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The 4.1.7 release is a bug fix release that contains a few feature improvements.

Feature Improvements

IM-1300 - Add all RIRs to LIR manager - All RIR's are now standardized as 1918, ARIN, RIPE, LacNIC, APNIC, and AfriNIC).  All customer RIR's should be moved to LIRs and the next update will provide automatic migration.

IM-1218 - Move Resource Holder ID to fundamental attributes for type Resource Holder - The Resource Holder ID is now the Customer ID under the fundamental resource properties.

IM-1268 - Handle multiple ORGs per LIR for ARIN - Added the ability to handle multiple ORGs per LIR for the ARIN RIR.

IM-1156 - Link Resources on Dashboard to Resource records.

IM-1269 - Move DNS and IPAM admin sections to their correct locations - IPAM and DNS admin options are now under the IPAM Admin and DNS Admin sections.

Bug Fixes

IM-1166 - Sorting functions inconsistent on zone list

IM-1195 - Remove old help URLs from admin

IM-1225 - Zone import giving incorrect error when conf file omitted

IM-1249 - Available/Reverse/Holding resources should be protected

IM-1251 - DNS server add by default behavior is not correct

IM-1271 - Field mis-alignment on IPAM gadget

IM-1275 - EULA has escaped quotes

IM-1298 - Default SOA for zones being used when over ridden

IM-1299 - IP Import not working for Radius/LDAP users