The ProVision Reporting tab provides reports for IPAM, Peering, DNS, Activity, Resources, and DHCP.
To view reports for ProVision modules (IPAM, Peering, DNS, Activity, and Resources), click on the applicable sub-tab button at the top of the page, or select it from the Reporting Tab dropdown menu.
The Reporting tab contains reports for five ProVision modules - IPAM, Peering, DNS, Activity, Resources, and DHCP.
Default reports are available for each module sub-tab, and users may create their own customized report from the existing templates. Once created, reports may be exported on-demand, or have exports scheduled to be sent to a user at regular intervals.
Reporting Features
Admin level users ("Admin" permissions on TLR) may view all data in all reports, as well as perform report actions such as creating, editing, copying, and deleting reports if the "Reporting Permissions Override" setting is selected in Admin Preferences. Non-admin / Limited permission users may view reports, but will only be shown the reports and data/modules for which they have permissions to view. Non-Admin users may not create new reports, or edit, copy, or delete system reports or reports created by other users. |
Default reports will display with "System" as the owner, and may be viewed and copied by all users with access to the report, but are not deletable. Admin level users may edit default reports.
User-created reports will display with the creator's username in the owner field, and are able viewed and copied by anyone who has view permissions for that report, but only the report owner (and global admins) may edit / delete user created reports.
Reports may be hidden to other users by setting the report permissions to "private" or "custom", with the caveat that global admin users may override set permissions on reports.
A Report Permissions module is available under report actions, allowing the user to set view permissions to one of the following:
To set custom permissions, select the radio button for "Custom" and select either user(s) or group(s) to share with via the dropdowns. Be sure to click "Save" before exiting.
Reporting Permissions Hierarchy:
TLR Global Admins, with enabled Permissions Override:
TLR Global Admins, without Permissions Override (Includes "Read-Only" TLR Admins):
Non-Admins (including TLR level non-admin, or users in groups with only resource-level permissions):
Global Admins may view all reports, even those with Private or Custom settings, by enabling the "Reporting Permissions Override" in the Admin section Application Settings module.
Although it is possible for global admin users to edit and save default reports as well as those created by other users, it is recommended to either coordinate the changes with the report's owner, or to create a new copy of the existing report to use for modifications.
You may view existing reports at any time, including freely adjusting and applying filters on a temporary basis (by selecting filters → clicking Apply) as well as immediately export those results, without overwriting the existing report filter settings. However, saving new filter settings to an existing report (by applying the new filters -> Gear Icon → Save) permanently overwrites the report's default filter settings. Before saving changes to an existing report, it is recommended to perform some basic due diligence:
Best Practices:
IPAM Utilization reports display IPv4/IPv4 utilization charts organized by RIR and SWIP status, and provide a listing of ProVision blocks meeting the applied filter criteria. The report view includes the block data for all applied IPAM Columns, in the order set under IPAM Admin → IPAM Columns. IPAM Reports may be exported to .csv (limit: 100,000 records; no chart provided) or PDF (limit: 1000 records; chart included). Default reports include:
Default Utilization - 30 days: IPAM utilization report for all aggregates assigned in the past 30 days
The IPAM Runout Report displays IPv4/IPv6/1918 assigned/allocation pie charts, and lists available/assigned host statistics and projected runout for the selected block type(s) and region(s).
The Default report include:
Two peering report types are available - Peering Health and Peering Status.
Peering Health reports display the sessions existing in ProVision, with the associated fields of Router Name, Peer Name, IP, Session Type, Session State, Peer Group, ASN, and session Created Date.
Peering Status reports are set per-exchange, and display pie charts for Peer Status/Qualification Status, as well as a data table of the Peer Name, Request Status, Peer Status, Qualification Status, Message Count, and Last Message Time.
All Peering Reports may be exported to .csv (limit: 100,000 records; no chart provided). Default reports include:
DNS Zone reports provide a list of zones existing in ProVision, along with the fields of Zone ID, Name, Last Modified Date, Forward/Reverse Type, and Record Count information. DNS Zone Reports may be exported to .csv (limit: 100,000 records). Default reports include:
DNS Record reports provide a list of records which exist under the selected zone, including Name, Host, Value, Type, TTL, and Last Modified.
Activity reports provide a listing of ProVision log events. Provided fields include the Timestamp, User, IP, Log Level, and the Action, and the report may be filtered to include one or more users / user groups, as well as basic data filters. Activity Reports may be exported to .csv (limit: 100,000 records). Default reports include:
Resource reports provide a list of all (non-DNS) ProVision resources, and field data from the Contact, Billing, Tech Info, and Resource Field Gadget(s) associated with the resource. The report may be filtered to include one or more Sections or Categories, as well filtered by resource name. Additional attributes may be selected to display from the filter options, as well as whether or not to include resource children.
Custom Resource Reports allow for custom-filtered list of resources by Section or Category. Additional report columns may be displayed by selecting the desired attributes from the "attributes" selector from the report filter.
Resource Reports may be exported to .csv (limit: 100,000 records). Default reports include:
Note: The number of entries able to be exported limited to 100,000 rows for .csvs, and 1000 rows for IPAM pdfs. If more rows are needed, the ProVision API may be used to retrieve larger datasets. |
The DHCP Servers Report displays existing DHCP servers in ProVision, associated statistics, and last updated time. The DHCP Servers report can be filtered by Name, Server/Hostname, or by last modified date.
Default reports include:
The DHCP Pools Report displays existing DHCP Pools in ProVision, type, ranges, IP/MAC, associated groups, and last updated time.
The DHCP Pools Report can be filtered by DHCP Server(s), name, type, or by last modified date.
Default reports include:
For more information on performing specific tasks in reporting, see: