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ProVision offers three DNS zone import options, available under the  Data Import Import tab in  in the Admin the Admin section.:

BIND Zone Import

  • Imports using the named.conf configuration file tied to the zones you are uploading, a .zip or .tar file of the zones themselves, and an optional .csv file mapping zones to customers and DNS Servers.


  • Option is available after configuring a PowerDNS server with a MySQL backend.  Connects to the selected server and imports all zones.


When it comes to importing your DNS zones, the simplest way is using the BIND zone import function built into ProVision. Below, you can also download "sample" files if you wish for examples.

Table of Contents

Preparing your DNS Zones for Import


There are three components to the upload process:


1) The named.conf configuration file tied to the zones you are uploading (required)

This tells the importer the Zone Name and where the zone file is written. It could be as simple as a multi-line file:


For a sample Simple Configconf.conf


2) A ZIP or TAR file of the DNS zones themselves (required)

This is as it sounds - a file archive where we can find the zones and it should match the configuration file uploaded in Step 1.

titleZone Order
These zone files can be in any order, or in sub-directories, so long as the configuration file (Step 1) correctly points to them

For a sample Simple simple


3) Match CSV for assigning DNS Zones to Resources (optional)

This file allows the administrator to "assign" zone files to a given Resource. If you have Imported a group of Resources, they have Resource IDs associated with them. You can then import DNS zones and assign them to those Resource IDs. When complete, you will be able to pull up the Resource Record and see the DNS Zones associated to that Resource ID.


titleImporting DNS Server Linkages
When importing zones, you can use the "Master Server" and "Slave Server" columns to assign zones to specified DNS Servers. Please note that the IP address or FQDN of the DNS Server is supported in this field.
To successfully map to a DNS server, that server must already exist within Provision.

For a sample CSVconfig.csv 

Importing your DNS Zones (BIND)

Step 1: Create a new DNS Import Job  

Navigate to the Data Import Tab from the Admin button to import your data. Select "BIND Zone Upload/Import" under "DNS Import".


After importing, the new job will appear under the "Existing Jobs" section. To continue working with this job, select it from the list and the next step will appear on the page.

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Step 2: Map Data Columns (Optional)

If you chose to load an optional match CSV file to assign DNS Zones to Resource, a mapping step will be available. Otherwise, proceed to Step 3: Reviewing Data.


When the bar reaches 100%, the import is complete.


Importing your DNS Zones (PowerDNS)

Step 2: Import your PowerDNS zones

To import PowerDNS zones, first ensure the PowerDNS server has been set up under DNS Admin - Manage DNS Servers.

Once server setup has been verified, navigate to the Data Import Tab in the Admin section. Select the "Power DNS Zone Import" link.

To import your data, simply choose your PowerDNS server and click "Import".

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