Toolkit Modules
6connect provides customers with additional CLI modules for ProVision power users in the /tools directory. These tools are outlined below.
Users / Permissions
Add User
File: add-user.php
Description: Adds a new user to 6connect Provision. Especially useful if an admin has locked themselves out and has access to the local server, or for adding additional credentials to a new local installation. The tool walks through the required information.
Command: “php add-user.php"
Rebuild Permissions
File: rebuild-permissions.php
Description: Will rebuild the cached permissions for the specified resource id. Should not be used outside of a db reset, or a corruption of the permissions cache.
Command: “php rebuild-permissions.php"
Audit Forward DNS
File: audit_forward_dns.php
Description: Audits the forward DNS for a specified IP block, comparing the DNS records in 6connect to a publicly facing server. Will provide detail output showing resolved records, if records conflict and why.
Command: “php audit_forward_dns.php”
-v Sets verbose mode to print debug information
-a ﹤message key﹥ run as asycronous request (note: you should not use this, it is for the GUI)
-b ﹤ip block﹥ IP block in cird notation to audit dns for.
-n ﹤name server﹥ FQDN or IP address of specific name server to resolve records against. Defaults to
-h print help
Audit Reverse DNS
File: audit_reverse_dns.php
Description: Audits the reverse DNS for a specified IP block, comparing the DNS records in 6connect to a publicly facing server. Will provide detail output showing resolved records, if records conflict and why.
Command: "php audit_reverse_dns.php"
-v Sets verbose mode to print debug information
-a ﹤message key﹥ run as asycronous request (note: you should not use this, it is for the GUI)
-b ﹤ip block﹥ IP block in cird notation to audit dns for.
-n ﹤name server﹥ FQDN or IP address of specific name server to resolve records against. Defaults to
-h print help
Database Analyzer
File: databaseAnalyzer.php
Description: Takes two MySQL dump files for input, one thought to be the “good” database, and one the “bad” to compare against each other for differences. Is used internally to audit database changes after an upgrade to ensure all changes for the upgrade were committed by comparing against the template database for that release. Can be useful for diagnosing missed upgrades, or other database issues. Could be used on any set of databases, and is not 6connect specific.
Command: "php databaseAnalyzer.php"
-v Sets verbose mode to print debug information
-a ﹤database name﹥ Required - the 'good' database to comapre against.
-b ﹤database name﹥ Required - the 'bad' database to check for incorrect information.
-g ﹤globals file﹥ Optional - The script will automatically look to the globals.php file for database connection information. This option can be used to specify and alternate file, or file location.
-h print help
Database Reset
File: dbReset.php
Description: This tool resets portions or all of the database to factory defaults. Can reset only IP, DNS, or Resource information or all all three. If erasing resource information, you need to enter a user to assume global admin permission to log back in with. Even if this isn’t specified, the add-user tool can be used to add a user back after. We recommend creating a backup prior to using this tool, and only use if you are sure you know what you are doing!
Command:"php dbReset.php"
-v Sets verbose mode to print debug information
-i Erases any and all IP information. Tags, regions, and other IPAM preference settings are not changed.
-d Erases any and all DNS information including zones, records, and archive data. Does not affect DNS perference settings, or configured DNS servers.
-r Resets all resource information back to the factory defaults, and removes all associated information (user groups, files, etc).
-u ﹤user name﹥ User name that will have Global Admin permissions restored on the default resources
-h print help
IPPlan Importer:
File: ipplan_import.php
Description: The IPPlan Importer is a command-line tool to import IPs from an IPPlan database into ProVision. Details on how to use this tool are available at IPPlan Importer.
Command: "php ipplan_import.php"
For options, refer to IPPlan Importer.
Internal 6connect Tools
The following tools contained in the /tools folder are for 6connect internal use only:
File: scp_wrapper.php - Internal 6connect tool, not meant for command line use.
File: s64_restart_master - Internal 6connect tool, not meant for command line use.
File: s64_restart_slave - Internal 6connect tool, not meant for command line use.
File: async_import.php - Internal 6connect tool, not meant for command line use.
File: importBigDump.php - Internal 6connect tool supporting IPPlan Importer, not meant for command line use.
File: ipplan_functions.php - Internal 6connect tool supporting IPPlan Importer, not meant for command line use.
File: dns_transfer_server.php - Internal 6connect tool, not meant for command line use.
File: observium_import.php - Internal 6connect tool, not meant for command line use.
File: digAndLookup.php
File: pullLAMPInfo.php