The IPAM tab provides a listing of aggregate blocks and tools to add and manage aggregates. 

UI Overview:

Add Aggregate:

Opens a menu to add an aggregate block with options for RIR, VLAN, Tags, Region, Resource, and enabling Sub-Assignments / DHCP Aggregate.

"Advanced" Button": 

Opens the IPAM Manage screen for all blocks. See Working with IP Blocks - Architecting IP Address Blocks for more information on working in IPAM Manage. 

Aggregate Blocks List:

Provides a searchable listing of all aggregate blocks in the left sidebar. Selecting "All / IPv4 / IPv6 / DHCP" will filter the visible aggregates in the center of the page.

Top Level Aggregate Box:

Provides detailed information on that aggregate, including percentage breakdowns, the top five Resources assigned under that aggregate, and recent assignments.

Top Level Aggregate Action Menu (wrench icon):

"Manage Aggregate" opens the IPAM Manage screen for blocks under that aggregate. See Working with IP Blocks - Architecting IP Address Blocks for more information on working in IPAM Manage. 

"Auto-Split" opens the template to split the aggregate into specific sized blocks.

"Clean Up" opens the template to merge the aggregate into specific sized blocks.

"Delete Aggregate" The provides the option to delete the aggregate. 

Working with IP Blocks

For additional information on performing IPAM tasks and working with blocks, see the following sections:

Additional Information