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DHCP Pool Management

DHCP Pool specific tasks are managed from two main areas in ProVision - the DHCP Pools list, and the Pool Details page. 

The DHCP Pools List is accessed from the DHCP tab, then clicking on the DHCP Pools subtab button. 

Clicking on the Pool name from any DHCP Pool List will open the Pool Details page for the specific pool.

DHCP Pools List

The DHCP Pools list provides the same pool-level functionality as the DHCP Groups pool lists, but includes all pools regardless of Group attachment.

From this page, you may create, view, edit, and push subnet or host pools. 

Clicking on the pool name will open the Pool Details page, and clicking on the Subnet will open IPAM Mange for the assigned pool block.

Add a DHCP Pool

Add a new DHCP Pool from the Pool List by clicking the "Add Pool" button at the top of the page.

When the "Create New Pool" dialog appears, you may choose to create either a Subnet or Host Pool. Either pool type may have a block smart assigned or manually direct assigned.

Create Subnet Pool

To add a new subnet pool to a DHCP Group, select "Subnet" as the Pool Type. Select the parent resource and type in a Subnet Name. 

Next, choose an assignment type - you may either have ProVision smart assign a block for the pool that matches your provided criteria, or directly assign a specific block. 

Smart Assign

To Smart Assign a DHCP pool, select "Smart" for the Assignment type, choose IPv4 or IPv6 for the IP type, then select a netmask. 

All other fields are optional - Resource, Region, IPAM Rules, and VLAN may be selected to further narrow the block criteria. If desired, toggle "Assign Default Gateway" on.

When done, click "Save Changes". ProVision will choose the first block matching all criteria to assign to the pool. 

If no block matches the given criteria, a message will state so. Try either removing some criteria, or ensure that blocks exist in IPAM (with subassignments enabled!) with the given attributes. 

Direct Assign

To Direct Assign a DHCP pool, select "Direct" for the Assignment type, choose IPv4 or IPv6 for the IP type, then type in the desired IP Address. 

All other fields are optional - Resource, Region, IPAM Rules, and VLAN may be selected to further narrow the block criteria, if duplicate blocks exist. If desired, toggle "Assign Default Gateway" on.

When done, click "Save Changes". If the typed block exists in ProVision with subassignments enabled, and meets any additional criteria, that block will be assigned to the pool.

Create a Host Pool

To add a new host pool to a DHCP Group, select "Host" as the Pool Type. Select the parent resource,  and add a Hostname and MAC Address.  

Next, choose an assignment type - you may either have ProVision smart assign a block for the pool that matches your provided criteria, or directly assign a specific block. 

Smart Assign

To Smart Assign a DHCP pool, select "Smart" for the Assignment type and choose IPv4 or IPv6 for the IP type.

All other fields are optional - Resource, Region, IPAM Rules, and VLAN may be selected to further narrow the block criteria.

When done, click "Save Changes". ProVision will choose the first block matching all criteria to assign to the pool. 

If no block matches the given criteria, a message will state so. Try either removing some criteria, or ensure that blocks exist in IPAM (with subassignments enabled!) with the given attributes. 

Direct Assign

To Direct Assign a DHCP pool, select "Direct" for the Assignment type, choose IPv4 or IPv6 for the IP type, then type in the desired IP Address. 

All other fields are optional - Resource, Region, IPAM Rules, and VLAN may be selected to further narrow the block criteria, if duplicate blocks exist.

When done, click "Save Changes". If the typed block exists in ProVision with subassignments enabled, and meets any additional criteria, that block will be assigned to the pool.

Edit / Manage a Pool (Pool Details page)

Additional Pool Management options are available from the Pool Details page.  Pools may be edited by clicking on the Pool name in any DHCP Pools list in which it appears.

From this page, users may edit assignment, range, settings, reservations, or servers for the pool. 

Add  / Edit a comment: 

To add a comment to a pool, click anywhere inside the comment area and begin typing. The comment will be saved when an area outside of the comment box is clicked, deselecting the comment area.

Edit Pool Range

The pool range may be manually edited by typing the desired range start and end values into the "Range" section, then click the "Save" button.

Edit IP Assignment

To change the current IP assignment for the pool, click the "Change" button next to "IP Assignment". 

In the "New IP Block" dialog, select the Assignment Type, IP Type, and Netmask. Optional fields include Resource, Region, IPAM Rule, and VLAN as filtering criteria if desired. 

When complete, click "Save changes". 

If no block meets the selected criteria, an error message will appear - try removing filter criteria, or verify that subassignable blocks meeting the criteria have been created in IPAM. 

If successful, the IP assignment will change to a block meeting the provided attributes. 

Add / Remove a Pool Reservation

Add a new pool reservation by entering the Name, IP, and MAC Address into the fields under "Pool Reservations", and click the "Add" Button. 

Once created, a reservation may be removed by clicking the "Delete" button next to it.

Edit Advanced Settings:

Open the zone "Advanced Settings" section by clicking on the header or the expansion arrow (>). Edit fields as needed, and click "Save" when complete. 

Attach Group / Server to a Pool

Servers may be attached to a pool either from a DHCP Group association, or directly from the Pool Details Page. 

Attach the pool to a DHCP Group by clicking in the DHCP Group search box, selecting a Group, then clicking "Save" next to "Attach to Groups". The pool will inherit the DHCP server associated with that group. 

To directly attach a DHCP server to a pool, select the server from the "Attach server" dropdown, then click the "Attach" button. 

Detach Server from a Pool

To detach a server from a pool, look for the server under the "Attached Servers" list, then click "Detach" under actions for that server.

 To detach a server inherited from a Group, the pool must be removed from the group. To do that, click the "x" next to the group name in the "Attach to Groups" box, then click "Save". 

Pushing DHCP Pools

Pools may be pushed manually ("Push", "Push Pool Now"), as a scheduled future push ("Schedule Push"), or pushed as part of a DHCP Group or DHCP Server Push. 

Before pushing a pool for the first time, view the "Attached Servers" section in the Pool Details page and verify that the correct server is attached to the DHCP Pool, either directly or via a DHCP Group. 

Manual Pool Push (DHCP Pools List)

Pools may be manually pushed by clicking the "Push" button for the pool from any DHCP Pools list. 

The "DHCP Push Status" modal will appear, showing status and any errors that occur.

When a successful push is complete, a green "Finished DHCP Pushing Request" message will appear, and the window may be closed. 

Manual Pool Push (Pool Details page): 

The Pool Details page, accessed from clicking on the zone name in the Group zone list, includes a "Push Pool Now" button that immediately attempts to push the pool to the attached server(s). 

Click on "Push Pool Now", and the "DHCP Push Status" modal will appear, showing status and any errors that occur.

When a successful push is complete, a green "Finished DHCP Pushing Request" message will appear, and the window may be closed. 

Schedule Push (from Pool Details page): 

The Pool Details page includes an option to schedule a push, similar to scheduling a Group push. 

Click "Schedule Push" for the pool, then select a date, time (12 hour, with AM / PM toggle), add a notification email address, and click "Save changes". 


The Scheduled task will be shown in both the Pool Details page (under "Scheduled Tasks") and the Admin Scheduler task list.

The task may be deleted prior to running by clicking the "delete" button, but will automatically be removed once completed.

Schedule Push (Admin Scheduler): 

Pools may also be pushed via scheduled DHCP Group or DHCP Server pushes. Server pushes may be set up by Admin users from either the DHCP Servers section, or the  Scheduler tab.

For more information, see the Working with DHCP Servers or Scheduler Tab documentation.

DHCP Group Push: 

All pools contained in a DHCP Group may be pushed at the same time, by pushing the DHCP Group. 

For information on working with DHCP Groups, including performing a manual or scheduled Group push, see Working with DHCP Groups - Pushing a Group. 

DHCP Server Push:

Admin users may push all pools on a DHCP server from the DHCP Tab -> DHCP Servers page.

For information on working with DHCP Servers, including performing a manual or scheduled server push, see Working with DHCP Servers - Pushing a Server. 

Delete a Pool

Users with delete permissions over the pool may delete it by clicking the "Delete" button under "Actions" from any DHCP Pool List. 

Addiitonal Information:

For more information on working with DNS Zones, Groups, and Servers, see the following sections:


Working with DNS Groups

Editing DNS Zones (The View Zone Page)

DNS Administration

Import DNS Zones

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