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ProVision 7.2.0

ProVision 7.2.0 is a major release with new features, improvements and bug fixes.



New Features


IPAM NAT Support

NAT tracking is now supported in ProVision IPAM.

NAT IPAM Metadata

IM/CFR -146: Added NAT association support to IPAM 


titleHow to Add NAT Metadata...

Enable NAT 

Enable the NAT field by navigating to IPAM Admin → Edit IPAM Columns.

titleEnable NAT Column...

From there, ensure that the NAT column is checked (enabled), and customize the column location if desired. Be sure to click "Update" to save any changes.

Create NAT Association

Ensure that the two appropriate IP Aggregates (one public, one 1918 private space) containing the desired blocks to NAT have been added into ProVision. (See: Working with IP Aggregates)

titleCreate NAT Association...

Open IPAM Manage for either aggregate, then open "Edit Block" for the specific block you wish to NAT. (See:Working with IP Blocks)

In the Edit Block dialog, enter the IPv4 CIDR of the corresponding NAT block. When complete, click "Save".

Once the NAT field has been saved, the association will display in the NAT Column. 

The corresponding block (here, the private 1918 space block) will automatically have the NAT associated applied - automatically splitting/merging available blocks as necessary to make the association. 

Configure NAT to Router(s)

In the IPAM Manage Action Menu, select "Configure NAT" for the NAT'ed block(s).

titleConfigure NAT...

Then, select the router. Add the custom configuration /  interface information for the router and click "Configure".

titleWorking with NAT'ed Blocks

Use caution when managing NAT'ed blocks or aggregates - major actions that change either block's assignment or size (assign, unassign, split, merge, autosplit/cleanup) removes the NAT association.

In this case, complete the necessary high-level block tasks, and then re-save the NAT CIDR association to either block.

NAT/ Scheduler: Rotate Dynamic IPs

IM/CFR - 3373: Added a Scheduler Task,  "Rotate Dynamic IPs"  for rotation of NAT IP Assignments


titleSet up NAT Dynamic Rotation...

Before you Begin

Before setting up NAT Dynamic IP Block Rotation, ensure the follow has been completed:

  • The public/private IP blocks exist in ProVision (as /32s) and have been set up with NAT Metadata and matching IP Tags
  • The NAT'ed blocks have been configured with a router
  • The Aggregate(s)/IP's exist in ProVision with sufficient "Available" space to use for Rotating the NAT'ed block(s)
  • IPAM Tags match between the NAT'ed blocks and intended available blocks

Add Dynamic Tags to Blocks

After NAT blocks and aggregates have been set up in ProVision with sufficient size, matching IPAM tags, and NAT metadata, you can identify which blocks to use for dynamic rotation by adding the "Dynamic_Base" and "Dynamic_Available" tags.

titleAdd Dynamic Tags...

Go to IPAM Manage and: 

  • Add the IPAM tag "Dynamic_Base" to the /32 block(s) currently NAT'ed. 
  • Add the IPAM tag "Dynamic_Available to the aggregate or blocks which match the NAT'ed blocks, and are available for rotation use. If used on a block larger than the Dynamic_Base block, the available block will be automatically split.

Set up Scheduler Task

Go to  Admin → Scheduler, Add the scheduler task "IPAM - Rotate Dynamic IPs". 

titleAdd Rotate Dynamic IPs Scheduled Task...

Enter a number for the days to wait (since last configure) until rotation. 

Enter scheduled start / end dates, repeat settings, and click "Save" when complete. 

The scheduled task will look for NAT'ed, /32 "Dynamic_Base" blocks that have last configuration times older than the provided day count, and rotate those IPs to "Dynamic_Available" blocks. Dynamic_Available blocks larger than than the Dynamic_Base block will be automatically split.

