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DescriptionAdds a new DNS Server


SUCCESSFUL:{"success":1,"message":"Add Successful."}
ERROR:{"success":0, "message":"error message"}
Required Parameters
serverSTRINGdns.yourdomain.comIP or FQDN of the DNS Server
passwordSTRINGpassword1Login password for Server
transferTypeSTRINGSCPProtocol used for transfer of DNS zones and records. Valid settings include SCP, PowerDNS, Secure64, Secure64Signer
serverTypeSTRINGMasterValues are 'Master' or 'Slave' only
displayNameSTRINGPrimary NSThe name displayed representing the DNS server, can be the same as server or different of Authority record for DNS server
Optional Parameters

These optional parameters vary according to what type of server is being configured.

customerNameSTRING/tmp/zonesCustomer Name
remoteDirectorySTRING/tmp/zonesZone Directory on Server
portINTEGER22Port for ssh or scp access to server
namedConfPathSTRING/tmpThe path to the zone files used within the named.conf file.
preCommandSTRING/path/to/stuff/precommandCommand to execute before zone transfer
postCommandSTRING/path/to/stuff/postcommandCommand to execute after zone transfer
DNSSECContactSTRINGjoeuserFor use with Dyn dns service
usernameSTRINGbobuserLogin name for Server
activeINTEGER0Values 0 or 1 only, sets the server to inactive on 0 value
masteridmasterIdINTEGER53Master server ID. If a server is a slave, masterid masterId points to its master.
powerDNSBackendSTRINGBind or MySQLpDNS server backend type
dbDatabaseNameSTRINGpdns_1DB name for pDNS servers with MySQL powerDNSBackend type
dbPortINTEGER3306Port for for pDNS servers with MySQL powerDNSBackend type
dbUsernameSTRINGsomeuserDB username for pDNS servers with MySQL powerDNSBackend type
dbPasswordSTRINGsomepassDB password for pDNS servers with MySQL powerDNSBackend type
Example URL


