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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from this space and version 8.0.0

Table of Contents

DNS Server Control

ProVision's APIv1 system has been replaced by APIv2, and is now considered deprecated. 

Table of Contents


DescriptionIf provided with an id, fetches that DNS Server from the database. If not, fetches a list of all stored DNS Servers



{"success":1,"message":"Fetch Sucessful.","data":[{"id":"10","server":"", "username":"user", "password":"vwvddp","port":"2600","customer_name":null,"transfer_type": "SCP","remote_directory":"zones", "named_conf_path":"\/etc\/zones","active":"1","post_command":null,"pre_command":null,"dyn_DNSSEC_contact":null, "powerdns_backend":"Bind","db_username":null,"db_password":"(","db_port":null,"db_name":null, "server_type":"slave","SOA":null,"master_id":null,"options": "{\"customer_name\":\"\",\"server_type\":\"slave\" ,\"SOA\":\"\",\"remote_directory\":\"zones\", \"named_conf_path\":\"\\\/etc\\\/zones\", \"dyn_DNSSEC_contact\" :\"\",\"post_command\":\"\" ,\"pre_command\":\"\",\"powerdns_backend\":\"Bind\", \"db_username\":\"\",\"db_password\":\"(\",\"db_port\":\"\",\"db_name\":\"\",\"enable_views\":\"1\"}", "testID":"963","zoneCount":"8","views":"[{\"id\":\"1\", \"server_id\":\"10\",\"name\":\"_6connectDefault\",\"extras\":\"[]\",\"description\":\"\",\"timestamp\":\"1371789181\"},{\"id\":\"3\",\"server_id\":\"10\",\"name\":\"internal\",\"extras\":\"[]\",\"description\":null,\"timestamp\":\"1374686650\"}]"}]}

ERROR:{"success":0, "message":"error message"}

Data Detail:

serverSTRINGServer Name
usernameSTRINGLogin Name
passwordCRYPTLogin Password
portINTEGERPort the Server listens on
zoneCountINTEGERThe number of zones attached to this server.

The options entry is a JSON-encoded string containing a variety of server-specific configuration options.

This string will vary widely by server type and configuration. The following are a selection of common settings.

transfer_typeSTRINGProtocol used for transfer of DNS zones and records. Valid settings include SCP, PowerDNS, Secure64, Secure64Signer
server_typeSTRINGWhether this server is a master or a slave server
SOASTRINGThe SOA entry to be used for zones on this server
remote_directorySTRINGThe directory where SCP will place the zone files.
named_conf_pathSTRINGThe path to the zone files used within the named.conf file.
pre_commandSTRINGThe command executed on the server before the zones are transferred
post_commandSTRINGThe command executed on the server after the transfer is complete
enable_viewsINTEGERWhether or not Views are enabled

The views entry is a JSON-encoded string containing all the information about the Views attached to this server, if any exist.

server_idINTEGERThe ID of the server the View is attached to
nameSTRINGThe name of the View
descriptionSTRINGA description of the View
timestampINTEGERThe UNIX timestamp of when the view was created.
extrasJSONA JSON-encoded array of the extra attributes printed out in the view definition in the config file.

Required ParametersNone
Optional Parameters

idINTEGER15The server id to fetch.

Example URL/api/v1/api.php?target=dnsServer&action=get&id=15



DescriptionAdds a new DNS Server


SUCCESSFUL:{"success":1,"message":"Add Successful."}
ERROR:{"success":0, "message":"error message"}

Required Parameters

serverSTRINGdns.yourdomain.comIP or FQDN of the DNS Server
passwordSTRINGpassword1Login password for Server
transferTypeSTRINGSCPProtocol used for transfer of DNS zones and records. Valid settings include SCP, PowerDNS, Secure64, Secure64Signer
serverTypeSTRINGMasterValues are 'Master' or 'Slave' only
displayNameSTRINGPrimary NSThe name displayed representing the DNS server, can be the same as server or different of Authority record for DNS server

Optional Parameters

These optional parameters vary according to what type of server is being configured.

customerNameSTRING/tmp/zonesCustomer Name
remoteDirectorySTRING/tmp/zonesZone Directory on Server
portINTEGER22Port for ssh or scp access to server
namedConfPathSTRING/tmpThe path to the zone files used within the named.conf file.
preCommandSTRING/path/to/stuff/precommandCommand to execute before zone transfer
postCommandSTRING/path/to/stuff/postcommandCommand to execute after zone transfer
DNSSECContactSTRINGjoeuserFor use with Dyn dns service
usernameSTRINGbobuserLogin name for Server
activeINTEGER0Values 0 or 1 only, sets the server to inactive on 0 value
masteridmasterIdINTEGER53Master server ID. If a server is a slave, masterid masterId points to its master.
powerDNSBackendSTRINGBind or MySQLpDNS server backend type
dbDatabaseNameSTRINGpdns_1DB name for pDNS servers with MySQL powerDNSBackend type
dbPortINTEGER3306Port for for pDNS servers with MySQL powerDNSBackend type
dbUsernameSTRINGsomeuserDB username for pDNS servers with MySQL powerDNSBackend type
dbPasswordSTRINGsomepassDB password for pDNS servers with MySQL powerDNSBackend type

Example URL



DescriptionDeletes a DNS Server


SUCCESSFUL:{"success":1,"message":"Delete Successful."}
ERROR:{"success":0, "message":"error message"}

Required Parameters

idINTEGER5ID of server to delete

Optional ParametersNone
Example URL/api/v1/api.php?target=dnsServer&action=delete&id=5



DescriptionUpdates an existing DNS Server with new information.


SUCCESSFUL:{"success":1,"message":"Update Successful."}
ERROR:{"success":0, "message":"error message"}

Required Parameters

idINTEGER5ID of server
serverSTRINGdns.yourdomain.comIP or FQDN of the DNS Server of Authority record for DNS server
transferTypeSTRINGSCPProtocol used for transfer of DNS zones and records. Valid settings include SCP, PowerDNS, Secure64, Secure64Signer

Optional Parameters

These optional parameters vary according to what type of server is being configured.

activeINTEGER0Values 0 or 1 only, sets the server to inactive on 0 value
customerNameSTRING/tmp/zonesCustomer Name
dbDatabaseNameSTRINGpdns_1DB name for pDNS servers with MySQL powerDNSBackend type
dbPasswordSTRINGsomepassDB password for pDNS servers with MySQL powerDNSBackend type
dbPortINTEGER3306Port for for pDNS servers with MySQL powerDNSBackend type
dbUsernameSTRINGsomeuserDB username for pDNS servers with MySQL powerDNSBackend type
displayNameSTRINGPrimary NSThe name displayed representing the DNS server, can be the same as server or different
DNSSECContactSTRINGjoeuserFor use with Dyn dns service
enable_viewsINTEGER1Whether or not Views are enabled. Valid values are '1' for enable or '0' for do not enable
masteridmasterIdINTEGER53Master server ID. If a server is a slave, masterid masterId points to its master.
namedConfPathSTRING/tmpThe path to the zone files used within the named.conf file.
passwordSTRINGpassword1Login password for Server
portINTEGER22Port for ssh or scp access to server
powerDNSBackendSTRINGBind or MySQLpDNS server backend type
postCommandSTRING/path/to/stuff/postcommandCommand to execute after zone transfer
preCommandSTRING/path/to/stuff/precommandCommand to execute before zone transfer
remoteDirectorySTRING/tmp/zonesZone Directory on Server
serverTypeSTRINGMasterValues are 'Master' or 'Slave' only
usernameSTRINGbobuserLogin name for Server

Example URL




DescriptionPerforms a full zone push on a DNS Server, executing pre and post commands, transferring files, and restarting services.


SUCCESSFUL:{"success":1,"message":"Transfer Successful."}
ERROR:{"success":0, "message":"error message"}

Required Parameters

pushINTEGER1The ID of the server to push zones to

Optional ParametersNone
Example URL/api/v1/api.php?target=dnsServer&action=transferByServertransferServer&push=1



Transfers a single Zone file to all its associated DNS Servers, along with updated server configurations.

Performs pre and post commands on the target servers, transfers the zone file(s), and restarts services.



SUCCESSFUL:{"success":1,"message":"Updated Zone: $ on $server via SCP"}
ERROR:{"success":0, "message":"error message"}

Required Parameters

zoneIdINTEGER35The ID of the zone to push

Optional ParametersNone
Example URL/api/v1/api.php?target=dnsServer&action=transferSingle&zoneId=35




Accepts search criteria to retrieve a list of all matching DNS Zones and associated Records.

