Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Step 2: Open a Template Grid from an existing Section

Under the "Data" menu, select "Create Sheet from Section".

The Resource Browser will pop up, showing the list of Sections currently available in Provision. Clicking on the "Details" button will show the fields for that Section.

Verify that the Section and available fields match the type of data you are trying to import. In this case, the Section "Contact" has the fields that correlate to our spreadsheet data. 

Select "Create Grid" to create a grid based off this Section.

When the Section Grid has been created, required fields will show in blue font with (required) after the header, in this case, "Name" is a required field. The "Custom ID" field is metadata allowing for a unique ID to be associated with each entry, but is not necessary for a successful import. The remainder of the headers directly match the Section's fields. 

Step 3: Reorder .csv columns to match the Section Grid column order

One of the most important steps is to reorder the columns from the .csv data to match the order of the Section Grid - think of the importer as copying and pasting the csv data into the "Contact" Section grid, we want to ensure that the data is under the correct headers! There are a couple of methods you can use to reorder columns in the Resource Importer: