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DescriptionReturns a list of log entries. Use optional parameters to filter the list.


SUCCESSFUL{"success":1,"message":"Search Successful.","data":[{"logId":"31568","time": "2012-05-07 17:44:43", "logLevel":"INFO","userId":"39","userName": "","logCategory": "User","message": "Anna Claiborne User Doe ( logged in via local authentication","ip":""}]}
ERROR{'success':0, 'message':'error message'}

Data Detail

logIdlog_idINTEGER24Unique log entry id.
timeDATETIME2012-05-07 22:10:07Date and time year to second.
logLevellog_levelSTRINGNOTICEStandard syslog log levels in verbose format (EMERG, ALERT, CRIT, ERR, WARNING, NOTICE, INFO, DEBUG).
userIduser_idIntegerINTEGER11The unique user id associated with the log entry.
userNameusernameSTRINGanna@6connectuser@6connect.comThe unique user name associated with the log entry.
logCategorylog_categorySTRINGIPAMThe 6connect category for the log entry (User, IPAM, Resource Holder, DNS, Peering, Assistant, NTP, Reporting).
messageSTRINGCreated new children from detailed log message.
ipSTRING107.111.0.228The remote IP address of the user who took the action being logged.

Required Parameters


*There are no required parameters, but at least one optional parameter must be provided for the call to succeed.

Optional Parameters

likeFlagBOOL1When 1, string searches are done via LIKE with wildcards at both ends. When 0, strict comparison is used.
block_idINTEGER310Id of the IPAM netblocks to which the logs belong
get_attributesBOOLEAN1Display the log attributes along with the log into the client's response. (The attributes for each log record). Valid values are 1 (true) and 0 (false).
log_idlogIdINTEGER24Unique log entry id.
timeStarttime_minDATETIME20122015-05-07 [21:00:00]Retrieve logs starting at this Date and optional time year to second.
timeEndtime_maxDATETIME20122015-05-07 [22:00:00]Retrieve logs ending at this Date and optional time year to second.
limitINTEGER100Total log entries to retrieve. Default limit is 1000 records.
orderbySTRINGlog_idOrder results by log_id, time, log_level
orderSTRINGASCOrder by ascending / descending (ASC / DESC).
offsetINTEGER50Offset from 0 to retrieve log entries
userNameusernameSTRINGanna@6connectuser@6connect.comThe unique user name associated with the log entry.
logCategorylog_categorySTRINGIPAMThe 6connect category for the log entry (User, IPAM, Resource Holder, DNS, Peering, Assistant, NTP, Reporting).
logLevellog_levelSTRINGNOTICEStandard syslog log levels in verbose format (EMERG, ALERT, CRIT, ERR, WARNING, NOTICE, INFO, DEBUG).
ipSTRING1.2.3.4The remote IP address of the user whose action was loggedblock
searchSTRINGAggregate AddedSearch for a string in the logs. It searches in 'message', 'username', 'time', 'ip' and 'log_category'
timeDATETIME2015-05-07 [21:00:00]Search logs from a specific time1.2.3.4/8Used to return any actions performed on the specified block.

Example URL/api/v1/api.php?target=log&action=get&block_id=310&order_by=log_id&order=DESC

Children Display