DHCP Admin
Managing Server Configurations
You have the ability to store and manage multiple DHCP server configurations from this interface. The "Push All Configs" link will push out configurations for all DHCP servers.

Managing DHCP Servers
This section allows you to manage the specific configuration for each DHCP server specified. We support standard commands as specified by the Server Type dropdown. To save the configuration, you need to press the "Add Server" button.

Managing DHCP Configurations
Once the DHCP server is saved, you now have options for configuration. We provide a standard "config builder" as well as a "config file" option.
1) The "config builder" builds the ISC configuration file based on the parameters you select - namely the subnets and hosts to be managed by the given DHCP server.
The subnet configuration screen allows for the following parameters:

The host configuration screen allows for the following parameters:

Example configuration

2) The "config file" option allows you to paste a completely customized DHCP configuration file.

example config