ACP Quick Start

This section provides a high-level overview to familiarize you with the basics of ACP - an overview of navigating through ACP, available options, and quick-start tutorials to get you going on your first ACP Workflow.

Quick Start Pages by Function

Reference & Preparation

Before you Begin - Provides a list of items to consider when first using ACP, as well as reference links for supported connector services and their API documentation. 

Page Overviews

UI Overview - Provides a high-level overview of all major pages in ACP, navigation, and basic tasks.


Quick-Start Tutorial 1 - A step-by-step basic introduction to creating a workflow with a single step.

This tutorial covers: 

Quick-Start Tutorial 2 - A step-by-step intermediate introduction to creating workflow with advanced options and conditions. Tutorial 2 is a continuation of Tutorial 1.

This tutorial covers: 

If you are already familiar with the basics of ACP, you may want to review the ACP User Guide instead.