ProVision 8.0.0 is a major release with new features, improvements, and bug fixes.

Contact 6connect at to schedule a demo or get more information.


Encrypted Data gadget

IM - 3917: 

Added Encrypted Data gadget to Resource Sections

API Updates

IM - 3907: IPAM GET endpoint /ipam/netblocks now supports comma separated values for the "top_aggregate" field


Public APIv2 documentation is located at

Bug Fixes/Minor Improvements

CFR - 153: Updated Permissions groups to allow non-admin users to have the ability to view and push DNS/DHCP servers

IM - 2482: Added ability to bulk move DNS zones from one group to another

IM - 3718: Added search box to IPAM Advanced settings page

IM - 3797: Improved logging to include user name instead of "unknown" in User column after a failed authentication attempt

IM - 3806: Optimized Resource Tree for better loading and searchability

IM - 3839: Fixed IPAM Manage Aggregate search box for IPv6 to return results if user includes leading zero that ProVision truncates

IM - 3906: Added ability to select multiple aggregates to view at a time in the IPAM Reports filters