Numbering Authority

IM/CFR - 3322: Added "Numbering Authority" system to IPAM Admin to generate custom-configured number sequences


With Numbering Authority, you can create new numbering domains, track which values have been handed out, free values no longer in use, generate the next sequence value, and associate keys-value pairs to a number value. Numbering Domains may be used with ProVision's APIv2 to generate numbers for use within ProVision instances or custom applications.  

Available Domain Types

Four numbering domain types are available in Numbering Authority: Sequential, Multi-Range, UIUDv4, and IPv6 Sparse Allocation. 


Determines the next IPv6 block to assign to evenly distribute assignments throughout the provided range. Used with the IPAM IPv6 Aggregate Sparse Allocate function. See: Working with IP Aggregates Applications: ProVision IPv6 Sparse Allocation

Working with Numbering Domains

See below for additional information on creating Numbering Domains and using domain actions. Information may also be viewed at Working with IP Aggregates and IPAM Parameters.


titleWorking with Numbering Domains...

Create a Numbering Domain

Go to Admin → IPAM Admin, and select the "Numbering Authority" page.

Create a new numbering domain by expanding the "Create New Numbering Domain" section, then typing in a name for the new domain and selecting a domain type.

Enter information for the specific domain type, if necessary, and select whether to allow number reuse.  When done, click "Create".

Number Domain Actions

Once a numbering domain is created, you may perform the following actions:

Get Next Value: 

Gets the next value in the domain, adds it to the list of used domain values (assigns to the domain), and displays that value to the user.

View Assigned Values:

View values that are assigned to the domain, view used/free status, free assigned blocks, and save key-value metadata to values.

Image Modified
  • Sort by Value and Free/Used values by clicking the column names
  • To add metadata to a value, enter your information into the "Key" and "Value" fields under Metadata, then click "Save". 
  • Free a value for reuse, if allowed, by clicking "Free" under the value Actions column.


Deletes the numbering domain.

IPAM IPv6 Sparse Allocation

IM/CFR - 3322a: Added "Sparse Allocation" assignment for IPv6 blocks


titleUsing Sparse Allocation...

Sparse Allocation options are accessed from the IPv6 Aggregate's Action Menu.

From here, you can enable/disable Sparse Allocation for the aggregate, or Sparse allocate assign the next generated IP block. 

Assign the next IP generated by selecting "Sparse Allocate".

Then, select the resource to assign (or create a new one) and click "Assign". 

Resource Field Gadget

IM - 3347: Added the "Resource Field Gadget"


titleUsing the Field Gadget...

Before You Begin

Fields must be enabled and added to the Resource's Section before they can be used in the Field Gadget.

Fields enabled in a Section (pictured below) will be available to add to the Field Gadget for any Resource of that Section.

titleClick to view enabled Section Fields...

Working with the Field Gadget

Once fields have been enabled for a Section, they will be available to select in the "Add New Field" dropdown. 

To Add fields, click the "Edit" Button at the bottom right corner of the Field Gadget. 

Then, next to "Add New Field:", select one of the available fields from the dropdown, and click "Add". 

Once added, the field will be available to edit or remove. Edit field value(s) as desired, then click "Save". 

DNS Records List

CFR - 151: Added a new DNS Records sub-tab under the DNS Tab


titleThe DNS Records List...

From the DNS Tab, click on the "DNS Records" sub-tab button, or select it from the DNS dropdown menu.

All DNS records available in ProVision displays in a single Record List, along with Host, Type, Value, and Last Queried information. 

Filter Records

Search for specific records by filtering by Host, Type, Comment, Value, Last Query, Last Modified, Record TTL, or Status. 

After entering your filter criteria, click "Filter".

Work with Records

For each record, you may:

  • Click the "Check" button to run an DNS Monitor error check on the record
  • Review or change record permissions by clicking "Perms" (Admin only)
  • Delete the record by clicking "Delete"
  • Review or Edit record details by double-clicking on the row for the desired record. 
    • Review record revision dates or enter your desired edit, then click "Save changes" to complete. 

Add a New Record

Next to "Record List", select the desired record type, then click "Add Record". 

Enter the record information for the record type. When done, click "Save Changes".


IM - 3356: Added a ProVision Licensing Management Page to Admin Settings


To add/update a License Key, paste the key provided into the "Update License Key" box, and click "Update License".

Additional Features / Improvements


IPAM Improvements

Multiple improvements have been made to the IPAM Manage interface, including:

'Important' Blocks

IM/CFR - 3301: Added the ability to mark a block as "Important". 


Blocks may be manually marked/unmarked as "Important" from the "Edit Block" interface or API.

Parent View Updates

IM - 3308: Added toggle link to "Switch to Parent View" in IPAM Manage


We now help you out by giving examples for "power of 2"!

Approvals Multi-Assign

IM - 3303: Added the ability to assign multiple groups to an approval action.


For any Action, click "Assign Group", then select one or more Groups to apply the action policy to. 

Peering Improvements

Local Peers

IM / CFR - 3289: Added "Local Peer" options to ProVision Peering


titleWorking with Local Peers...

Add a Local Peer

Add a new local peer by going to the Peering Tab → Peers subtab, and clicking "Add Peer". 

titleHow to Add Local Peers...

In the "Add Local Peer" form, enter the Peer details including Name, ASN, IPv4 or IPv6 Address, Route-Set, select an Exchange Option, and add notes if desired.

When finished, click "Create".

The Peer will be added to the "Local Peers" list, and be available to use while creating a session.

Create a Session Using a Local or Custom Peer

You may use existing Local Peers when creating a new session, or create a new custom Peer from the Create Session page. 

titleUse Local / Custom Peers for a Session...

Click "Add Session" from the Peering → Sessions sub-tab.

Under the Destination section, you may look up an existing Local Peer under "Local Peer Lookup" by selecting the peer name and address, and the destination fields will be automatically populated.

If the Peer does not already in ProVision, you may add a new Local or Custom Peer by directly typing the Peer Name, ASN, and IP in the Destination fields. 

When complete, click "Create".

The Local Peer Session will be added to the Session List.

Expanded Router Edit

IM-3327: Added the ability to edit router information directly from the Peering → Router Details page.


titleEditing Router Details...

To edit a router field, click the "Edit" icon (pencil), and input the desired change.

When complete, click the "Save" icon.

Improved Messaging

IM - 3429: Added Success/Fail Messaging to Peering → Router Sessions "Delete All" button.

APIv2 Updates

Follow endpoint links for detailed APIv2 Swagger documentation, updated once each release is live.

IPAM Generate DNS

IM - 2940: Added APIv2 endpoint: POST /ipam/netblocks/generate_dns 


titleEndpoint details: generate_dns...

POST/ipam/netblocks/generate_dns  Generates DNS Zones and records based on the provided netblock
Description:Returns a list of dns zones and records. If dry_run is provided, no records and zones will be created.

The IP block in CIDR format


DNS Group ID


DNS Zone type. Use "forward", "reverse" or both


DNS Records type. Use "forward", "reverse" or both


Use this option in order to see if your request is acceptable without committing the changes


IPAM Soft Merge Netblock

IM-3275: Added APIv2 endpoint: PATCH /ipam/netblocks/{id}/soft_merge 


titleEndpoint details: IPAM Soft Merge...

PATCH/ipam/netblocks/{id}/soft_merge  Merges IP Blocks under an aggregate wherever possible and reports on outcome
Description:Friendlier, gentler version of /merge API endpoint.This endpoint will merge as much as it can and skip over areas where it cannot cleanly merge blocks together. Returns whether it successfully merged every IP block or just partially, and list all unmerged blocks.

Resource GET Attribute Updates

IM-xxxx: Updates to APIv2 endpoint: GET /resource/


titleResource GET updated return model ...

Bug Fixes/Minor Improvements


IM - 2124: Updated IPAM to support aggregates of