Search can be performed on any combination of Zone and Record attributes.



SUCCESSFUL:{"success":1,"message":"Search Successful.","data":[{"zoneId":"932","zoneName":"","zoneResourceId":"81", "zoneSerial":"2013040302","zoneRefresh":"28800","zoneRetry":"7200","zoneExpire":"604800","zoneMinimum":"86400","zoneSOA":null, "zoneTags":null,"zoneTTL":"28800","zoneAutoCheck":"1","zoneEnableDNSSEC":null,"recordId":"154110","recordZoneId":"932", "recordHost": "","recordType":"NS","recordValue":"","recordDescription":null,"recordTTL":"28800", "recordOrdering":"1", "recordErrors":null,"assetId":"0","userCanCreate":0,"userCanDelete":1,"userCanUpdate":1}]}
ERROR:{"success":0, "message":"error message"}

Data Detail:

zoneIdINTEGERThe Id of the Zone entry. A single Zone entry might have multiple Records.
zoneNameSTRINGThe Zone name.
zoneResourceIdINTEGERThe resource Id associated with this Zone.
zoneSerialINTEGERZone Serial.
zoneRefreshINTEGERZone Refresh.
zoneRetryINTEGERZone Retry.
zoneExpireINTEGERZone Expire.
zoneMinimumINTEGERZone Minimum.
zoneSOASTRINGZone SOA.zoneTagsSTRINGAll the tags associated with this Zone.
zoneEnableDNSSECBOOLWhether or not DNSSEC is enabled for this Zone.
zoneAutoCheckBOOLWhether or not this zone is configured to be automatically validated on load/edit.
recordIdINTEGERThe Id of this Record Entry. It is always included with its parent Zone.
recordHostSTRINGThe Hostname of this Record.
recordTypeSTRINGThe Record Type (MX,NS,A,PTR,etc)
recordValueSTRINGThe Value of this Record.
recordDescriptionSTRINGA short description of this Record.
recordTTLSTRINGThe TTL of this Record.
recordOrderingINTEGERThe numerical order in which the record appears in the zone.
recordErrorsSTRINGA string containing any detected problems with this record
userCanCreateBOOLWhether or not the user has DNS CREATE permissions on this zone's resource
userCanUpdateBOOLWhether or not the user has DNS UPDATE permissions on this zone's resource
userCanDeleteBOOlWhether or not the user has DNS DELETE permissions on this zone's resource
unpagedRowsINTEGERIf pagination is used, this value will contain a total count of records had the pagination not been used.

Required ParametersNone
Optional Parameters

likeFlagBOOL1When 1, string searches are done via LIKE with wildcards at both ends. When 0, strict comparison is used.
generalFlagBOOL1When 1, searches over the provided parameters using OR. If 0 or omitted, uses AND.
selectCountINTEGER30When supplied only returns the first X entries

NameTypeExampleDescription10When supplied, only returns entries after record X
sortArrayJSON{"zoneName":"desc","zoneMask":"asc"}A JSON-encoded object containing a list of columns to sort on and the direction in which to sort. Any API variable may be used for sorting. Valid sort directions are ASC and DESC.
zoneIdINTEGER123The Zone Id to search for.
zoneIdINTEGER123The Zone Id to search for.
zoneNameSTRINGfooThe Zone Name to search for.
zoneResourceIdINTEGER5The Resource Id to search for.
zoneSerialINTEGER2012033001The Zone Serial to search for.
zoneRefreshINTEGER36000The Zone Refresh to search for.
zoneRetryINTEGER800The Zone Retry to search for.
zoneExpireINTEGER6090000The Zone Expire to search for.
zoneMinimumINTEGER10The Zone Minimum to search for.
zoneSOASTRING200The Zone SOA to search for.zoneTagsSTRINGclient,production
Zone Tags to search for.zoneTTLINTEGER3600The Zone TTL to search for.
zoneEnableDNSSECINTEGER1Search based on DNSSEC settings.
recordIdINTEGER123The Record Id to search for.
recordZoneIdINTEGER123The parent Zone to search for.
recordHostSTRING@The Record Host to search for.
recordTypeSTRINGNSThe Record Type to search for. Record Value to search for.
recordDescriptionSTRINGDescriptionSearch based on Record Description.
recordTTLSTRING3600The Record TTL to search for.

Example URL/api/v1/api.php?target=zone&action=get&zoneId=123


DescriptionAccepts search criteria to retrieve a list of all matching DNS Zones but NO associated Records. Search can be performed on any combination of Zone and Record attributes.


SUCCESSFUL:{"success":1,"message":"Search Successful.","data":[{"zoneId":"123","zoneName":"","zoneResourceId":"483","zoneIpver":null,"zoneMask":null,"zoneSerial":"2012121803","zoneRefresh":null,"zoneRetry":null,"zoneExpire":null,"zoneMinimum":null,"zoneSOA":null,"zoneTags":"Aaron,Personal","zoneTTL":"3600","zoneEnableDNSSEC":"1","zoneLocalSigning":"1","assetId":"0","recordCount":"1","unpagedRows":"215"}]}
ERROR:{"success":0, "message":"error message"}

Data Detail:

zoneIdINTEGERThe Id of the Zone entry. A single Zone entry might have multiple Records.
zoneNameSTRINGThe Zone name.
zoneResourceIdINTEGERThe resource Id associated with this Zone.
zoneSerialINTEGERZone Serial.
zoneRefreshINTEGERZone Refresh.
zoneRetryINTEGERZone Retry.
zoneExpireINTEGERZone Expire.
zoneMinimumINTEGERZone Minimum.
All the tags associated with this Zone.zoneTTLSTRINGZone TTL.
zoneEnableDNSSECBOOLWhether or not DNSSEC is enabled for this Zone.
zoneAutoCheckBOOLWhether or not this zone is configured to be automatically validated on load/edit.
recordCountINTEGERHow many records are associated with this zone.
userCanCreateBOOLWhether or not the user has DNS CREATE permissions on this zone's resource
userCanUpdateBOOLWhether or not the user has DNS UPDATE permissions on this zone's resource
userCanDeleteBOOlWhether or not the user has DNS DELETE permissions on this zone's resource
unpagedRowsINTEGERIf pagination is used, this value will contain a total count of records had the pagination not been used.

Required ParametersNone
Optional Parameters

likeFlagBOOL1When 1, string searches are done via LIKE with wildcards at both ends. When 0, strict comparison is used.
generalFlagBOOL1When 1, searches over the provided paramenters using OR. If 0 or omitted, uses AND.
selectCountINTEGER30When supplied only returns the first X entries
selectOffsetINTEGER10When supplied, only returns entries after record X
sortArrayJSON{"zoneName":"desc","zoneMask":"asc"}A JSON-encoded object containing a list of columns to sort on and the direction in which to sort. Any API variable may be used for sorting. Valid sort directions are ASC and DESC.

zoneIdINTEGER123The Zone Id to search for.
zoneNameSTRINGfooThe Zone Name to search for.
zoneResourceIdINTEGER5The Resource Id to search for.
zoneSerialINTEGER2012033001The Zone Serial to search for.
zoneRefreshINTEGER36000The Zone Refresh to search for.
zoneRetryINTEGER800The Zone Retry to search for.
zoneExpireINTEGER6090000The Zone Expire to search for.
zoneMinimumINTEGER10The Zone Minimum to search for.
zoneSOASTRING200The Zone SOA to search for.
zoneTagsSTRINGclient,productionZone Tags to search for.
zoneTTLINTEGER3600The Zone TTL to search for.
zoneEnableDNSSECINTEGER1Search based on DNSSEC settings.
recordIdINTEGER123The Record Id to search for.
recordZoneIdINTEGER123The parent Zone to search for.
recordHostSTRING@The Record Host to search for.
recordTypeSTRINGNSThe Record Type to search for. Record Value to search for.
recordDescriptionSTRINGDescriptionSearch based on Record Description.
recordTTLSTRING3600The Record TTL to search for.

Example URL/api/v1/api.php?target=zone&action=search&zoneId=123



DescriptionFirst performs a search based on the submitted Zone and Record criteria, then performs an Update across those entries based on new values.


