ProVision 8.1.0

ProVision 8.1.0 is a major release with new features, improvements and bug fixes.

Major Features and Improvements in this release:

Contact 6connect at to schedule a demo or get more information.

New Features

DNS Managed Servers

CFR - 230: Added a native ProVision system for DNS Managed Servers, that includes VM creation, monitoring, and server management.

The Managed Servers tab allows for DNS servers to be created, installed, managed, and monitored from within ProVision.

Managed Servers includes updates to the following areas of ProVision:

Additional Features

Sub-features of DNS Managed Servers include:


How-to / Working-with instructions - Extended Walkthrough (In progress)

API Updates for Managed Servers

Additional API endpoints have been added to support Managed Servers and related Monitoring.

These are available from the API Tab → APIv2 Swagger Documentation, under the family categories "Monitoring" and "PVServers".

Smart Assign Templates

CFR - 248: Added Smart Assign Templates to IPAM Admin and IPAM Gadget

Smart Assign Templates provide the ability to define complex assignment scenarios including those with multiple steps.

Once created, a Smart Assign Template is available to select and execute from either IPAM Admin → Smart Assign Templates or directly from the Smart Assign module in the IPAM Gadget. 

(Detailed description in-progress)

Creating a Smart Assign Template:

How-to / Working-with instructions - Extended Walkthrough (In Progress)

To access Smart Assign Templates from the Admin section, select "Smart Assign Templates" from the IPAM Admin tab dropdown menu.

To create a new template click "Add Template" at upper right.

Enter a name and description for the new template then click "Add Assignment" to select Smart Assign criteria.

Select Smart Assign filters and click "Assign".

Click "Breakdown IP Address Space" and select a mask.

Click on a block name to select it for assignment. A block may be deselected by clicking the delete icon. Click "Accept" when done.

To configure filters for a block, click on a block menu to open the Action Menu and select "Edit". The block can be further broken down by selecting "Breakdown IP Address Space" or removed by clicking "Remove".

Select desired filters and click "Save".

Once block filters are configured, click "Save". The assignment may be deleted by clicking the delete icon.

To execute the template assignment plan, click "Execute".

Select a Resource from the dropdown and click "Run".

To run the template from a Resource's IPAM Gadget, open Smart Assign and select the template from the "Smart Assign Templates" dropdown and click "Execute".

IPAM Netblock Tree

CFR - 251: Added "Netblock Tree" view to IPAM Manage

The "Netblock Tree" view in IPAM Manage displays the hierarchy organization of all Parent / Child blocks under that Top Level Aggregate. To open/close a parent block, click the expansion caret at the left side of the row.

Note: Only blocks that also exist as leaf nodes in the Standard IPAM Manage view are editable in Netblock Tree view. 

Additional Features / Improvements

IPAM Gadget

Smart Assign Predefined Filters

IM - 3698: Users can now save Smart Assign filter conditions for repeat use

Predefined Filters are accessible from the IPAM Gadget Smart Assign section.

To create a Predefined Filter, select Smart Assign filter criteria. Click on the gear icon at upper right and select "Save filter as..."

Enter a name and a brief description for the filter and click "Save".

To use a saved filter, click on the gear menu and click "Use Predefined Filter".

Select a filter from the dropdown and click "Use Filter". A saved filter may be deleted by selecting "Delete Filter".

Once the filter is applied, click "Smart Browse" or "Smart Assign" as normal.

Sub-assignable Block Suggestions

IM - 4681: Added a background call to Smart Assign and Direct Assign that checks for additional sub-assignable blocks.

Smart Assign Resource Filter Updates

CFR - 267: The Smart Assign "Resource" Filter is now a default filter option (instead of advanced)

CFR - 268: Smart Assign Filters now include options to filter the assigned resource by Section or Category

Edit After Assign

CFR - 253: Added an "Edit Now" link to successful Smart Assign / Direct Assign assignments, to facilitate immediate edits. 

Global Search Improvements

CFR - 223: Improved Global Search handling of IPs under larger blocks.

CFR - 228: Updated Global Search to fully index all resource attributes.

CFR - 266: Improved handling of Global Search replacement results during user input.

IM - 4838: Extended Global Search to index custom resource attributes.

History Gadget

IM - 924: Gadget to display log information at resource level.

See Link Here for additional information.

Peering Improvements

PeeringDB API Key

IM - 4742: Updated Admin Settings → Peering to reference a PeeringDB API key instead of PeeringDB user credentials. 

To use to PeeringDB contact information, a read-only PeeringDB API key must be provided under Peering Settings → PeeringDB Account. 

For information on PeeringDB API keys, please refer to:

IM - 3848: PeeringDB Account Settings → "Test" button has been updated to reflect API key changes and improved messaging.

Session Quick Actions

IM - 4747: Added quick actions and multi-select actions to session list.

Configure Multiple Sessions Updates

IM - 4746: Added detection for similar sessions

Users will now be alerted to potential duplicate sessions, via a notice under the "Configure Multiple Sessions" list if similar sessions are detected.

Users Chart View Improvements

IM - 4477: Added option to limit viewable data for a user.

IPAM Regions Updates

Geocoding Improvements

IM - 3634: Added valid / invalid geocode account check and status message.

IM - 3635: Added Radar as alternate to Google geocoding API option.

Users may now select either Google or as geocoding API options to obtain Region location data.

Fill Empty Region Locations

IM - 4687: Added an option to IPAM Regions → Multi-select Actions to Fill Empty Locations

An optional multi-select option has been added to IPAM regions to fill empty location values with the Region's "Name" value. This may assist in post-import cleanup and map display for imported regions. 

Select a region and then select "Fill Empty Locations" from the Actions menu.

Click "Fill Locations" from the confirmation modal.

Auto Region Resource Generation

IM - 4868: Added automatic resource generation for IPAM Regions

Clicking on a region link from IPAM Manage will now automatically generate a resource entry for that region, under the "SystemRegion" section. 

Users may then use the region resource to associate contacts, notes, and custom fields to that region.

The (non-editable) SystemRegion section includes the following Gadgets: Resource View, IPAMv2, Contacts, Resource Linkage, Notes, Document Storage, and Fields. 

IPAM Manage

IPAM Manage Filter Improvements

IM - 4807, CFR-252: Expanded Filter flags in IPAM Manage to alert the user to the number of active filters, including temporarily applied filters

The number of currently applied filters and column sorts in IPAM Manage now display as an alert icon next to "Filters". Both default filters and temporarily filters will display a flag.

Reporting Improvements

Permissions Expansion

IM - 4671: Improved handling of report viewing by non-admin users

CFR - 257: Expanded report permissions

A New “Permissions” module has been added under Report view, allowing the user to set view permissions to public, private, or custom. Custom allows the selection to allow access to only specific users or user groups.

To set Custom permissions, select the radio button for "Custom" and select either User(s) or Group(s) to share with via the dropdowns. Be sure to click "Save" before exiting.

Global Admins may view all reports, even those with Private or Custom settings, by enabling the "Reporting Permissions Override" in the Admin section Application Settings module.

Additional Improvements

CFR - 254: Added session state as a filter option for Peering Health reports

CFR - 264: Users may now edit the default "From:" field for Scheduled Reports

Resource List Attribute Filter Improvements

IM - 4568, IM - 4569, IM - 4570: Updated the Resource List → Attribute Name and Attribute Value filters to be dropdown selectors.

Only attributes and values relevant to the currently loaded resources will be available for selection. 

Resources  - Chart View

IM - 4750: Improved Resources → Chart View handling options in cases where the number of resources is greater than the loading limit

Chart View has been updated to provide users with an option to prioritize either Top-to-bottom loading or Bottom-to-top loading in relation to the resource loading limit.

Top-to-bottom loading will prioritize the first-level of resources under TLR, resulting in a "shallow but wide" tree. 

Bottom-to-top loading will prioritize loading the lowest level of child resources and their parent hierarchy first, resulting in a narrower but deeper tree. 

Radius Authentication Improvements

CFR - 243: Added support for secondary/tertiary Radius servers

ProVision now supports the addition additional Radius servers to Admin → Authentication Options → Radius. 

ProVision will try to connect to each radius server listed in the order listed, until a success is returned. Disabled servers will display in grey, and the currently selected server will display in bold.

Bug Fixes/Minor Improvements

IM - 2043: Improved dashboard Activity Chart widget label readability at certain zoom levels to prevent/reduce overlapping text.

IM - 2045: Added DNS Log activity links to dashboard Activity Chart widget.

IM - 3215: Fixed issue that did not allow empty address fields for IPAM regions.

IM - 3294: Fixed issue with Peering multi-config that did not detect pre-existing sessions and allowed duplicates.

IM - 3702: Resolve an issue that would prevent NAT associations from being fully cleared in ProVison when cleared via Edit Block.

IM - 3850: Fixed VLAN metadata fields that did not save when adding a new VLAN.

IM - 4058: Resolved issue with dashboard Activity Chart widget that prevented zooming in while viewing in Safari browser.

IM - 4208: Updated IPAM option in IPAM Tab dropdown menu.

IM - 4212: Resolved issue with VLAN context menu links that failed if a different panel was already open for the same VLAN.

IM - 4214: Added error response message when VLAN Direct Assign cannot find matching block.

IM - 4222: Fixed VLAN Manage utilization info graphs that did not match actual VLAN data.

IM - 4223: Fixed non-working VLAN Manage utilization charts resource links.

IM - 4374: Improved the Approvals → Group Assignment modal to display previous assignment settings

IM - 4426: Fixed dashboard Status widget to display proper user / admin counts.

IM - 4464: Resolved issue with Resource/IP/BIND data imports from CSV that resulted in job duplicates when page was refreshed.

IM - 4485: Added user response message to IPAM edit modal that an invalid Constraint will not be saved.

IM - 4487: Additional user instructions regarding permissions added to Constraints "Settings" modal.

IM - 4501: Standardized time/date formatting and fixed exported and scheduled CSV/PDF report time/date columns that did not match Reporting UI times/dates.

IM - 4551: Changed display location of DHCP Management Gadget pool edit user response messages.

IM - 4556: Fixed VLAN Manage / VLAN Utilization charts "Recent Assignments" section that did not show recent assignments or displayed incorrect assignments.

IM - 4562: Added more detailed summary info to IPAM Utilization report charts that break down utilization by selected RIR(s).

IM - 4565: Resolved issue with Peering Status report that resulted in scheduled reports not being emailed for repeat tasks.

IM - 4567: Changed Peering Import success message from red to green.

IM - 4572: Updated DNS Groups → "Move Zone" option to respect Approvals.

IM - 4580: Removed unused Approvals push actions.

IM - 4584: Fixed Resource report "Load Linked Resources" checkbox.

IM - 4585: Expanded dashboard IPAM Stats widget to include multicast IP space.

IM - 4586: Added "Resources Awaiting Approval" module to DHCP groups pool lists.

IM - 4588: Fixed custom list columns to reference “_custom_id” instead of “custom_id”.

IM - 4594: Corrected issue that caused a screen jump when editing the Tech Info gadget.

IM - 4596: Added IPv6 masks to IPAM Utilization Report mask selector.

IM - 4597: Added IPv6 mask selector to IPAM Runout Reports.

IM - 4598: Added "Show leaf nodes only" checkbox to IPAM Runout report filters.

IM - 4599: Added IP mask selector and "Show leaf nodes only" option to dashboard IP Charts Widget.

IM - 4600: Fixed DHCP Management Gadget existing pools IP search Resource selector that was not loading correctly.

IM - 4601: Updated Field Gadget password fields to display obfuscated text.

IM - 4602: Fixed issue with Field Gadget that was updating unedited fields when editing other fields.

IM - 4605: Resolved error with Scheduled DNS/DHCP pushes if set for a single-digit day of the month.

IM - 4606: Added auto-enabled IPAM Alert task to scheduler.

IM - 4618: Corrected dashboard Resource Tree widget background color.

IM - 4620: Corrected mislabeled BIND Zone Import file type header.

IM - 4621: Removed outdated "Test Server" button from server settings page.

IM - 4623: Fixed Holding Tank issue that allowed pending blocks to be selected for processing.

IM - 4624: Added user response message to block processing.

IM - 4625: Fixed User list sorting issue that did not correctly sort Info column data.

IM - 4626: Added PTR Automatic Generation / $GENERATE IPv6 example text to DNS Records modal.

IM - 4630: Minor tweaks to Data Import color coding of records and filters.

IM - 4631: Fixed DNS Admin Server Stats section that did not load with adblocker browser extension enabled.

IM - 4635: Corrected Resource List sort by column Parent Name that was sorting by ID instead.

IM - 4646: Fixed Chart View issue that resulted in errors when edit or clone option was selected for a top level resource.

IM - 4648: Corrected resource Chart View orientation change that reloaded entire chart with TLR as top level resource.

IM - 4652: Added failover for Peering router connections.

IM - 4654: Fixed dashboard Activity Chart widget links that redirected to old style resource list.

IM - 4645: Fixed Resource Import from CSV that failed when the first column was defined as "Name".

IM - 4660: Improved handling of peering log entries in cases where external syslog is enabled.

IM - 4661: Fixed IPAM Gadget Smart Browse that failed to assign allocated blocks.

