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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from this space and version 8.3.0


To access the VLAN pages, go to the IPAM Tab, and then either select VLAN from the IPAM dropdown menu, or click the VLAN sub-tab button.

ProVision's VLAN Management is located under the the IPAM Tab, and has three main VLAN sub-areas: VLAN Home, VLAN Manage, and VLAN Advanced.


VLAN Advanced shows a global view of all domains and VLANs present in ProVision, and the associated metadata. VLAN advanced is the primary area from which to manage domains (edit / delete domain), and concisely view VLAN data side-by-side. It also provides access to manage VLANs, add domains, and add vlans to a domain.


  • Supports custom domain ranges and exclusions, using ProVision's Numbering the Numbering Authority
  • Create domains and add VLANs directly from the VLAN Home page
  • Associate domains with Routers
  • Customizable VLAN Metadata Columns (IPAM Admin → VLAN Columns)
  • Action shortcut panels in VLAN Utilization and VLAN Manage - Utilization View, Quickview, Assign IP, and Edit VLAN
  • Integrates administrative functions directly into the VLAN Tab.


The VLAN Manager allows users to add domains and VLANs to their ProVision instance, and associate them with IP Blocks. Customizable VLAN columns - including up to ten user-defined metadata columns - allow you to rename column headers, set the display order, select which columns are visible, and display your own information fields. 

titlePermissions and VLAN

The Permissions structure in VLAN includes the following items of note:

The following VLAN tasks requires Admin-level permissions:

  • Adding new Numbering Authority ranges for VLAN use
  • Editing IPAM / VLAN Columns
  • Adding, editing, and removing domains
  • Adding, editing, and removing VLANs

Non-Admin users may:

  • View the VLAN Home page and utilization data, however, only resources that the user has view permissions for will display under the "Resources" and "Recent Assignments
  • Add, edit, and remove domains with appropriate IPAM CRUD permissions
  • Add, edit, and remove VLANs with appropriate IPAM CRUD permissions

VLAN Workflow:

1) Create Domain(s)

The workflow starts with creating a domain in the IPAM Tab → VLAN section of ProVision, by clicking the "Add Domain" button and entering domain information.

VLAN domains may be created as pre-set Numbering Authority ranges, or defined manually.  Two default Numbering Authority VLAN ranges are provided, one for a Cisco Standard domain, and another for a Cisco Extended domain. Admins may create new Numbering Authority ranges at any time to support other router types, range extents, or exclusions. Those ranges will then be available as options when adding a new domain from the VLAN area.  If you select to create a new domain by defining a manual range, you may enter the range extents , and any exclusions, and associate a specific router if desired

2) Add / Edit VLANs

VLANs may be added to the domain at the time the domain is created (via the "Add VLANs" input area) or added to an existing domain later via the "Add VLANs" button. You can add one VLAN, multiple VLANs, a large range of VLANs, or a mixed selection at the same time.

Once a VLAN has been added to a domain in ProVision, the VLAN may be edited to add a VLAN name or metadata information, and have IP blocks associated with it.


Once a VLAN has been added to a domain in ProVision, IP blocks may be associated with ('assigned to') that VLAN. There are multiple methods to set the VLAN for a block:


  • The VLAN sidebar contains search, filters, and right-click menu options
    • Filter the VLAN sidebar to display either "Added" VLANs, "Active" VLANs that have blocks assigned, or "Named" VLANs with user-provided names
    • Search the VLAN sidebar for a particular domain, VLAN Number, or VLAN name by typing into the search/filter field "Filter VLANs"
    • Right click to open context menus for both domains and VLANs

  • Domain Sidebar Actions
    • Click on a domain name to show/hide the VLANs contained under that domain 
    • Click "manage" next to the domain name to open VLAN Advanced for that domain
    • Right click on a domain to open options to:
      • Edit Domain- Opens VLAN Advanced → Edit Domain panel for that domain
      • Add VLAN - Opens the Add VLAN page for that domain
      • Remove Domain - Deletes the domain and all VLAN data under it

  • VLAN Sidebar Actions
    • Click on a VLAN number/name to navigate to its location( QuickNav) in the VLAN Utilization area of the page
    • Click on "open" next to a VLAN to open VLAN Manage for that VLAN
    • Right click on a VLAN to open options to:
      • QuickView - QuickNavs to the VLAN's Utilization area listing, and opens the VLAN's Quickview panel
      • Assign Blocks to VLAN - QuickNavs to the VLAN's Utilization area listing, and opens the VLAN's Assign Blocks panel
      • Edit VLAN - QuickNavs to the VLAN's Utilization area listing, and opens the VLAN's Edit VLAN panel
      • Remove VLAN - deletes the VLAN, removing the VLAN assignment from any blocks assigned to it

VLAN Utilization Area

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The VLAN Utilization area lists domains and the VLANs under those domains (both able to be expanded/collapsed), with each active VLAN (one that has assigned blocks) displaying the Utilization panel by default. 


Open VLAN Manage for the VLAN by either clicking on the VLAN Name in the header, or clicking on the gear icon and selecting "Manage VLAN" from the menu.

