LDAP Authentication

LDAP authentication options are accessed by clicking the "Authentication" sub-tab at the top of the Admin Settings page, then selecting "LDAP" from the "Authentication Options" module.

ProVision authenticates against an LDAP server by using the following three steps:

  1. Attempts to do an LDAP query for the user based on the Auth DN provided
  2. Pulls the user's own object from the LDAP server
  3. Attempts to match group names in the "LDAP Group Attribute" against existing groups in ProVision.

Before you enter LDAP settings, ensure that you have the LDAP server set up and configured for ProVision.

Set up an LDAP Server for Authentication

To setup an LDAP server for this authentication, you must perform the following three procedures:

  1. Configure the LDAP server using the 6connect LDAP Schema
  2. Create the LDAP user(s) in a 'LDIF' file ( testing the query using LDAP Search, if desired)
  3. Configure ProVision with the LDAP authentication settings by enabling LDAP then entering (at minimum) the following information
    1. LDAP Server Address
    2. Port
    3. LDAP Auth DN List
    4. LDAP Fetch DN
    5. LDAP Group Attribute

Configure the LDAP Server:

Configuring the LDAP server involves adding the schema and adding LDAP users / groups to the server:

LDAP Schema - Example

attributetype ( NAME 'sixConnGroup' SYNTAX ) objectclass ( NAME 'sixConnectPermissionsV2' DESC '6Connect Permissions Object v2' SUP top AUXILIARY MUST ( sixConnGroup ) )

Creating a LDAP User:

SSH into your openLDAP server and create a new 'LDIF' file.  Example:

dn: cn=JoeSmith,ou=people,dc=6connect,dc=com
cn: JoeSmith
sn: JoeSmith
objectclass: top
objectclass: person
objectclass: sixConnectPermissionsV2
sixConnGroup: "Global Admins"
sixConnGroup: "IT Engineering"
sixConnGroup: "Sales"
sixConnGroup: "Customer Admin"
userPassword: testpass

 To create a new user, make a new LDIF file and change all instances of "JoeSmith" to whatever username you wish to create and update the password.  Keep all of the object class definitions as listed above.  Add a sixConnGroup declaration for each ProVision user group a user is in.

 After the file is created, run the following command to add the new user to LDAP server in the following format:

 ldapadd -h [SERVER] -x -f [LDIF FILE] -D [ROOTDN] -w [ROOT PW] -v


 ldapadd -h localhost -x -f 6connect.ldif -D "cn=JoeSmith,dc=6connect,dc=com" -w secret -v

The user will now be active in openLDAP and can be used to login to ProVision. 

Test the LDAP Server with LDAP Search

The best method to confirm the LDAP server settings is to perform an LDAP search. 

To query the LDAP server, run the following command while SSH'ed into your LDAP Server, replacing the placeholders (in brackets) with your specific LDAP information:

ldapsearch -b [BASE] -h [IPADDRESS] -D [DOMAIN] -w [PASSWORD] [USER]

Note:  We have not been able to use a v6 address at with this tool, even though multiple sources say it should work.

At the end of the command where [USER] is specified, user or groups can be used (in LDAP format) to query.

Example with User: 

ldapsearch -b "dc=6connect,dc=com" -h sometestserver.lab.com -D "cn=JoeSmith,ou=people,dc=6connect,dc=com" -w testpass "cn=JoeSmith"

Example with Group: 

ldapsearch -b "dc=6connect,dc=com" -h sometestserver.lab.com -D "cn=JoeSmith,ou=people,dc=6connect,dc=com" -w testpass "cn=JoeSmith" memberOf

The LDAP search should return the extended LDIF information similar to the following:

# extended LDIF
# LDAPv3
# base <dc=6connect,dc=com> with scope subtree
# filter: cn=JoeSmith
# requesting: memberOf

# JoeSmith, 6connect.com
dn: cn=JoeSmith,dc=6connect,dc=com
memberOf: cn=Global Admins,ou=groups,dc=6connect,dc=com

# search result
search: 2
result: 0 Success

# numResponses: 2
# numEntries: 1 

The Auth DN is used to derive the ldapsearch base and domain, then uses the Fetch DN to pull the user, and the Group Attribute to filter on the list of groups the user is a part of.  The end result is this list of user groups:

memberOf: cn=Global Admins,ou=groups,dc=6connect,dc=com

Authentication from ProVision checks to see

Configure ProVision for LDAP Authentication 

To configure the use of LDAP authentication with ProVision:

  1. Log into 6connect ProVision
  2. Go to Settings Tab → Admin Settings -> Authentication
  3. Select "LDAP" under "Authentication Options"
  4. Move the LDAP Enable selector to the "ON" position.
  5. Fill in the hostname or ip address, authentication port, LDAP Security, Auth DN List, and Fetch DN, and LDAP Group Attribute.
    1. Example values in this case would be: 

      • LDAP Enable: (Checked)
      • LDAP Server Address:  IP or Domain, such as or somelabserver.lab.com
      • LDAP Port:  389 ( or SSL/TLS port is 636)
      • LDAP Security:  None
      • LDAP Auth DN:  cn=%LOGIN%,dc=6connect,dc=com
      • LDAP Fetch DN:  cn=%LOGIN%
      • LDAP Group Attribute:  memberOf
      • LDAP Username / LDAP Password: Optionally, you may enter LDAP admin credentials to allow ProVision to import and sync LDAP contacts. See Contact Manager for details on LDAP contacts.
  6. Click "Test Server" to verify the connection.
    1. NOTE: If you experience authentication errors at this step, confirm the LDAP settings using an LDAP Search, as described in the previous section.

In the login screen, you would select the authentication method from the dropdown. If you like, you can set the default login option in the following way:

Go to the /data/globals.php and open in vi (or other editor). Add in the following text as the last line of the file (before the closing ?>)

define('DEFAULT_LOGIN_TYPE', 'ldap');

Acceptable values are "local", "radius", "ldap" and "saml". If this line is not present in globals.php, the default option is "local".

To use SSL encryption with LDAP, the ldap.conf file must be correctly configured on the ProVision server.

Typically, the LDAP configuration file is kept at "/etc/ldap/ldap.conf".  Make sure the following line is present:

    TLS_REQCERT allow

and restart the webserver. 

Add or Update LDAP Settings

To view, add, or update LDAP settings, go to the Settings Tab → Admin to enter the Admin area of ProVision.

Then, click the "Authentication" sub-tab at the top of the Admin Settings page, and select "LDAP" from the "Authentication Options" module.

The following settings are available to add or update:

When done, you may optionally click "Test Server" to verify the connection to the LDAP server with the entered settings, then "Save Changes". 

LDAP Authentication on a Windows Server

For information on settings up LDAP for a Windows server, see the following section: