Portable Gadgets


ProVision's Portable Gadgets are drop-in code snippets that use the ProVision API to bring in data to other systems or web pages. Portable Gadgets allow for quick data access and increased integration.

Currently, three Gadgets are available: Global Search, IPAM Search, and DHCP Search. Each Gadget comes in various default option types for display style, number of records return, or behavior. Additional client-side style customizations may be made to further integrate the gadget with company styles. 

Global Search:

The Global Search Gadget utilizes ProVision's global search API to searching by name string and return ID, Type, and the Name. The search may be limited to specific types (IPAM, Resources, Zones, Records, Contacts, or All Types) if desired. 

Global Search Option Types:

 Type I. 

  • Returns 5 records per Type
  • Auto Width, height set to 300px

Type II.

  • Returns 5 records per Type
  • No search input provided
  • Fixed size ( 400px wide x 300px high)

Type III.

  • Returns 3 records per Type
  • Auto Width, height set to 200px

Type IV.

  • No search on load
  • Links stay in current window
  • Fixed size (400px wide x 200px high)

Type V.

  • Type I functionality restyled with CSS

IPAM Search:

The IPAM Search Gadget utilizes ProVision's IPAM API to return ID, CIDR, and Resource Name results searching by an IPAM Resource name string.

IPAM Option Types:

Type I. 

  • Returns 5 records per Type
  • Auto Width, height set to 200px

Type II.

  • Returns 3 records per Type
  • No search input provided
  • Fixed size ( 400px wide x 200px high)

Type III.

    • No search on load
    • Links stay in current window
    • Auto Width, height set to 300px

Type IV.

  • Type I functionality restyled with CSS
  • Auto Width, height set to 400px

Type V.

  • Customizable Fields
  • Auto Width, height set to 300px

DHCP Search:

The DHCP Search Gadget utilizes ProVision's DHCP API to return results of varying types when searching for a name string. The search may be limited to specific types if desired. 

DHCP Option Types:

Type I. 

  • Returns 5 records per Type
  • Auto Width, height set to 300px

Type II.

  • Returns 3 records per Type
  • No search input provided
  • Fixed size ( 400px wide x 200px high)

Type III.


  • No search on load
  • Links stay in current window
  • Returns 5 records per Type
  • Auto Width, height set to 300px

Type IV.

  • Type I functionality restyled with CSS
  • Returns 5 records per Type
  • Auto Width, height set to 300px


Additional Information:


  • No labels