IM - 4662: Resolved an error that would prevent search results in the Contact Gadget -> Import LDAP → Search

IM - 4668: PowerDNS improvements; added ability to execute Post/Pre commands on push, fix on importing PTR records, UI fix for the Test Connection button

IM - 4670: Added notification and ability to re-add section to resources when their section attribute is lost.

IM - 4673: Updated user response messaging for DDNS pushes to further advise users to check configuration.

IM - 4675: Fixed DNS Zone list to sort alphabetically by default.

IM - 4682: Added detail to IPAM Templates → "Clean Up" that alerts the user of the number of affected blocks.

IM - 4686: Fixed Resource Tree dashboard widget that was not saving orientation changes on default dashboard.

IM - 4690, IM - 4593, IM- 4619, IM - 4633, IM - 4640: Fixed UI issues with text fields that allowed resizing outside of gadget/widget/modal areas.

IM - 4691: Fixed Add Aggregate tags selector that was not filtering correctly.

IM - 4695: Resolved issue with widget resizing being unavailable on user created and cloned dashboards.

IM - 4698: Corrected inconsistent password character requirements between Users/Groups section and User Preferences.

IM - 4699: Fixed UI conflict/overlap between DHCP Customer Configuration and Contacts gadgets.

IM - 4704: Fixed DNS server settings TSIG Key selector that moved the Dynamic Updates selector instead.

IM - 4706: Fixed IPAM Treeview issue that resulted in errors when navigating to an IPv4 aggregate from Treeview and then back to the IPAM Tab after closing Treeview.

IM - 4707: Fixed VLAN Domain list pagination.

IM - 4708: Corrected issue when adding a DNS record from the Record List that resulted in screen lag and error.

IM - 4709: Updated Scheduler GeoIP Export task to exclude 1918 IP blocks.

IM - 4711: Fixed IPAM Gadget Direct and Smart Assign filter labels that did not sync with IPAM column label changes.

IM - 4712: Enlarged dashboard Resource Tree widget maximize window and adjusted window to auto center on vertically oriented resource tree.

IM - 4717: Updated IP Aggregate Widget selector to Top Level Aggregates and resolved an issue with IPv6 TLAs not loading graphs.

IM - 4718: Updated link to documentation "Developer Tools" page on Admin API tab.

IM - 4720: Fixed VLAN utilization panels that were not visible on newly added domains.

IM - 4721: Fixed VLAN sidebar links that errored when trying to open a VLAN on a different page of the Domain list.

IM - 4724: Fixed VLAN Manage Smart Browse non-loading LIR filter.

IM - 4726: Fixed deleting user from User Details page that resulted in conflicting response messages.

IM - 4727: Resolved issue when checking user permissions for a user not assigned to a group that resulted in a screen lag and error.

IM - 4730: An applied filter icon is now displayed when viewing the resource list after clicking on a section name link.

IM - 4731: Removed deprecated "match value" checkboxes from Resource List and Resource Views attribute value filter.

IM - 4736: Removed "Type" and "Records" column sorting from DNS Zone reports.

IM - 4737: Corrected DNS Zone scheduled reports "Records" field count that truncated record count for some larger zones.

IM - 4738: Fixed DNS Zone reports Record Type filter that was not returning correct results.

IM - 4740: Added attribute slugs to Custom Resource reports "Attribute" filter.

IM - 4744: Fixed Peering session details"md5" field that could not be cleared.

IM - 4745: Fixed Peering Config Manager that did not push live changes.

IM - 4748: Corrected Resource entry page "Add Child" section selector to order sections alphabetically.

IM - 4751: Updated user response messaging for Cloud Backups.

IM - 4752: Fixed column sorting on Approvals Permission Groups list.

IM - 4753: Updated header help text and icon for Users list "Groups" column sort to clarify usage.

IM - 4754: Fixed editing a DHCP Pool range from Pool View page and DHCP Management Gadget that did not save edits.

IM - 4756: Resolved issue with Approvals that resulted in a blank user response message and error when approving a change of parent resource request for a DHCP server.

IM - 4757: Resolved issue with Approvals that resulted in edits made by "must submit actions" user to DHCP / DNS server settings "Group Settings" section not saving after approval.

IM - 4758: Fixed error when sorting Users list by "Groups" column and then filtering list by Group.

IM - 4759: Fixed incorrect user response message when clearing DHCP Management Gadget "Linked Group Pools" section MAC searchbox.

