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Debian 7/ Debian 8 

Before You Begin

Ensure that System Requirements have been met prior to proceeding with the Installation Guide.

Install Requirements

1) Upgrade your current packages

Upgrade your current packages.


   apt-get update
   apt-get upgrade

2) Install Required Packages


This step is only applicable to Debian 7 users. If you are using Debian 8, please skip to the next step.

Installations of ProVision 7.x and newer require  PHP 7.0 (and related extensions). ProVision 7.x installations using Debian versions prior to Stretch 9 require updating to PHP 7.0. Debian Wheezy comes with PHP 5.4 by default. You can either add a repository which provides PHP 7.0 or install PHP manually. In this example, we are going to use 3rd party repository that also upgrades the Apache to 2.4 as well as some other packages.


Edit sources.list:
(shown using the vi editor, though you may use the editor of your choice)


  vi /etc/apt/sources.list

Add the following lines to sources.list:


  deb wheezy-php70 all
  deb-src wheezy-php70 all
Install the GPG key:


  apt-key add dotdeb.gpg
And update the packages list:


   apt-get update
Install Apache2/PHP7/MySQL and development tools for pecl:


PHP 7.0 / Apache2 / extensions

  • httpd 
  • php70w 
  • php70w-opcache 
  • php70w-mysqlnd 
  • php70w-pdo 
  • php70w-ldap 
  • php70w-pecl-memcache 
  • php70w-bcmath 
  • php70w-devel 
  • php70w-pear 
  • php70w-cli

Development tools for pecl / additional system packages:

  • curl 
  • openssl 
  • memcached 
  • mod_ssl
   apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-php7 php7 php7-cgi php7-cli php7-gd php7-curl php7-ldap php7-mysqlnd php7-ssh2 php-pear php7-dev curl openssl memcached php7-memcache
 While installing you will be asked to set the MySQL root password.


Install MySQL 5.7 to use a local database.


apt-get install mysql-server
You will be asked to enter a root password for the mysql server.

DNS and Additional Utilities

Install the DNS and other utilities:
  • curl 
  • openssl 
  • memcached 
  • php7-memcache 
  • nmap 
  • dnsutils 
  • bind9utils 
  • dnssec-tools 
  • expect


apt-get install curl openssl memcached php7-memcache nmap dnsutils bind9utils dnssec-tools expect

3) Configuring the requirements:


Enable the necessary apache modules with the following command:


a2enmod php7 ssl rewrite
In order to create self signed certificates and to work properly, the hostname must be resolved properly. 
    Open the hosts file for editing: 


    vi /etc/hosts
    Add a record for your hostname


    yourhostname X.X.X.X
Create self signed certificate:


    make-ssl-cert generate-default-snakeoil --force-overwrite


mod rewrite REQUIRED

Please note that mod_rewrite is required! If it is not enabled in Apache, key elements will not work as expected.

Enable the default vhost for apache


    a2ensite default-ssl
Allow overwrites in the apache vhosts


    sed -i 's/AllowOverride None/AllowOverride All/g' /etc/apache2/sites-available/default* 
6. Reload apache


    service apache2 reload


MySQL Configuration:


Then, enter the MySQL root password when prompted.


4) Optional configurations:


Radius (Optional)

This section only needs to be followed if the customer will be using Radius for authentication.

1. Install radius module:
Debian 7:


Debian 7:
    pecl install radius
Debian 8:


Debian 8:
    apt-get install php7-radius
Create module loading configuration:
(shown using the vi editor, though you may use the editor of your choice)


    vi /etc/php5/mods-available/radius.ini
  Add the following lines to radius.ini:


    ; configuration for php radius module
    ; priority=20
  To enable the radius module, type the following command:


    php7enmod radius

5) Install 6connect ProVision Software:

1. Remove the current contents in the ProVision web folder (currently the www root) and after extract the archive contents (where 7.x.x is the version number for the build):

 	tar -xf productionBuild-7.x.x-php7.0.tar -C /var/www/

2. Change the permissions to be the web user permissions



chown -R www-data.www-data /var/www

3. Go to http://﹤web root﹥/install/configTest.php.  Follow the provided instructions, correcting any configuration errors if they occur. Once all steps are completed, you are ready to use your ProVision instance!


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