<div id="google_translate_element"></div>
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function googleTranslateElementInit() {
  new google.translate.TranslateElement({pageLanguage: 'en'}, 'google_translate_element');
<script type="text/javascript" src="//translate.google.com/translate_a/element.js?cb=googleTranslateElementInit"></script>

ProVision 5.2.0 is a major release with new features.

Please note that ProVision version 5.2.0 will require php version 5.6.

Contact 6connect at info@6connect.com to schedule a demo or get more information.

New Features

(CFR denotes customer requested)

Portable Gadgets

IM - 2165: Portable Gadgets are drop-in code snippets that use the ProVision API to bring in data to other systems or web pages. 

Currently, three Gadgets are available: Global Search, IPAM Search, and DHCP Search. Each Gadget comes with various options for display style, number of records return, or behavior. Additional client-side style customizations may be made to further integrate the gadget with company styles. 

For more information, see Portable Gadgets and Getting Started With Portable Gadgets.


LDAP/AD integration – option for Native Groups

IM - 2163: LDAP Authentication now has an option for native groups that does not require the 6connect schema. 

How to use native groups: 

From the Admin Preferences page of ProVision, under Authentication Options, find the "LDAP Group Attribute" field. Enter the attribute name for your LDAP server's internal list of user groups (for example, "memberOf"). If this Group Attribute has been set, it will be used first for authentication, otherwise the 6connect schema will be used. 

After setting up the Group Attribute, the authentication settings can be tested for a user via the Remote Authentication Tester on the Admin Preferences page. 

Remote Authentication Tester

Authentication settings can now be checked for a user with the Remote Authentication Tester.  

Select the Login Method (Radius or LDAP), enter the Username and Password for the user, and then click "Test Login". 

Additional Features 

DHCP Server Monitoring and Pool Utilization

IM - 2164: A DHCP Scan Server function is now available in the DHCP Management Gadget. 

Scan Server provides a "Scan Now" button, which scans the DHCP server and returns found IPs under DHCP Pools. 

The returned IPs are divided by Pools and IPv4/IPv6. Returned fields include MAC address, IP address, and name. The percentage utilization of IP space out of the available DHCP Pool space is also included at the top of the list. 

DHCP Current Pushed Configuration display / Improved error handling

CFR/IM - 2248: Improved DHCP error handling for cases of server misconfigurations. 

Also added a display under the DHCP Management Gadget to view the last successfully pushed configuration. It does not reflect unpushed changes or failed pushes.

To view the configuration text, navigate to the DHCP Management Gadget for the desired DHCP server, then click on "Current Pushed Configuration". For additional details on the DHCP Gadget and Pushing, see our DHCP Documention.

Resource Query performance and security enhancements

IM - 2166: Resource Query has undergone various performance and security enhancements. 

Direct Assign and Smart Assign enhancements

 IM - 2160: Direct Assign and Smart Assign are now transaction-safe atomic operations, improving scalability of calls.

Revamped installer/upgrader

IM - 2167: install/configTest.php has been updated to provided a smoother install or upgrade experience. The installer now provides clear step-by-step checks for required dependencies and settings. At each step, all items marked in red must be corrected before proceeding to the next. If you have any questions or require assistance correcting a mis-configuration, please contact support@6connect.com.

URL Custom Field Type

CFR / IM - 2133: A URL custom field type has been added to the available fields when creating a Section. The URL field checks if the field value contains "https://www.", and if not, adds it as a prefix to the field value, providing a clickable link on the Resource's Entry page. 

To add the URL field to a Section, edit the desired Section, then drag and drop the URL field type into the Section's field list and save your changes.

Edit the Entry page for the desired Resource (that is associated with the previously edited Section), and populate the URL field with desired address. 

Note: The URL field will automatically prefix the value with "https://www." if it is not already included in the address. However, be sure to include the Top Level Domain. 

After the field is filled out, click "Save". 

The URL field will be then accessible as a clickable link that opens in a new tab. 

Bug Fixes/Improvements

IM - 1782: IPAM, DNS, and VLAN Tags now consider spaces and letter case to prevent duplicate entries. 

IM - 2061: Resolved duplication of Resource IDs in IPAM / VLAN Manage that occurred when the "Assigned" header was clicked.

IM - 2113-2115: Improved handling of limited permissions for adding DHCP servers. 

IM - 2138: Resolved a hover issue when viewing the VLAN Tags chart in Firefox.

IM - 2142: The "Templates" link in the IPAM / VLAN manage action menu is once again functional.

IM - 2154: In the Dashboard Activity Chart Widget, clicking on DNS activity now shows detail text.

IM - 2156: Single-block IPAM Updates made through the API now respect the tags_action parameter.

IM - 2157: Resolved an issue where deleting an IP aggregate could result in orphan DHCP pools under that aggregate. 

IM - 2158: Updated IPAM API parameter "isAggregate" to filter correctly when set to false. 

IM - 2168: Revised the "Contact Us" Widget to have "feeback@6connect.com" as the default feedback address. 

IM - 2173: The "Comment" section for local contacts no longer duplicates upon editing. 

IM - 2176: Resolved an issue that would prevent some one-time scheduler tasks from running.

IM - 2183: IPAM Manage "Generic Code" filter header now updates with user provided value.

IM - 2184: Resolved issue where "LIR" and "Region" were not able to be de-selected when editing an IPAM block.

IM - 2187: Updated IPAM error message "(Block) is already assigned to (Resource)" to include both resource name and number.

IM - 2198: Resolved issue on a resource's Entry page where an extremely long breadcrumb would expand outside its boundary. 

IM - 2200: Fixed an issue where unassigning a child block with skip hold could cause the parent block's sibling to lose assignment.

IM - 2201: Revised the DNS Gadget - Zone Delegation  "Delete" icon.

IM - 2204: When "Merge after Unassign" is enabled in IPAM Configuration, sibling blocks will no longer merge if one block is in the holding tank.

IM - 2205: When "Merge after Unassign" is enabled in IPAM Configuration, blocks will now automatically refresh after merging occurs. 

IM - 2206: Resolved an error that prevented the region from display for newly created top-level aggregates. 

IM - 2209: VLAN Chart mouseover functions once again work in Firefox.

IM - 2210: Updated the resource selector in Edit Groups to be a searchable list.

IM - 2218: Smart Browse is now smarter in assigning blocks when duplicate 1918 aggregates exist. 

IM - 2221: Removed the radio toggle for text / html email options under Peering - Email Tech /NOC / Policy Action Menu items. 

IM - 2225: The IPAM Filter Aggregate List box will now be hidden if no aggregates are viewable.

IM - 2227: Cleaned up error messages when adding a user.

IM - 2231: Fixed an issue that would prevent updates to IPAM blocks propagating to children if tags were included.

IM - 2232: Resolved error in IPAM Manage that would temporarily hide the VLAN information when selecting "Unassign / Skip Hold" on a block. 

IM - 2233: Improved IPAM Tab loading time.