ProVision 4.2.1 is a minor release with some customer feature requests.

Contact 6connect at to schedule a demo or get more information. Documentation (PDF version) - Previous Documentation Versions

New Features

(CFR denotes customer requested)

CFR-86: Add "enable sub assignments" to IPAM gadget "edit" functions

CFR-71: Require CRUD permissions for a user to delete DNS server -> zone links

IM-1261: Pagination for IPAM aggregates

IM-1496: DNS - Add zone UI revamp

IM-1184/IM-554: Option to allow imported zones to automatically add target server

IM-1413: Reporting for IPAM, improve aggregate selection dropdown so it doesn't conflict with the IP Type checkboxes

Bug Fixes

IM-1500: Remove old remaining dns files from code base

IM-1154: Relabel "Transfer Type: SCP" to "ISC BIND"

IM-1126: Improved UTF-8 support for data imports

IM-944: Restructure Import Classes for more flexible data import formats

IM-323: logAction updates for global logging

IM-320: Cleanup of .txt file references/dependencies







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