IM - 4761: Updated Global Search Help page link to documentation "Getting Started" page.

IM - 4762: Fixed DHCP Customer Configuration gadget Direct Assign that failed to assign IPs.

IM - 4763: Corrected IPAM "Merge selection" modal that extended off screen when a large number of aggregates were selected.

IM - 4765: Added support for DNS LOC records.

IM - 4767: Added validation to disallow spaces in peer group names and added the ability to edit the peer group of a session via a drop down.

IM - 4768: Corrected Approvals section Permission Group Actions "assign group" modal dropdown that did not include all groups.

IM - 4769: Updated Scheduled Report Settings to allow multiple email recipients.

IM - 4770: Fixed LIR data that displayed in JSON format in Fields Gadget and Custom Resource reports UI.

IM - 4772: Fixed ACP Workflows gadget that was not saving post-workflow response checkbox selections.

IM - 4773: Obfuscated display of password fields in Custom Resource reports.

IM - 4775: Updated the Resource List attribute filter to disable value filter for encrypted fields.

IM - 4786: Fixed Resource List searchbox that only worked from first page of list.

IM - 4787: Corrected Section List "Clone" action menu option that allowed a non-TLR resource to be set as cloned section's parent resource.

IM - 4788: Corrected Resource View "Resource Type" filter placeholder text.

IM - 4789: Fixed Custom ID field that did not save when creating a new contact.

IM - 4800: Resolved issue with DHCP "Add Pool" modal Region selector that did not filter correctly.

IM - 4802: Fixed Resource View column resize enable checkbox that was not de-selectable and updated help text for width option.

IM - 4803: Added exact match filtering to DNS Zone List.

IM - 4804: Fixed Resource View Gadget dropdown menus that were not arranged alphabetically, added TLR and Resource slugs to "Parent" dropdown.

IM - 4809: Corrected IPAM Manage Aggregate VLAN filter dropdown that repeated itself multiple times.

IM - 4810: Updated IPAM Manage action menu "Edit" modal "Create and Assign" parent dropdown selector to include TLR.

IM - 4811: Updated IPAM Manage action menu "Assign" option "Create and Assign" modal parent dropdown selector.

IM - 4812: Fixed ACP Workflow Form Gadget UI that did not display JSON results within gadget area, cut results header in half, and did not respect dark mode.

IM - 4813: Corrected IPAM Sparse Assign to new resource modal "Parent" field that was static to a selectable dropdown.

IM - 4817: Fixed Log time filter calendar/clock that searchbox was visible through.

IM - 4818: Fixed issue with DNS / DHCP Push Scheduler date / time picker not loading in Safari browser.

IM - 4819: Removed "Schedule Config" button from Configure Multiple Sessions page.

IM - 4820: Resolved an issue where Logs → Export to csv would only export the first page of results due to data size limits and added user messaging of export limits.

IM - 4821: Corrected Log page pagination.

IM - 4822: Resolved issue with IPAM Utilization report that resulted in errors when "Tag mode" filter was cleared after selecting tags.

IM - 4823: Corrected DNS Zone reports that only included forward zones in scheduled reports.

IM - 4825: Resolved issue with DNS server settings "Zones directly connected to server" section filters that did not clear.

IM - 4826: Fixed DHCP Pool reports "Server" filter that errored when more than one server was selected.

IM - 4833: Fixed Approvals page Historical Approvals Data list pagination that did not display all items for filtered statuses.

IM - 4840: Fixed DHCP Groups "Resources Awaiting Approvals" module blank "Details" modal.

IM - 4841: Fixed issue with Log page "Results Per Page" filter that resulted in page crash when a negative number was entered.

IM - 4843: Added "Execute the project asynchronously" checkbox option to Scheduler ACP Run Workflow task.

IM - 4845: Corrected Constraints "Name" and "Compare" column sorts that did not sort correctly.

IM - 4853: Disallowed duplicate IPAM Regions.

IM - 4856: Fixed issue when adding a new enum constraint that did not save the constraint "Control Type".

IM - 4860: Resolved issue with IPAM Gadget Direct Assign "Generic Code" filter field parameter that resulted in the field only accepting int rather than string.

IM - 4862: Removed external users from Users Permissions Chart View.

IM - 4864: Corrected VLAN Advanced Global "Domain" and "Numbering domain" filters that repeated each list several times.

IM - 4865: Fixed Peering session list column "Created" date that displayed as "invalid date" when viewed in Safari and/or Firefox.

IM - 4869: Fixed nonfunctional APIv1 IPAM maskReport