Peering Setup - Local Installations:
ProVision uses a locally-hosted mirror of the PeeringDB database in order to perform non-edit Peering functions. There are a few steps to take in order to set up your locally hosted instance to coordinate with PeeringDB information.
1) First, download the PeeringDB SQL dump file from the following location:
2) Then, create a new database to contain that data on your local MySQL installation. Make sure that the MySQL user configured in the data/globals.php file is allowed to read and make changes to the local copy of the PeeringDB database.
3) Once this has been done, the ProVision global configuration file located at
[ProVision Root]/data/globals.php
must be updated with the following variable to inform ProVision of the location of this new install:
$peeringdb_db_name = 'peeringdb'; // name of the database in MySQL
Since this creates a local mirror of an external database it must be periodically re-downloaded to be kept up-to-date. 6connect recommends that local system administrators add the following bash script to their crontab, set to run once a day.