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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space DOC and version 8.0.0

Help & Support

For setup assistance, issues, or to request additional information, you can contact our support team at

For feedback items, please see Feedback and Feature Requests.

Table of Contents

Issue Reporting

If you come across an issue or bug, please report it to

Here are some steps that you can perform in advance to gather data or troubleshoot prior to sending a report:

  1.  As soon as an issue appears, grab screenshots! 
    • Getting screenshots of the ProVision error and related areas (e.g., affected resource or module, Javascript console errors, log errors) helps us pin down the source of the issue more quickly
  2. Read through "Initial Troubleshooting Steps", below, and note any that you have already tried and the outcome
  3. Review the "Sending Help Requests" section and gather the information listed to provide in your email to support. You may copy and paste the provided template, if desired. 

Initial Troubleshooting Steps

Here are some initial troubleshooting steps that are useful to try prior to sending a support request, and that may fix the issue entirely:

  • Expand


    • Reload the page ("Soft Reload")
    • Clear your browser cache and reload ("Hard Reload")
    • Try Incognito / Private Browsing mode - this can fix any clashing javascript occurring client-side
    • Check against a different browser - some bugs or display issues are browser-specific


    • Verify whether the error is reproducible, and whether it also occurs on other similar resources / servers / aggregates
      • This helps us determine whether the error may be a corrupted database entry vs. a wider bug
    • Confirm that relevant module settings are set correctly for the desired behavior (i.e., check IPAM Column visibility settings for a missing column, DNS push settings, etc.)
    • Check against user permissions - does the user have correct permissions for the action? Can an admin level user successfully perform the action?
    • Does the error show in Admin→ Logs? (screenshot if so)

Sending Help Requests

When sending a help request for an issue, please include as much detail as possible about the issue. Examples of the type of information to provide are listed below, under "General Information", "Issue Details", and "Supporting Documents".

If you need assistance with an API call, please include the information under "API Call Issue". 

You may also copy and paste the provided template into your support email, if desired. 

General Issue / Bug Report:

Please include as much of the following information as possible:

General information:

Product, version, and device information:

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    titleClick here for examples...
    • Product Version number
      • ProVision v7.4.5 / ACP 1.0 / GNI 2.0
    • Operating System / Browser(s):
      • Hosted instance using Chrome on a Mac (Big Sur)
      • Local installation running CentOS 7, PHP 8.0, using Firefox on a PC w Windows 11
      • Hosted instance using up-to-date Safari on an iPad Pro 11" , 2388 x 1668-px resolution  (Note: screen resolution is only needed for ui display issues, such as a modal or button located offscreen)

Issue Details: 

Provide as much detail as possible about the issue:

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    titleClick here for examples...
    • Module Area and page link:
      • Had an issue with the Field Gadget on the Resource Entry Page at  [ page url ]
    • Describe the issue, including what action(s) you were taking when the error occurred (if reproducible, please include detailed steps):
      • Received an error when pushing a Knot DNS server with the following settings...
      • Import failed when attempting to import this file (provide file) to Resource ABC...
      • Was able to reproduce on Resource ABC by 1) opening the IPAM Gadget 2) entering x,y,z, filters 3) clicking "Smart Browse"...
    • Provide the error code or message (ideally, in a screenshot)
      • Tip: Additional errors may be visible in the Browser "Developer Tools" → "Javascript Console"
    • Note any troubleshooting steps taken and outcomes, for example:
      • Cleared Chrome's browser cache and hard reloaded
      • Error occurred in both Chrome and Firefox
      • Restarted Apache
    • Confirm Urgency Tier:
      • Low - Cosmetic Only, workaround available, or only affects a test environment
      • Medium - No workaround available, causes delays in internal operations but little to no impact on customers
      • Severe - Dramatic impact to production environment, high customer impact
    • Additional Information
      • Note any related server settings, permissions, etc. If configuration changes were made to the Host environment, we should be aware of them as well. 

Supporting Documents: 

Gather screenshots, related files, and supporting information from the ProVision instance or system logs:

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    titleClick here for examples...
    • The error code(s) or messages that appeared, if any
    • Send one or more screenshot(s) that show the issue, such as:
      • ProVision interface, ideally showing the error occurring and on what page it occurred
      • Devtools / Javscript Console output during the error, if open at the time or reproducible
      • ProVision log events, if applicable
    • Provide Information or screenshots of related settings or configurations (server settings, user permissions, resource information, etc).  
    • Include files necessary to replicate the issue, such as import or zone files.
    • Screenshot or paste failure alerts from
      • System Logs
      • Apache
      • MySQL

API Call Issue:

If you experience an issue or failure with an API call, please include as much of the following information as possible:

General information:

    • Confirm ProVision version number
    • Confirm Urgency Tier
    • Send expected outcome/description

API Call Detail:

    • Send the actual API Call used, with header/payload information if applicable
    • Provide the resulting error code
    • Send the actual output of the API call, if applicable

From Logs:

    • Send Apache and MySQL logs showing failure

Support Email Template

Expand the area below for a simple template that you can copy and paste into an email / support request: 


titleClick here for a template...

General Information:

ProVision/ Product Version:

Operating System / Browser(s) / Device used:

Issue Details: 

Module Area & affected page link:

    • .

Description of Issue / Steps to Reproduce:

    • .
    • .
    • .

Error code or message: (ideally, include a screenshot)

    • .

Troubleshooting steps already attempted:

    • .
    • .

Urgency Level / Operation Impact:

    • .

Additional Information: (e.g. configuration changes applied to the host environment, relevant server settings, permission settings, or other notes)

    • .

Provide Supporting Documents  

  • Screenshot(s) of the error message or issue and related context (e.g., The affected module area/ resource / server settings, Provision error messages, Devtools/ Javascript Console errors, ProVision Logs for the error ) 
  • Relevant Apache, MySQL, or System log errors
  • Copies of any relevant files needed to reproduce the error (e.g., DNS Zone file, Import / Export files)

Additional Resources

<div id="google_translate_element"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
function googleTranslateElementInit() {
  new google.translate.TranslateElement({pageLanguage: 'en'}, 'google_translate_element');
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>

Help & Support


For tutorials, frequently asked questions, feedback, or additional resources such as import templates and previous documentation versions, please follow the links listed below.




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