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Accepts search criteria to retrieve a list of all matching DNS Zones and associated Records.

Search can be performed on any combination of Zone and Record attributes.



SUCCESSFUL:{"success":1,"message":"Search Successful.","data":[{"zoneId":"64932","zoneName":"","zoneResourceId":"48381", "zoneSerial":"20121218052013040302","zoneRefresh":"028800","zoneRetry":"07200","zoneExpire":"0604800","zoneMinimum":"086400","zoneSOA":null, "zoneTags":null,"zoneTagszoneTTL":"Aaron, personal28800","zoneTTLzoneAutoCheck":"36001","zoneEnableDNSSEC":null,"recordId":"1154110","recordIdrecordZoneId":"16450932", "recordHost": "","recordType":"ANS","recordValue":"1auth01.2veroxity.3net.5","recordDescription":""null,"recordTTL":"28800", "recordOrdering":"41", "assetIdrecordErrors":"0"null,"unpagedRowsassetId":"116720","recordHostAssetuserCanCreate":0,"recordValueAssetuserCanDelete":1,"447userCanUpdate":1}]}
ERROR:{"success":0, "message":"error message"}

Data Detail:

zoneIdINTThe Id of the Zone entry. A single Zone entry might have multiple Records.
zoneNameSTRINGThe Zone name.
zoneResourceIdINTThe resource Id associated with this Zone.
zoneSerialINTZone Serial.
zoneRefreshINTZone Refresh.
zoneRetryINTZone Retry.
zoneExpireINTZone Expire.
zoneMinimumINTZone Minimum.
zoneTagsSTRINGAll the tags associated with this Zone.
zoneEnableDNSSECBOOLWhether or not DNSSEC is enabled for this Zone.
zoneAutoCheckBOOLWhether or not this zone is configured to be automatically validated on load/edit.
recordIdINTThe Id of this Record Entry. It is always included with its parent Zone.
recordHostSTRINGThe Hostname of this Record.
recordTypeSTRINGThe Record Type (MX,NS,A,PTR,etc)
recordValueSTRINGThe Value of this Record.
recordDescriptionSTRINGA short description of this Record.
recordTTLSTRINGThe TTL of this Record.
recordOrderingINTThe numerical order in which the record appears in the zone.
recordErrorsSTRINGA string containing any detected problems with this record
userCanCreateBOOLWhether or not the user has DNS CREATE permissions on this zone's resource
userCanUpdateBOOLWhether or not the user has DNS UPDATE permissions on this zone's resource
userCanDeleteBOOlWhether or not the user has DNS DELETE permissions on this zone's resource
unpagedRowsINTIf pagination is used, this value will contain a total count of records had the pagination not been used.
assetIdINTThe numerical Id of the Asset best associated with this zone. Zero if such asset does not exist.
recordHostAssetINTThe numerical Id of the Asset best associated with this recordHost. Zero if such asset does not exist.
recordValueAssetINTThe numerical Id of the Asset best associated with this recordValue. Zero if such asset does not exist.
Optional Parameters
likeFlagBOOL1When 1, string searches are done via LIKE with wildcards at both ends. When 0, strict comparison is used.
generalFlagBOOL1When 1, searches over the provided parameters using OR. If 0 or omitted, uses AND.
selectCountINT30When supplied only returns the first X entries
selectOffsetINT10When supplied, only returns entries after record X
sortArrayJSON{"zoneName":"desc","zoneMask":"asc"}A JSON-encoded object containing a list of columns to sort on and the direction in which to sort. Any API variable may be used for sorting. Valid sort directions are ASC and DESC.searchForAssetsBOOL
0When 1 or omitted, the search will return asset information. When 0, this information is not searched for.NameTypeExampleDescription
zoneIdINT123The Zone Id to search for.
zoneNameSTRINGfooThe Zone Name to search for.
zoneResourceIdINT5The Resource Id to search for.
zoneSerialINT2012033001The Zone Serial to search for.
zoneRefreshINT36000The Zone Refresh to search for.
zoneRetryINT800The Zone Retry to search for.
zoneExpireINT6090000The Zone Expire to search for.
zoneMinimumINT10The Zone Minimum to search for.
zoneSOASTRING200The Zone SOA to search for.
zoneTagsSTRINGclient,productionZone Tags to search for.
zoneTTLINT3600The Zone TTL to search for.
zoneEnableDNSSECINT1Search based on DNSSEC settings.
recordIdINT123The Record Id to search for.
recordZoneIdINT123The parent Zone to search for.
recordHostSTRING@The Record Host to search for.
recordTypeSTRINGNSThe Record Type to search for. Record Value to search for.
recordDescriptionSTRINGDescriptionSearch based on Record Description.
recordTTLSTRING3600The Record TTL to search for.
DescriptionAccepts search criteria to retrieve a list of all matching DNS Zones but NO associated Records. Search can be performed on any combination of Zone and Record attributes.


SUCCESSFUL:{"success":1,"message":"Search Successful.","data":[{"zoneId":"123","zoneName":"","zoneResourceId":"483","zoneIpver":null,"zoneMask":null,"zoneSerial":"2012121803","zoneRefresh":null,"zoneRetry":null,"zoneExpire":null,"zoneMinimum":null,"zoneSOA":null,"zoneTags":"Aaron,Personal","zoneTTL":"3600","zoneEnableDNSSEC":"1","zoneLocalSigning":"1","assetId":"0","recordCount":"1","unpagedRows":"215"}]}
ERROR:{"success":0, "message":"error message"}

Data Detail:

How many records are associated with this zone.
zoneIdINTThe Id of the Zone entry. A single Zone entry might have multiple Records.
zoneNameSTRINGThe Zone name.
zoneResourceIdINTThe resource Id associated with this Zone.
zoneSerialINTZone Serial.
zoneRefreshINTZone Refresh.
zoneRetryINTZone Retry.
zoneExpireINTZone Expire.
zoneMinimumINTZone Minimum.
zoneTagsSTRINGAll the tags associated with this Zone.
zoneEnableDNSSECBOOLWhether or not DNSSEC is enabled for this Zone.
assetIdINTThe numerical Id of the Asset best associated with this zone. Zero if such asset does not exist.
zoneAutoCheckBOOLWhether or not this zone is configured to be automatically validated on load/edit.
recordCountintHow many records are associated with this zone.
userCanCreateBOOLWhether or not the user has DNS CREATE permissions on this zone's resource
userCanUpdateBOOLWhether or not the user has DNS UPDATE permissions on this zone's resource
userCanDeleteBOOlWhether or not the user has DNS DELETE permissions on this zone's resourcerecordCountint
unpagedRowsINTIf pagination is used, this value will contain a total count of records had the pagination not been used.
Optional Parameters
likeFlagBOOL1When 1, string searches are done via LIKE with wildcards at both ends. When 0, strict comparison is used.
generalFlagBOOL1When 1, searches over the provided paramenters using OR. If 0 or omitted, uses AND.
selectCountINT30When supplied only returns the first X entries
selectOffsetINT10When supplied, only returns entries after record X
sortArrayJSON{"zoneName":"desc","zoneMask":"asc"}A JSON-encoded object containing a list of columns to sort on and the direction in which to sort. Any API variable may be used for sorting. Valid sort directions are ASC and DESC.searchForAssetsBOOL
0When 1 or omitted, the search will return asset information. When 0, this information is not searched for.NameTypeExampleDescription
zoneIdINT123The Zone Id to search for.
zoneNameSTRINGfooThe Zone Name to search for.
zoneResourceIdINT5The Resource Id to search for.
zoneSerialINT2012033001The Zone Serial to search for.
zoneRefreshINT36000The Zone Refresh to search for.
zoneRetryINT800The Zone Retry to search for.
zoneExpireINT6090000The Zone Expire to search for.
zoneMinimumINT10The Zone Minimum to search for.
zoneSOASTRING200The Zone SOA to search for.
zoneTagsSTRINGclient,productionZone Tags to search for.
zoneTTLINT3600The Zone TTL to search for.
zoneEnableDNSSECINT1Search based on DNSSEC settings.
recordIdINT123The Record Id to search for.
recordZoneIdINT123The parent Zone to search for.
recordHostSTRING@The Record Host to search for.
recordTypeSTRINGNSThe Record Type to search for. Record Value to search for.
recordDescriptionSTRINGDescriptionSearch based on Record Description.
recordTTLSTRING3600The Record TTL to search for.


DescriptionAdds a new DNS Zone.


SUCCESSFUL:{"success":1,"message":"Add Successful.","data":123}
ERROR:{"success":0, "message":"error message"}

Data Detail:

dataINTThe Id of the new Zone entry.
Required Parameters
NameTypeExampleDescription name for the new Zone.
Optional Parameters
zoneResourceIdSTRING123Resource Id for the new Zone.
zoneSerialINT2012033001Serial for the new Zone.
zoneRefreshINT36000Refresh for the new Zone.
zoneRetryINT800Retry for the new Zone.
zoneExpireINT6090000Expire for the new Zone.
zoneMinimumINT10Minimum for the new Zone.
zoneSOASTRING200SOA for the new Zone.
zoneTagsSTRINGclient,productionTags for the new Zone.
zoneTTLSTRING3600TTL for the new Zone.
zoneEnableDNSSECINT1Whether or not this new zone uses DNSSEC.


Whether or not this zone is configured

to be automatically validated on load/edit.

DescriptionPerforms a search over the Zones and Records dataset and deletes all found Zones, plus all associated Records of those Zones.


SUCCESSFUL:{"success":1,"message":"Zones and Associated Records Deleted."}
ERROR:{"success":0, "message":"error message"}
Optional Parameters
deleteZoneIdINT123The Zone Id to search for.
deleteZoneNameSTRINGfooThe Zone Name to search for.
deleteZoneResourceIdINT5The Resource Id to search for.
deleteZoneSerialINT2012033001The Zone Serial to search for.
deleteZoneRefreshINT36000The Zone Refresh to search for.
deleteZoneRetryINT800The Zone Retry to search for.
deleteZoneExpireINT6090000The Zone Expire to search for.
deleteZoneMinimumINT10The Zone Minimum to search for.
deleteZoneSOASTRING200The Zone SOA to search for.
deleteZoneTagsSTRINGclient,productionZone Tags to search for.
deleteZoneTTLINT3600The Zone TTL to search for.
deleteZoneEnableDNSSECINT1Search based on DNSSEC settings.
deleteRecordIdINT123The Record Id to search for.
deleteRecordHostSTRING@The Record Host to search for.
deleteRecordTypeSTRINGNSThe Record Type to search for. Record Value to search for.
deleteRecordDescriptionSTRINGDescriptionSearch based on Record Description.
deleteRecordTTLSTRING3600The Record TTL to search for.
