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Command Line Interface - ALPHA


The command line interface for ProVision is a beta feature that has been release for feedback.

When logged into ProVision via a web browser, use the key combination "Control+Shift+S" or "Control+Shift+~" to access/close the CLI

CLI Commands (ALPHA)

When in the CLI, type:

ipam man

for sample commands and syntax

Currently, the CLI supports the following commands:


ipam <command> [-t] [<cidr>] [<resource name>] [<args>]

    show:     show details for a block. Examples:

                  - "ipam show" will show details for the block

                  - "ipam show holding" will show details for all blocks in the Holding Tank

                  - "ipam show "<resource name>"" will show details for all blocks assigned to <resource name>


    add:      add a block. ex: "ipam add"


    update:   update attributes for a block. ex: ipam update --vlan=100 tags=VM,Dev


    assign:   assign a block to a resource. ex: ipam assign "<resource name>"


    assign:   smart assign a block to a resource. ex: ipam assign --mask=24 --rir=ARIN --type=ipv4 "<resource name>"


    unassign: reclaims a block from a resource and places it in the Holding Tank. If the block is already in the holding tank, reclaims it an makes it available.