Local Software Installation & Specific Configuration Instructions

Before You Begin

Ensure that System Requirements have been met and CentOS configuration followed (if applicable) prior to proceeding with the configuration and installation instructions on this page.

Apache Configuration Requirements

mod_rewrite, mod_ssl, mod_deflate, and mod_headers are required

ProVision must be run over SSL. Self signed certificates are fine.


Please note that if SSL is being used, the directory information will need to be present in the ssl.conf as well (location/file name may be different depending on the OS and Apache version)

The web root directory for ProVision must be configured with the following directives:

Apache 2.2:

<Directory /<ProVision webroot>>
    Options FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride All
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

Apache 2.4:

<Directory /<ProVision webroot>>
    Options FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride All
    Require all granted


Please note that if the AllowOverride is not enabled on the doc root - there will be multiple issues in the ProVision UI!

MySQL Configuration


PHP Configuration

PHP Compatibility

Please  note that as of version 5.0.0 of ProVision, PHP versions >5.5 are required

display_errors = Off
session.save_handler = files
session.save_path = "/tmp"

The session save path can be configured for alternate directories, however, you might need to manually add the folder "imports" and chown/chmod it to be readable and writeable by the web user. The software will try to do this automatically, but permissions could prevent it from being added correctly. This must be configured to import data.

On new versions of PHP, the following may need to be added:


SMTP = localhost
smtp_port = 25

Depending on the OS, the following may need to be added after various php extensions are added:

Source Guardian

php extension - download from http://www.sourceguardian.com/ixeds/

PHP cli binary path must be set in the software Admin section if different from default. By default it is /usr/bin/php.

Additional PHP Extensions

See configTest.php located in the 6connect tar file for an updated list

Additional System Packages

sendmail (Or any mail software.  The correct binary should be specified in php.ini)

DNS Tools and Packages



Install 6connect ProVision Software

The local installation process is as follows:

Scripts must be run in the exact order listed. 
  1. Install all the packages, extensions, and perform configuration listed above and the Source Guardian extension. 
    1. To install the Source Guardian extension: 
      Download the correct Source Guardian loader for your OS/php version from: http://www.sourceguardian.com/ixeds/
      Place the file in your php extension directory as specified in your php.ini
      Add extension=ixed.x.x.y.y to your php.ini
  2. Move the tar file in 6connect web root.
    1. tar -xof productionBuild-4.0.3.tar
      This will place all the new files into your web root directory.
  3. Set the directory permissions for all use data directories:
    1. Run script from the command line as root: "configDir.sh"
  4. Check for all installed modules and license info: 
    1. Run script from web browser: "configTest.php"
  5. Configure the database info in globals.php, install the default database and initial user:
    1. Run script from web browser: "configBootstrap.php"
  6.  Carefully note the login credentials provided before continuing.
  7. Set the secure directory, create keys, and write this info to globals.php:
    1. Run script from the command line as root: "configSecureKeys.sh"
  8.  Log in and use!



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