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ProVision 6.1.1 is a minor release with improvements and bug fixes.

(Version note: 6.1.0 was an internal release only, and incorporated into 6.1.1.)Contact 6connect at to schedule a demo or get more information.

New Features

DHCP Group Management (BETA)


titleGetting Started with DHCP Groups

Step 1: Create DHCP Servers

Ensure that all necessary DHCP servers are created via the DHCP Tab Add DHCP Server button, ensuring that Connection Configuration is setAll DHCP servers listed under the DHCP tab will be available to select to attach to DHCP Groups (in the format of "ResourceID - DHCP Module"). 

Step 2: Create DHCP Groups

Select a DHCP server page with the DHCP Management Gadget from, and expand the Group Management section. Note: Any DHCP server page with the Manangement Gadget is fine to use, as the Group Management section will globally update to be the same in any DHCP Management Gadget.

A "Default Group" should be available immediately, or you can click the "Add Group" button to create a new DHCP Group. Type in the desired Group Name and select a Parent Resource for the Group, then click "Create Group". 

Your new Group will be available in the DHCP Management Gadget. To delete the DHCP Group, click the "X" next to the Group name. 

Step 3: Attach DHCP Servers to Groups

All DHCP servers listed under the ProVision DHCP Tab will be available to select and attach to the Group. They are identified by their resource ID number, so if necessary, check the server's resource ID number in the resource information Gadget.

Select the desired server from the "Attach Server" selector, then click "Attach". The server is now attached to the group and available for pushes. 

Step 4: Identify Failover Peer (Optional - ISC Bind Only)

If a DHCP failover peer is configured for the server, enter the server name and click the "Save" button. In the event that the primary server fails to push, the push will be sent to the failover peer instead. 

Step 5: Link Pools to DHCP Groups

From the Existing Pools list under the DHCP Pools section, click the Action Menu for the pool you wish to link to a DHCP Group. From there, click "Link to Group".

If multiple DHCP Groups exist, a dialog will pop up for you to select the desired Group to link the pool to. Select the DHCP Group, then click "Confirm" to add the pool to the Group. 

Step 6: Push the DHCP Group

Lastly, click the "Push" button for the DHCP Group to push the linked pool(s) for the Group to the linked DHCP Module, and then push all DHCP servers linked to the Group.

While pushing, a status box will appear to show status and any errors, if applicable.

Additional Features / Improvements

CFR - 135 Optional RIR for IPAM Gadget Smart Assign


The ProVision CPNR now has IP Reservation support in the ProVision API/CPNR Connector.

Bug Fixes/Improvements

IM - 2626: Resolved an issue where pagination would disappear in very long DNS zone lists.