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View VLAN Panels

The four VLAN panels (Utilization, Quickview, Assign Block, Edit VLAN Metadata) may be open or closed by clicking on each respective icon in the header bar. Additionally, you may open any non-default panel by going to gear icon and selecting the action option from the menu. These panels are also available in VLAN Manage. 

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For detail on each panel, see the following section on this page: VLAN Manage / VLAN Utilization Action Panels


Remove (delete) the VLAN by clicking on the gear icon and selecting "Remove VLAN". This removes the VLAN from the domain, removes the VLAN association from any blocks assigned to that VLAN, and permanently deletes the VLAN's metadata. VLANs may also be deleted from the VLAN sidebar and VLAN Advanced areas.

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VLAN Manage / VLAN Utilization Action Panels


The Utilization panel displays breakdowns for all blocks assigned to the VLAN by both status (available, allocated, assigned, holding) and by resource. Recently assigned blocks are noted under the "Recent Assignments" section, and links are provided to the Resource Entry page for each resource listed. To open or close the Utilization panel, click on the "Pie" icon in the grey header bar.

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The Quickview panel provides a condensed, filterable list of all blocks assigned to that VLAN, separated into three columns - IPv4 blocks, IPv6 blocks, and grouped by resource.

To open or close the Utilization panel, click on the "Eye" icon in the grey header bar.

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While in the Quickview panel, you may easily search for a block by typing the all or part of the CIDR into the IPv4 or IPv6 Filter boxes - useful for verifying an assignment or quickly scanning ranges. 

You may also remove a block from the VLAN with a single click of the "Remove" button. 

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Assign Blocks to VLAN


Direct Assign to VLAN

To Direct Assign a specific block to the VLAN, expand the "Direct Assign to VLAN" module, then enter the CIDR to assign into the "CIDR" box, and click "Add IP Block" .

If blocks exist with the same CIDR (such as in duplicate 1918 space), you may differentiate between the two by clicking on the "Advanced Options" link and providing additional filter criteria to use to assign a specific block.

Smart Browse to VLAN

Smart Browse to VLAN is used to search for a general list of blocks available to assign to the VLAN that meets certain criteria.


Expand the "Smart Browse" module by clicking on the header bar .

Then, enter your filter criteria. At minimum, block "Type", "Size", and "RIR" must be provided; "Region" and "Tags" are optional.

If further filtering is needed, you may click on "Advanced Options" to open the "LIR", "Custom Code" (here: as "GRT"), and assigned "Resource" fields to use. 

Once you have entered your filter criteria, click on the "Smart Browse" Button to display your results. 

Assigning from Smart Browse

The Smart Browse results list will display a list of blocks that a) meet your filter criteria, and b) do not already have a VLAN assigned.

You may assign individual blocks immediately ("Add IP Block"), or select multiple blocks and delay assignment until after your final selections are complete ("Assign Selected").

Immediate Assignment:


To assign an individual block immediately from the list to the VLAN, click "Add IP Block" for the desired block.

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After clicking "Add IP Block", the block will immediately be assigned to the VLAN, and an "Assigned" status will display for the block in the Smart Browse list. 

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From here, you may assign additional blocks, clicking "Close" to exit when complete. 

If the "Assigned" status displays for all blocks you intend to assign, then you may skip clicking "Assign Selected"- as nothing else remains to assign - and instead click "Close" exit.

Delayed Assignment / Selecting Multiple Blocks:


If you wish to assign multiple blocks to the VLAN at the same time, or mark a single block to assign later while continuing to browse the list, you may select a block to mark for later assignment and then assign all selected blocks at once.

To select a single block, left click on row for the block, taking care not to accidentally click on a blue link. Note that the row will have a yellow highlight indicating it is selected:

To select additional blocks, shift-click on each row you wish to mark for assignment. You may freely scroll through the results to review your selection.

When done, click Assign Selected.  All highlighted blocks will be assigned to the VLAN at the same time, and the Smart Browse window will close. 


VLAN Advanced (Global View)

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VLAN Advanced displays a list of all domains / vlans added to ProVision. Here, you can perform domain level management tasks, view data on added VLANs, including domain, VLAN Name, applied numbering domains, associated routers, and any enabled VLAN metacolumn data.


  • Sort the list by clicking the column header(s)
  • Filter the list by clicking on the "filter >" link on the rightmost side of the grey list header, then select the filter criteria and click Apply.
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  • Search for a specific domain name, vlan name, vlan number, router, or metadata field value by typing the search term into the search box, then hit hit enter or click the Search icon.
  • Export the list to .csv by clicking "export to CSV" in the list header
  • Edit or remove a domain by clicking on the Edit Domain panel (list icon)
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  • Add domains or VLANs by clicking Add Domain or Add VLAN buttons at the top right of the page


Additionally, you may right click on any VLAN while in this view to open a VLAN action menu with the following options:

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  • Edit VLAN (opens the Edit VLAN panel for that VLAN)
  • Edit domain (opens the Edit Domain panel for the VLAN's domain)
  • Manage VLAN (links to the VLAN Manage page for the VLAN)
  • Remove VLAN
  • Remove domain


This allows users to document additional information for the VLAN, such as POC / Contacts, Linked Resources, Notes, and create or edit Custom Resource Fields. The Resource Assignment Gadget displays all IP blocks associated with a VLAN. SystemVLAN sections may not be edited.
