for the DHCP server in the DHCP Gadget. 

Now that the DHCP server is set up and DHCP aggregates created, DHCP Pools may be created and managed. Pools may be created by subnet or host. Creating by subnet allows for a block to either be directly assigned manually, or for ProVision to SmartAssign a block based on the provided criteria. Creating by host requires providing a host and MAC address, and then likewise may have an IP directly assigned or Smart Assigned. DHCP Pools, once created, are managed by linking or unlinking to the DHCP server. IP assignments and pool details may be changed at any time by clicking on the pool name, editing the details as desired, then clicking "Save". 

For more information on working with DHCP in ProVision, see the DHCP Tab documentation.


DNSv3 Workflow

DNSv3 revolves around Groups. Zones are gathered under Groups, servers attached to Groups, and pushes may be done on a per Group level. Thus, the first workflow step in DNSv3 is to set up one or more DNS Groups. A "Default Group" is automatically provided in ProVision, but other Groups may be desired to organize zones and default values.


  1. Submitter makes an action (either by action type or DNS Family) that requires approval
  2. Submitter is notified that their action is pending approval
  3. The requested change is sent to the Approvals Tab Pending Approvals list, and also to the DNS Resources Awaiting Approval module (the submitter may see their own submitted action under "Resources awaiting approval", but only Approvers can take approve/reject actions)

    titlePending Approvals List...

    The Pending Approvals list is under the Approvals Tab. It shows Approvals events (change requests) for which the user has the ability to Approve or Deny - it does not show approval requests for all of ProVision or those for other users.

    titleResource Awaiting Approval Module...

    A "Resources Awaiting Approval" module will display in selected DNSv3 pages to Users with Admin / Approval permissions, if a change has been submitted on that page that is pending approval by the User's Approval Group. 

  4. The Approver reviews the change in either their Approvals Tab Pending Approvals list, or the DNSResources Awaiting Approval module, and chooses to Approve or Reject the change:


    1. If Approved, and no other groups need to approve it, then the change executes and is saved. A status change notification email is sent, if enabled. 
    2. If Approved, and is waiting approval from an additional User Group, the change continues to be held as Pending, until the other group responds (Both groups must "Approve" for the change to execute). A status change notification email is sent, if enabled, stating that the change is awaiting another Group.
    3. If Rejected, the change is not executed. A status change notification email is sent, if enabled. 

    Example Notification Email:

    See the following areas for more information on Approvals and using Approvals with DNS:

