Working with Entries
The list of Resource Entries is under the Resource Tab. To access it, you may either click on the Resource Tab, or select "Entries" from the Resource Tab dropdown menu.
Resource Tab / Entry List User Interface
1) Alphabetical Filter: Entries are organized by the first letter of the name. Click on a letter to see entries starting with that letter.
2) Add Entry Button: Click to add a new entry.
3) Pagination: Click to view additional pages of Entries under the selected letter.
4) Viewing Options: Select "Table View" or "Chart View" .
Table View (shown above), lists the Entries, Allocations, and Zone Count along with color-corded Category and Section information.
Chart View graphically shows the entries in filterable, hierarchy form.
5) Search Box: This text box allows the user to enter in criteria to filter the list of Entries.
6) Category: Color-coded Category indicator. The Category name will appear upon mouseover. Clicking on the Category box when the hand icon appears will redirect to a filtered list of entries of that Category.
7) Section: Color-coded Section indicator. The Section name will appear upon mouseover. Clicking on the Section box when the hand icon appears will redirect to a filtered list of entries of that Section.
8) Name: A list of the Resource Entry names. Clicking on a name will take the user to that resource's individual entry page.
9) Allocations: The number of IP blocks assigned to that resource.
10) Zone Count: The number of zones assigned to that resource.
11) Action Menu: The Action Menu (wrench icon) gives a list of additional actions to perform on the zone
Entry List Action Menu
Clicking on the Action Menu in the Entry List View will bring up the following options:
View: Opens the resource's Entry page
Edit: Opens to the resource's Edit page
Clone: Opens the clone resource page for the selected resource
Delete: Deletes the resource, if appropriate permissions exist.
Chart View
Chart View illustrates the resources created in a node-based tree.
Select the Top Resource and/or the Section Type from the dropdown menus to limit the view, if desired, and then click "Reload". Users will only be able to view sections of the resource tree on which they have view permissions.
While viewing the main chart, you may:
- View in horizontal or vertical tree mode by clicking the "Switch Chart Orientation" button.
- View fullscreen by clicking the "View Fullscreen" button.
- Left click and drag within the tree view, or scroll wheel in/out to change the area viewed.
- Single or double-clicking on a node with children will collapse or expand the tree at that resource.
- Clicking and dragging a resource node to another resource will relocate the resource to be a child of the resource it is dropped on.
Hovering over a specific Resource or node, then right clicking will open a context menu with the following options:
Quick View: Shows summarized details about the resource and its children, and links to the Resource Entry page(s).
Edit: Opens to the resource's Edit page
Clone: Opens the clone resource page for the selected resource
Delete: Deletes the resource, if appropriate permissions exist.
Create an Entry
1) To create a new Entry, click on the "Add Entry" button from the Resource Tab / Entry List Page.
This will take you to the Add Entry page.
2) Fill in the Name of your new Resource Entry, select a Section (the chosen Section determines what gadgets will show on your new resource's Entry page), the Parent Resource, Category, and enter a Custom ID number if desired. When complete, click the "Create" button. If you wish to exit without saving your changes, click "Cancel".
Once the Entry is created, the Resource Entry page appears for that Resource, with the gadgets applicable to the selected Section.
From here, you can work with your selected Gadgets, performing tasks such as assigning DNS zones, IP Blocks, assign Contacts, and more. See the Gadgets Page for detail on working with individual Gadgets.
Edit or Delete an Entry
To edit or delete an Entry, go to the bottom of that resource's Entry Page, and select "Edit".
This will bring up the Edit Entry Page, where you can edit basic information such as Name, Section, Parent, Category, or Custom ID. If Fields are associated with the Section type, those may be edited as well.
When done, hit the "Save" button. If information was added to Fields, that information will now show up on the Entry Page.
If you wish to delete the Entry, select the "Delete" button.
If an entry has children, the delete option will not be available. Child Entries must be deleted before a Parent Entry can be deleted.
Add Child Entries
Adding a Child Entry creates a resource underneath the current resource in the hierarchy.
To add a Child Entry, at the bottom of the Resource Entry page, click "Add Child".
This brings up the Add Entry dialog. Looking at the top navigation breadcrumbs, you can see that we are adding an Entry underneath the resource "MyNewEntry".
Fill out the Name, Section, Category, and Custom ID (if desired), and hit the "Create" button. The Parent field is pre-selected for you.
Once created, the Child Entry will show in a list at the bottom of the Parent Entry page.
Resource Clone
Cloning an Entry duplicates the Entry and, if desired, any Child Entries existing under it.
This feature can be used to quickly and efficiently create multiple resources with same format, field information, or similar hierarchy structure. One example may be a datacenter with x number racks with y number of servers on each. One rack, with its servers as child entries could be created, and then cloned until the necessary quantity is reached. As text field information is copied during the clone, changes in individual server information would still need reviewed and updated. Think of cloning as creating a template from an existing Resource Entry.
Information Cloned: Format of the original Resource (which gadgets are enabled, location, fields), contact / tech information, field information, and (if selected) Child Entries, and Child Entry sections, fields, and field informaiton - in general, items that are chosen or input at the entry creation, or input into text fields.
Information not Cloned: IP Blocks, DNS Zones, uploaded documents - in general, items that are assigned to the entry rather than input into fields.
To Clone an Entry
The Resource Clone feature may be accessed from either the Resources Tab dropdown menu, or from a Resource Entry page.
From the Resources Tab dropdown, select "Resource Clone". This will take you to the Resource Clone page.
You may also select "Clone" from the bottom of a Resource Entry page, in which case the Entry page you clicked "Clone" from will be automatically selected as the resource to clone.
Once on the Resource Clone Page, enter the Resource to clone, Parent Resource, and the New Name for the clone. If you wish for all children of that resource (and their children, if applicable) to be cloned, check the "Clone Resource Children" checkbox. When complete, click the "Clone Resource" button.
To repeatedly clone the resource, simply change the "New Name" field (if you want the subsequent clones to have a different name), and click "Clone Resource" again. You may repeatedly click "Clone Resource" and each click will produce a new clone.
When done, you may click on the link provided for the most recently created clone, or hit the XXXX button to return to the parent resource.
Review the cloned resources using the chart view to see the hierarchy structure!