Configuring DNS Templates


When creating a new DNS zone, the user can specify a zone template to use. Templates are setup from the DNS Admin dropdown menu, under "Templates". 

DNS Templates

Once on the DNS Templates page, you will see a list of existing DNS Templates, and below that, an area to Add / Edit a template. Unless an existing template has been selected, the template editing area will default to "Add Template" for creating new templates. 

UI Overview

DNS Template UI:

1) Name: Name given to the template

2) Records: Number of Zone Records associated with the template

3) Created By: Template creator

4) Modified: Last date of modification

5) Edit: Click to bring up the template detail below and edit information

6) Delete: Click to delete the DNS templat

Create a New Template

To create a new template, verify that the edit template area header says "Add Template".

Enter in your new template name, SOA information, and default zone records. When adding records, click the green "plus" icon when adding record information to save your record and add another. 

When complete, hit "Save Template". Your template will then be added to the list above.

Edit a Template

To edit a template, select the pencil icon next to the desired template.

When editing a DNS template, the edit template area will change its header to say "Editing (template name)". You can then specify the data in the fields below. After making your changes, click "Save Template".

Zone record data is specified and can be added/deleted/re-ordered via the icons on the right.

As the admin edits entries in the Template screen, the window below will be updated to show the zone file.

Delete a DNS Template

To delete a template, simply click on the red delete icon next to the template name.

Using DNS Templates

From the DNS Gadget, when creating a new DNS zone, select the DNS Template from the dropdown that you would like to use.