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ProVision 6.0 is a major release with new features.


Contact 6connect at info@6connect.com to schedule a demo or get more information.

New Features

(CFR denotes customer requested)



IM -2552: Updated and replaced the DNS Admin and DNS Tabs with DNSv3 - featuring a more efficient backend, new user interface, and a DNS "Group" system.

Peering "View By Peer" tab

IM-1551: Added "View by Exchange" and "View by Peer" options for the Peering Tab.
"View by Peer" allows you to select a peer, and view Peering DB information and all ProVision sessions for that Peer.
"View by Exchange" returns you to the standard Peering Tab view, with Peer sessions organized under each exchange.


To see "View by Peer", navigate to the ProVision Peering Tab. At the top left of the page, click the "View by Peer" button.

On the "View by Peer" page, click on a Peer from the list on the left. You may also filter the list by typing a few characters from the Peer name into the filter box.

Once a Peer is selected, View information and sessions for that peer by clicking on the "Info" and "Sessions" tabs at the top of the center information panel.

When done, return to the main Peering Tab by clicking on the "View by Exchange" toggle at the top of the page.


Additional Features / Improvements

New DNS Import Options

Provision DNSv3 supports the addition of four new DNS Zone Import options to the Admin Data Import Tab:

CPNR Updates:

CPNR Updates include:


DNS APIv1 Updates

To support the release of DNSv3, the following updates have been made to DNS APIv1 endpoints:

IPAM APIv1 Updates:

Get:The following updates have been made to IPAM APIv1 "get" endpoint. Valid tagsMode options are now "strict", "exclude", "intersection", and "union". See API Module - IPAM for additional details.

smartAssign: if the phrase "assignedResourceId=ignore" is supplied, then a matching IP block is selected from the Available pool or any sub-assignable block on any resource.


DNS Gadget Updates:

The DNS Gadget has been simplified to support DNSv3 changes.


Bug Fixes/Improvements

IM-2472: Resolved an API issue where a parent block could be direct assigned if specified by ID.

IM - 2487: Resolved an issue that occurred when a non-address string was provided for a Region's Address field. Non-address addresses will now default to global zero positioning on the IPAM Map.

IM - 2486: IPAM APIv1, the parameter tags_mode="strict" has been updated return only blocks with no tags, if no tags are specified in the call.