SUCCESSFUL:{"success":1,"message":"Update Successful."}
ERROR:{"success":0, "message":"error message"}

Required ParametersNone
Optional Parameters

likeFlagBOOL1When 1, string searches are done via LIKE with wildcards at both ends. When 0, strict comparison is used.
generalFlagBOOL1When 1, searches over the provided parameters using OR. If 0 or omitted, uses AND.

searchZoneIdINTEGER123The Zone Id to search for.
searchZoneNameSTRINGfooThe Zone Name to search for.
searchZoneResourceIdINTEGER5The Resource Id to search for.
searchZoneSerialINTEGER2012033001The Zone Serial to search for.
searchZoneRefreshINTEGER36000The Zone Refresh to search for.
searchZoneRetryINTEGER800The Zone Retry to search for.
searchZoneExpireINTEGER6090000The Zone Expire to search for.
searchZoneMinimumINTEGER10The Zone Minimum to search for.
searchZoneSOASTRING200The Zone SOA to search for.searchZoneTagsSTRINGclient,production
Zone Tags to search for.searchZoneTTLINTEGER3600The Zone TTL to search for.
searchZoneEnableDNSSECINTEGER1Search based on DNSSEC settings.
searchRecordIdINTEGER123The Record Id to search for.
searchRecordHostSTRING@The Record Host to search for.
searchRecordTypeSTRINGNSThe Record Type to search for. Record Value to search for.
searchRecordDescriptionSTRINGDescriptionSearch based on Record Description.
searchRecordTTLSTRING3600The Record TTL to search for.

updateZoneNameSTRINGfooThe Zone name to replace into the searched rows.updateZoneResourceIdINTEGER5
The Resource Id to replace into the searched rows.updateZoneSerialINTEGER2012033001The Zone Serial to replace into the searched rows.
updateZoneRefreshINTEGER36000The Zone Refresh to replace into the searched rows.
updateZoneRetryINTEGER800The Zone Retry to replace into the searched rows..
updateZoneExpireINTEGER6090000The Zone Expire to replace into the searched rows.
updateZoneMinimumINTEGER10The Zone Minimum to replace into the searched rows.
updateZoneSOASTRING200The Zone SOA to replace into the searched rows.updateZoneTagsSTRINGclient,productionZone Tags to replace into the searched rows.
updateZoneTTLINTEGER3600The Zone TTL to replace into the searched rows.
updateZoneEnableDNSSECINTEGER1Update DNSSEC Settings.
updateRecordHostSTRING@The Record Host to replace into the searched rows.
updateRecordTypeSTRINGNSThe Record Type to replace into the searched rows. Record Value to replace into the searched rows.
updateRecordDescriptionSTRINGDescriptionUpdate Record Descriptions.
updateRecordTTLSTRING3600The Record TTL to replace into the searched rows.
updateZoneAutoCheckBOOL1Whether or not this zone is configured to be automatically validated on load/edit.

recordZoneIdINTEGER123The parent zone ID

Example URL/api/v1/api.php?target=zone&action=update&searchZoneId=123&updateZoneExpire=6090000



DescriptionAdds a new DNS Zone.


SUCCESSFUL:{"success":1,"message":"Add Successful.","data":123}
ERROR:{"success":0, "message":"error message"}

Data Detail:

dataINTEGERThe Id of the new Zone entry.

Required Parameters

Resource Id
NameTypeExampleDescription name for the new Zone.zoneResourceIdSTRING123 for the new Zone.

Optional Parameters

likeFlagBOOL1When 1, string searches are done via LIKE with wildcards at both ends. When 0, strict comparison is used.
zoneIpverSTRINGIPv6The IP Version.



Whether or not this zone should be signed by the ProVision server when DNSSEC is enabled. If set to false, ProVision will deliver the zone unsigned to the DNS server and the signing / updating process should be triggered by the post-push command

zoneSerialINTEGER2012033001Serial for the new Zone.
zoneRefreshINTEGER36000Refresh for the new Zone.
zoneRetryINTEGER800Retry for the new Zone.
zoneExpireINTEGER6090000Expire for the new Zone.
zoneMinimumINTEGER10Minimum for the new Zone.
zoneSOASTRING200SOA for the new Zone.zoneTagsSTRINGclient,productionTags for the new Zone.
zoneTTLSTRING3600TTL for the new Zone.
zoneEnableDNSSECINTEGER1Whether or not this new zone uses DNSSEC.

Example URL/api/v1/api.php?target=zone&action=add&


DescriptionPerforms a search over the Zones and Records dataset and deletes all found Zones, plus all associated Records of those Zones.


SUCCESSFUL:{"success":1,"message":"Zones and Associated Records Deleted."}
ERROR:{"success":0, "message":"error message"}

Required ParametersNo specific parameter is required, however, one or more optional parameters must be used for a successful return
Optional Parameters

deleteZoneIdINTEGER123The Zone Id to search for.
deleteZoneNameSTRINGfooThe Zone Name to search for.
deleteZoneResourceIdINTEGER5The Resource Id to search for.
deleteZoneSerialINTEGER2012033001The Zone Serial to search for.
deleteZoneRefreshINTEGER36000The Zone Refresh to search for.
deleteZoneRetryINTEGER800The Zone Retry to search for.
deleteZoneExpireINTEGER6090000The Zone Expire to search for.
deleteZoneMinimumINTEGER10The Zone Minimum to search for.
deleteZoneSOASTRING200The Zone SOA to search for.deleteZoneTagsSTRINGclient,production
Zone Tags to search for.deleteZoneTTLINTEGER3600The Zone TTL to search for.
deleteZoneEnableDNSSECINTEGER1Search based on DNSSEC settings.
deleteRecordIdINTEGER123The Record Id to search for.
deleteRecordHostSTRING@The Record Host to search for.
deleteRecordTypeSTRINGNSThe Record Type to search for. Record Value to search for.
deleteRecordDescriptionSTRINGDescriptionSearch based on Record Description.
deleteRecordTTLSTRING3600The Record TTL to search for.
deleteRecordZoneIdINTEGER123The parent zone ID

Example URL/api/v1/api.php?target=zone&action=delete&deleteZoneId=123




Searches for all archived versions of the a zone. Zones are archived every time changes are pushed to their DNS Server.



SUCCESSFUL:{"success":1,"message":"Search Successful.","data":[{"zoneArchiveId" :"2768","zoneId":"1227", "zoneArchiveTimestamp":"1375298692", "zoneArchiveFingerprint":"d060e59d69606326d80b2e55b50f0bc9","zoneName":"","zoneIpver":null, "zoneMask":null,"zoneSerial": "2013073105","zoneRefresh":"14400","zoneRetry":"2000","zoneExpire":"604800", "zoneMinimum":"3600", "zoneSOA":null,"zoneTags":null,"zoneTTL":"3600","zoneEnableDNSSEC":"1", "zoneResourceId":"1013","zonePreviousViewLinkage":"[]"}]}
ERROR:{"success":0, "message":"error message"}

Data Detail:

Zone Tags
zoneIdINTEGERThe Id of the Zone entry to find archived versions of.
zoneArchiveIdINTEGERThe ID of the Archive Entry
zoneArchiveTimestampINTEGERA timestamp marking when this zone was archived.
zoneArchiveFingerprintSTRINGA hash value identifying this zone. Used for comparing versions.
zoneNameINTEGERZone Name.
zoneSerialINTEGERZone Serial.
zoneRefreshINTEGERZone Refresh.
Zone Retry.
zoneExpireINTEGERZone Expire.
zoneMinimumINTEGERZone Minimum.
zoneEnableDNSSECSTRINGWhether or not this version had DNSSEC enabled.
zoneResourceIdSTRINGZone Resource ID
zonePreviousViewLinkageJSONA JSON-encoded array of views this zone was linked to.

Required ParametersNone
Optional Parameters

zoneIdINTEGER123The Zone Id to search for.
zoneArchiveIdINTEGER123The Zone Archive Id
zoneArchiveTimestampINTEGER2012033001The Zone Archive Timestamp
fetchArchiveFileBOOL1Whether or not to return the full Zone file with the result set..

Example URL/api/v1/api.php?target=zone&action=getArchivedZone&zoneId=123



DescriptionAccepts search criteria to retrieve a list of all matching DNS Records. Search can be performed on any combination of Zone and Record attributes.


SUCCESSFUL:{"success":1,"message":"Search Successful.","data":[{"recordId":"30894","recordZoneId":"229","recordHost":"@","recordType":"NS","recordValue":"","recordDescription":"","recordTTL":""}]}
ERROR:{"success":0, "message":"error message"}

Data Detail:

recordIdINTEGERThe ID of this Record Entry. It is always included with its parent Zone.
recordZoneIdINTEGERThe ID of this Record's parent Zone.
recordHostSTRINGThe Hostname of this Record.
recordTypeSTRINGThe Record Type (MX,NS,A,PTR,etc)
recordValueSTRINGThe Value of this Record.
recordDescriptionSTRINGA short description of this Record.
recordTTLSTRINGThe TTL of this Record.

Required ParametersNone
Optional Parameters

likeFlagBOOL1When 1, string searches are done via LIKE with wildcards at both ends. When 0, strict comparison is used.
selectCountINTEGER30When supplied only returns the first X entries
selectOffsetINTEGER10When supplied, only returns entries after record X

recordIdINTEGER123The Record ID to search for.
recordZoneIdINTEGER123The parent Zone to search for.
recordHostSTRING@The Record Host to search for.
recordTypeSTRINGNSThe Record Type to search for. Record Value to search for.
recordDescriptionSTRINGDescriptionSearch based on Record Description.
recordTTLSTRING3600The Record TTL to search for.



zoneIdINTEGER123The Zone Id to search for.
zoneNameSTRINGfooThe Zone Name to search for.
zoneResourceIdINTEGER5The Resource Id to search for.
zoneCustNameSTRINGfooThe Customer Name to search for.
zoneIpverSTRINGIPv6The IP Version to search for.
zoneSerialINTEGER2012033001The Zone Serial to search for.
zoneRefreshINTEGER36000The Zone Refresh to search for.
zoneRetryINTEGER800The Zone Retry to search for.
zoneExpireINTEGER6090000The Zone Expire to search for.
zoneMinimumINTEGER10The Zone Minimum to search for.
zoneSOASTRING200The Zone SOA to search for.
zoneTagsSTRINGclient,productionZone Tags to search for.
zoneTTLINTEGER3600The Zone TTL to search for.
zoneEnableDNSSECINTEGER1Search based on DNSSEC settings.

Example URL/api/v1/api.php?target=record&action=get&selectCount=30&zoneId=123



DescriptionFirst performs a search based on the submitted Zone and Record criteria, then performs an Update across those entries based on new values.


SUCCESSFUL:{"success":1,"message":"Update Successful."}
ERROR:{"success":0, "message":"error message"}

Required ParametersNone
Optional Parameters

likeFlagBOOL1When 1, string searches are done via LIKE with wildcards at both ends. When 0, strict comparison is used.
generalFlagBOOL1When 1, searches over the provided parameters using OR. If 0 or omitted, uses AND.

searchZoneIdINTEGER123The Zone ID to search for.
searchZoneNameSTRINGfooThe Zone Name to search for.
searchZoneCustIdINTEGER5The Customer ID to search for.
searchZoneSerialINTEGER2012033001The Zone Serial to search for.
searchZoneRefreshINTEGER36000The Zone Refresh to search for.
searchZoneRetryINTEGER800The Zone Retry to search for.
searchZoneExpireINTEGER6090000The Zone Expire to search for.
searchZoneMinimumINTEGER10The Zone Minimum to search for.
searchZoneSOASTRING200The Zone SOA to search for.searchZoneTagsSTRINGclient,productionZone Tags to search for.
searchZoneTTLINTEGER3600The Zone TTL to search for.
searchZoneEnableDNSSECINTEGER1Search based on DNSSEC settings.
searchRecordIdINTEGER123The Record ID to search for.
searchRecordHostSTRING@The Record Host to search for.
searchRecordTypeSTRINGNSThe Record Type to search for. Record Value to search for.
searchRecordDescriptionSTRINGDescriptionSearch based on Record Description.
searchRecordTTLSTRING3600The Record TTL to search for.
searchZoneResourceIdINTEGER5The Resource Id to search for.
searchRecordZoneIdINTEGER123The Zone ID of the Record to search for.

updateZoneNameSTRINGfooThe Zone name to replace into the searched rows.
updateZoneSerialINTEGER2012033001The Zone Serial to replace into the searched rows.
updateZoneRefreshINTEGER36000The Zone Refresh to replace into the searched rows.
updateZoneRetryINTEGER800The Zone Retry to replace into the searched rows..
updateZoneExpireINTEGER6090000The Zone Expire to replace into the searched rows.
updateZoneMinimumINTEGER10The Zone Minimum to replace into the searched rows.
updateZoneSOASTRING200The Zone SOA to replace into the searched rows.updateZoneTagsSTRINGclient,productionZone Tags to replace into the searched rows.
updateZoneTTLINTEGER3600The Zone TTL to replace into the searched rows.
updateZoneEnableDNSSECINTEGER1Update DNSSEC Settings.
updateRecordHostSTRING@The Record Host to replace into the searched rows.
updateRecordTypeSTRINGNSThe Record Type to replace into the searched rows. Record Value to replace into the searched rows.
updateRecordDescriptionSTRINGDescriptionUpdate Record Descriptions.
updateRecordTTLSTRING3600The Record TTL to replace into the searched rows.
updateZoneResourceIdINTEGER5The Resource Id to replace into the searched rows.
updateZoneAutoCheckBOOL1Whether or not this zone is configured to be automatically validated on load/edit.

Example URL/api/v1/api.php?target=record&action=update&searchZoneId=123&searchZoneTags=client&updateZoneTTL=3600


DescriptionAdds a new Record to a supplied Zone.


SUCCESSFUL:{"success":1,"message":"Add Successful.","data":123}
ERROR:{"success":0, "message":"error message"}

Data Detail:

dataINTEGERThe ID of the new Record entry.

Required Parameters

newRecordZoneIdINTEGER123The Zone ID of the new Record.
newRecordHostSTRING@New Host Name.
newRecordTypeSTRINGPTRNew Record Type.
newRecordValue*STRING123New Record Value.
*newRecordValue required only for certain Record Types

Optional Parameters

likeFlagBOOL1When 1, string searches are done via LIKE with wildcards at both ends. When 0, strict comparison is used.
newRecordDescriptionSTRINGDescription.Notes for the Record.
newRecordTTLINTEGER3600Record TTL.

Example URL/api/v1/api.php?target=record&action=add&newRecordZoneId=123&newRecordHost=@host&newRecordType=PTR&newRecordTTL=3600



DescriptionPerforms a search over the Zones and Records dataset and deletes all found Records, but leaves their parent Zones intact.


SUCCESSFUL:{"success":1,"message":"Deletion Successful."}
ERROR:{"success":0, "message":"error message"}

Required ParametersNone
Optional Parameters

deleteZoneIdINTEGER123The Zone ID to search for.
deleteZoneNameSTRINGfooThe Zone Name to search for.
deleteZoneCustIdINTEGER5The Customer ID to search for.
deleteZoneIpverSTRINGIPv6The IP Version to search for.
deleteZoneSerialINTEGER2012033001The Zone Serial to search for.
deleteZoneRefreshINTEGER36000The Zone Refresh to search for.
deleteZoneRetryINTEGER800The Zone Retry to search for.
deleteZoneExpireINTEGER6090000The Zone Expire to search for.
deleteZoneMinimumINTEGER10The Zone Minimum to search for.
deleteZoneSOASTRING200The Zone SOA to search for.deleteZoneTagsSTRINGclient,production
Zone Tags to search for.deleteZoneTTLINTEGER3600The Zone TTL to search for.
deleteZoneEnableDNSSECINTEGER1Search based on DNSSEC settings.
deleteRecordIdINTEGER123The Record ID to search for.
deleteRecordHostSTRING@The Record Host to search for.
deleteRecordTypeSTRINGNSThe Record Type to search for. Record Value to search for.
deleteRecordDescriptionSTRINGDescriptionSearch based on Record Description.
deleteRecordTTLSTRING3600The Record TTL to search for.
deleteZoneResourceIdINTEGER5The Resource Id to search for.
deleteZoneCustNameSTRINGfooThe Customer Name to search for.

Example URL/api/v1/api.php?target=record&action=delete&deleteZoneName=foo



DescriptionSwaps the index order of the targeted NameServer with that of the one below it.


SUCCESSFUL:{"success":1,"message":"Reordering Successful."}
ERROR:{"success":0, "message":"error message"}

Required Parameters

idINTEGER5ID of server to activate.

Optional ParametersNone
Example URL/api/v1/api.php?target=nameServer&action=orderDown&id=5

